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Jiwen He 11 Geometric Series and Variations - UH Lecture 2711.7 Power Series 11.8 Differentiation and

Integration of Power Series

Jiwen He

1 Power Series

1.1 Geometric Series and Variations

Geometric Series

Geometric Series:?∞

k=0xk k=0x k= 1 +x+x2+x3+···? ?11-x,if|x|<1, diverges, if|x| ≥1.

Power Series

Define a functionfon the interval (-1,1)

f(x) =∞? k=0x k= 1 +x+x2+x3+···=11-xfor|x|<1

As the Limit

fcan be viewed as the limit of a sequence of polynomials: f(x) = limn→∞pn(x), wherepn(x) = 1 +x+x2+x3+···+xn.

Variations on the Geometric Series (I)

Closed formsfor many power series can be found by relating the series to the geometric seriesExamples1.f(x) =∞? k=0(-1)kxk= 1-x+x2-x3+··· k=0(-x)k=11-(-x)=11 +x,for|x|<1. f(x) =∞? k=02 kxk+2=x2+ 2x3+ 4x4+ 8x5+··· =x2∞? k=0(2x)k=x21-2xfor|2x|<1.1

Variations on the Geometric Series (II)

Closed formsfor many power series can be found by relating the series to the geometric seriesExamples2.f(x) =∞? k=0(-1)kx2k= 1-x2+x4-x6+··· k=0(-x2)k=11-(-x2)=11 +x2,for|x|<1. f(x) =∞? k=0x 2k+13 k=x+13 x3+19 x5+127 x7+··· =x∞? k=0? x23 k =x1-(x2/3)=3x3-x2for|x2/3|<1.

1.2 Radius of Convergence

Radius of Convergence

There are exactly three possibilities for a power series: ?akxk.Radius of Convergence: Ratio Test (I) The radius of convergence of a power series can usually be found by applying the ratio test. In some cases the root test is easier.2

Example3.f(x) =∞?


2xk=x+ 4x2+ 9x3+···

Ratio Test :

????a k+1a k? ???=????(k+ 1)2xk+1k 2xk? (k+ 1)2k

2|x| → |x|ask→ ∞

Thus the series converges absolutely when|x|<1 and diverges when|x|>1.

Radius of Convergence: Ratio Test (II)

The radius of convergence of a power series can usually be found by applying the ratio test. In some cases the root test is easier.Example4.f(x) =∞? k=1(-1)kk!xk= 1-x+12 x2-16 x3+···=e-x

Ratio Test :

????a k+1a k? ???=????xk+1/(k+ 1)!x k/k!? k!(k+ 1)!? ???xk+1x k? ???=1k+ 1|x| →0<1 for allx

Thus the series converges absolutely for allx.

Radius of Convergence: Ratio Test (III)

The radius of convergence of a power series can usually be found by applying the ratio test. In some cases the root test is easier.Example5.f(x) =∞? k=1? k+ 1k k2 x k= 2x+ (3/2)4x2+ (4/3)9x3+···

Ratio Test :(|ak|)1k

?k+ 1k k2 |x|k? 1k =?k+ 1k k |x| 1 +1k k |x| →e|x|<1 if|x|<1/e Thus the series converges absolutely when|x|<1/eand diverges when|x|> 1/e.3

Interval of Convergence

For a series with radius of convergencer, the interval of convergence can be

[-r,r], (-r,r], [-r,r), or (-r,r).Example6.In general,the behavior of a power series at-rand atris not

predictable. For example, the series ?xk,?(-1)kk xk,?1k xk,?1k 2xk all have radius of convergence 1, but the first series converges only on (-1,1), the second converges on (-1,1], but the third converges on [-1,1), the fourth on [-1,1].

Interval of ConvergenceExample7.f(x) =∞?

k=1(-1)k-1k xk

Ratio Test :

????a k+1a k? ???=????xk+1/(k+ 1)x k/k? ???=kk+ 1|x| → |x| Thus the series converges absolutely when|x|<1 and diverges when|x|>1.

So the radius of convergence is 1

x=-1 :∞? k=1(-1)k-1k (-1)k=∞? k=1-1k diverges x= 1 :∞? k=1(-1)k-1k (1)k=∞? k=1(-1)k-1k converges conditionally

The interval of convergence is (-1,1].

2 Differentiation and Integration

2.1 Differentiation and Integration

Differentiation and IntegrationTheorem

Letf(x) =?akxkbe a power series with a nonzero radius of convergencer. Then f ?(x) =?a kkxk-1for|x|< r? f(x)dx=?akk+ 1xk+1+Cfor|x|< r4

Geometric series:


k=0x kfor|x|<1



k=0kx k-1∞? k=0(k+ 1)xkfor|x|<1

Integration:-ln(1-x) =∞?

k=01k+ 1xk+1=∞? k=11k xkfor|x|<1

2.2 Examples

Power Series Expansion ofln(1 +x)

Note: ddx ln(1 +x) =11 +x=∞? k=0(-1)kxkfor|x|<1

Integration: ln(1 +x) =∞?

k=0(-1)kk+ 1xk+1(+C= 0) k=1(-1)kk xk=x-12 x2+13 x3-14 x4+···

The interval of convergence is (-1,1]. Atx= 1,

ln2 = k=1(-1)kk = 1-12 +13 -14

Power Series Expansion oftan-1x

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