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Singing in Darija

A study of the Maghreb-Mashreq language

ideology in Arab pop culture

Hanan El-Boukri


30 credits

Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages


[Spring, 2018] 2

Singing in Darija

A study of the Maghreb-Mashreq language ideology in Arab pop culture 3

© Hanan El-Boukri


Singing in Darija

Hanan El-Boukri


Trykk: Reprosentralen, Universitetet i Oslo



The mainstream Arabic pop music is in constant development where new trends replace the old, making room for music from countries like Morocco to participate in this genre together with music from Egypt, the Levant and the Gulf. There has been a rise in the popularity of the Moroccan song in the Arab world, alongside the usage of social media and the internet in the Arab region. The concern of this study is the linguistic and ideological effects this may have on the prestige of the Moroccan dialect, as presented in on the Maghreb-Mashreq language ideology. The Maghreb-Mashreq language ideology is about the esent it less or not at all. The pan-Arab music industry gives room for dialects to spread to other Arab countries. By examining four aspects: the popularity of the Moroccan song, the language use in the songs, face-to face encounters between Moroccan famous personalities speaking in Moroccan Arabic and Arab media, and non-Moroccan artists singing in the Moroccan variety, the research manages to say if there is a change in Moroccan darija world or if it has remained as how it has been described in the Maghreb-Mashreq dialect hierarchyThis will hopefully provide a more profound understanding of the Moroccan dialects status and prestige in the Arab world. 5


First, I would like to thank my supervisor Jacob Høigilt. Thank you so much for giving me valuable advice and always lifting me up. Your firm belief in my research and in me have given me the strength I needed to complete this research. These few words really do not do you justice in comparison to all the support I received from you. I could not have wished for a better and more capable supervisor. Your good character and immense knowledge have not only made this journey easier, but it has also made an important impact on me as a human. I would also like to thank Berit Thorbjørnsrud for her guidance and comforting words. Thank you for being so true and honest with us students. Your seminars have been very valuable for me. I am very thankful for getting the opportunity to get to know and be a student of all my excellent Professors at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages at the University of Oslo. In one way or another, all of you have given me something that have contributed to this research becoming what it is today. I also want to thank Atiqa Hachimi for sending me her works on language ideology in the Arab world. Your work in this field has been the main inspiration for this research. I am deeply thankful for all the people I interviewed, your time and knowledge are highly appreciated. I would also want to give a special thanks to my family in Morocco who went far and beyond trying to make my stay ޏƯƯޏ
