[PDF] Richard Wright’s Haiku Japanese Poetics and Classical

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John Zheng


ArounT Wwo yearV before UiV TeaWUH RicUarT PrigUWH one of WUe moVW well-known African- American wriWerV in WUe WwenWieWU-cenWuryH became faVcinaWeT wiWU Uaiku WUrougU UiV four WUouVanT UaikuH of wUicU 817 were collecWeT in Haiku: This Other World, publiVUeT poVWUumouVly in 1998. TUiV collecWion iV ToubWleVVly a VignificanW aTTiWion Wo WUe PrigUW SWuTieV. TUougU impreVVeT wiWU Uaiku wriWingH PrigUW UaT Wo Wake up aTTiWional work Wo meeW UiV expenVeV afWer WUe Vummer of 1959H VWruggle againVW conVWanW bouWV of amebic TyVenWeryH anT live alone afWer UiV wife anT TaugUWerV lefW for %ULPMLQB +H QHYHU JMYH XS RULPLQJ OMLNX ³NRUQ RI M WRUPHQWHGVRXOFRQIURQWHGZLWKKDUGVKLSquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6