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2017-12-05TUITION FEES - FALL 2017 AND WINTER 2018



Tuition Fees

Quebec students239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$ 1 195.50$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec740.28$ 1 480.56$ 2 220.84$ 2 961.12$ 3 701.40$

French students239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$ 1 195.50$

International students1 637.34$ 3 274.68$ 4 912.02$ 6 549.36$ 8 186.70$ Other fees

Copyrights4.29$ 8.58$ 12.87$ 17.16$ 21.45$

General fees42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$

HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation3.00$ 6.00$ 9.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$

Insurance student association0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$

Revue Gestion2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

Student association25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$

Student services39.63$ 79.26$ 118.89$ 158.52$ 198.15$

Supervision and promotion21.81$ 43.62$ 65.43$

87.24$ 109.05$

Technology fees57.87$ 115.74$ 173.61$ 231.48$ 289.35$

(Subtotal)196.54$ 323.14$ 449.74$ 574.34$ 697.94$ Total

Quebec students435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$ 1 893.44$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec936.82

1 803.70$ 2 670.58$ 3 535.46$ 4 399.34$

French students435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$ 1 893.44$

International students1 833.88$ 3 597.82$ 5 361.76$ 7 123.70$ 8 884.64$ These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)

and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)

Theses fees are subject to change without notice.

2017-12-05TUITION FEES - FALL 2017 AND WINTER 2018


Complete program


Tuition Fees

Quebec students79.70$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 1 354.90$ 1 275.20$ 1 673.70$ 4 303.80$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec246.76$ 1 480.56$ 2 220.84$ 4 194.92$ 3 948.16$ 5 181.96$ 13 325.04$

French students79.70$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 1 354.90$ 1 275.20$ 1 673.70$ 4 303.80$

International students545.78$ 3 274.68$ 4 912.02$ 9 278.26$ 8 732.48$ 11 461.38$ 29 472.12$ Other fees

Copyrights2.53$ 15.18$ 22.77$ 43.01$ 40.48$ 53.13$ 136.62$

General fees42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 126.57$

HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation1.00$ 6.00$ 9.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$ 10.00$ 30.00$

Insurance student association0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$


Revue Gestion2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 6.00$

Student association2.00$ 12.00$ 18.00$ 34.00$ 32.00$ 42.00$ 108.00$

Student services17.46$ 104.76$ 157.14$ 296.82$ 279.36$ 366.66$ 942.84$

Supervision and promotion23.65$ 141.90$ 212.85$ 402.05$ 378.40$ 496.65$ 1 277.10$

Technology fees19.29$ 115.74$ 173.61$ 327.93$ 308.64$ 405.09$ 1 041.66$

(Subtotal)110.87$ 440.52$ 638.31$ 1 158.75$ 1 093.82$ 1 418.47$ 3 671.04$ Total

Quebec students190.57$ 918.72$ 1 355.61$ 2 513.65$ 2 369.02$ 3 092.17$ 7 974.84$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec357.63$ 1 921.08$ 2 859.15$ 5 353.67$ 5 041.98$ 6 600.43$ 16 996.08$

French students190.57$ 918.72$ 1 355.61$ 2 513.65$ 2 369.02$ 3 092.17$ 7 974.84$

International students656.65$ 3 715.20$ 5 550.33$ 10 437.01$ 9 826.30$ 12 879.85$ 33 143.16$ These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)

and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)

Theses fees are subject to change without notice.

2017-12-05TUITION FEES - FALL 2017 AND WINTER 2018



Tuition Fees

Quebec students896.63$ 530.67$ 3 586.50$ 79.70$ 239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec2 776.05$ 530.67$ 11 104.20$ 246.76$ 740.28$ 1 480.56$ 2 220.84$ 2 961.12$

French students896.63$ 530.67$ 3 586.50$ 79.70$ 239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$

International students6 140.03$ 705.67$ 24 560.10$ 545.78$ 1 637.34$ 3 274.68$ 4 912.02$ 6 549.36$ Other fees

Copyrights7.54$ -$ 30.16$ 1.43$ 4.29$ 8.58$ 12.87$ 17.16$

General fees42.19$ 42.19$ 168.76$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$

HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation10.00$ 10.00$ 40.00$ 1.00$ 3.00$ 6.00$ 9.00$ 10.00$

Insurance student association0.75$ 0.75$ 2.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$

Revue Gestion2.00$ 2.00$ 6.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

Student association25.00$ 25.00$ 100.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$

Student services158.29$ 158.29$ 553.89$ 13.21$ 39.63$ 79.26$ 118.89$ 158.52$

Supervision and promotion54.51$ 54.51$ 218.04$ 7.27$ 21.81$ 43.62$ 65.43$ 87.24$

Technology fees144.64$ 144.64$ 578.56$ 19.29$ 57.87$ 115.74$ 173.61$ 231.48$

(Subtotal)444.92$ 437.38

1 698.16$ 112.14$ 196.54$ 323.14$ 449.74$ 574.34$


Quebec students1 341.55$ 968.05$ 5 284.66$ 191.84$ 435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec3 220.97$ 968.05$ 12 802.36$ 358.90$ 936.82$ 1 803.70$ 2 670.58$ 3 535.46$

French students1 341.55$ 968.05$ 5 284.66$ 191.84$ 435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$

International students6 584.95$ 1 143.05$ 26 258.26$ 657.92$ 1 833.88$ 3 597.82$ 5 361.76$ 7 123.70$ These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)

and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)

Theses fees are subject to change without notice.

For each of

the f irst

4 semesters

All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree (preparatory, propaedeutic, non-program) are extra, payable per credit. * In summer, the fees quoted in subsequent semesters reflect summer semester fees.

T hesis str eam

(Preparatory and propaedeutic courses)Preparatory Phase

Full-time 4 semesters

(including one in summer)

For each of

the subsequent semesters *

2017-12-05TUITION FEES - FALL 2017 AND WINTER 2018



Tuition Fees

Quebec students239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$ 3 586.50$ 79.70$ 239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30


Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec740.28$ 1 480.56$ 2 220.84$ 2 961.12$ 11 104.20$ 246.76$ 740.28$ 1 480.56$ 2 220.84$ 2 961.12$

French students239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$ 3 586.50$ 79.70$ 239.10$ 478.20$ 717.30$ 956.40$

International students1 637.34$ 3 274.68$ 4 912.02$ 6 549.36$ 24 560.10$ 545.78$ 1 637.34$ 3 274.68$ 4 912.02$ 6 549.36$ Other fees

Copyrights4.29$ 8.58$ 12.87$ 17.16$ 64.35$ 1.43$ 4.29

8.58$ 12.87$ 17.16$

General fees42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 168.76$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$ 42.19$

HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation3.00$ 6.00$ 9.00$ 10.00$ 40.00$ 1.00$ 3.00$ 6.00$ 9.00$ 10.00$

Insurance student association0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 2.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$ 0.75$

Revue Gestion2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 6.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

Student association25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 100.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$

Student services39.63$ 79.26$ 118.89$ 158.52$ 594.45$ 13.21$ 39.63$ 79.26$ 118.89$ 158.52$

Supervision and promotion21.81$ 43.62$ 65.43$ 87.24$ 327.15$ 7.27$ 21.81$ 43.62$ 65.43$ 87.24$

Technology fees57.87$ 115.74$ 173.61$ 231.48$ 868.05$ 19.29$ 57.87$ 115.74$ 173.61$ 231.48$

(Subtotal)196.54$ 323.14$ 449.74$ 574.34$ 2 171.51$ 112.14$ 196.54$ 323.14$ 449.74$ 574.34$ Total

Quebec students435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$ 5 758.01$ 191.84$ 435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$

Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec936.82$ 1 803.70$ 2 670.58$ 3 535.46$ 13 275.71$ 358.90$ 936.82$ 1 803.70$ 2 670.58$ 3 535.46$

French students435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$ 5 758.01$ 191.84$ 435.64$ 801.34$ 1 167.04$ 1 530.74$

International students1 833.88$ 3 597.82$ 5 361.76$ 7 123.70$ 26 731.61$ 657.92$ 1 833.88$ 3 597.82$ 5 361.76$ 7 123.70$ These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)

and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)

Theses fees are subject to change without notice.

Preparatory Phase

All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree (preparatory, propaedeutic, non-program) are extra, payable per credit (Preparatory and propaedeutic courses)Supervised project stream

