[PDF] DAEU TEST D’ANGLAIS 6 septembre 2019 Texte

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1/7 DAEU


6 septembre 2019

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Université de Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne



Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30

Le sujet comporte 7 pages numérotées de 1/7 à 7/7.

Dictionnaire non autorisé

Le texte " Teach me » sur lequel portent les questions se trouve en ANNEXE à la page 7/7. Inscrivez toutes vos réponses sur le sujet distribué.




- A sentence = une phrase - Shows = montre que...



1- Les phrases suivantes sont-elles vraies ou fausses ? Cochez la bonne

réponse, et justifiez votre choix en citant le texte. (2,5 pts) a) The grandfather wants the boy to work for free. rRight rWrong b) It is difficult for the grandfather to control his emotions. rRight rWrong c) The grandfather remembered things from his school days. rRight rWrong d) The grandfather's wife was a great help in their everyday life. rRight rWrong e) The boy doesn't have any teaching experience. rRight rWrong

2- Répondez aux questions suivantes en anglais en faisant des phrases

complètes. a) What does the grandfather want in this text? (0,5pt) b) What sentence shows that the grandfather is embarrassed? (0,5 pt)


4/7 c) When Christmas comes, what are the two things that the grandfather would like to be able to do? (0,5 pts)


1. Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme et au temps qui conviennent en

fonction des indications données. (6 pts) a- Last night, The grandmother (cook) .................................................in the kitchen when she (hear)........................................... the grandfather cry. b- The boy (come) ..................................... to the farm every summer but he (not - like) ............................... to milk the cows. (traire les vaches) c- Last night, the boy (not - sleep) .................................. because the ducks were noisy (bruyants) d- In two months, the grandfather (buy) ............................................a new tractor. e- Look ! Grandpa (try) .......................................... to read a book.

2. Vous avez l'occasion de discuter avec le garcon du texte. (2 pts)

Comment lui demanderiez-vous.......

a- S'il est inquiet pour son grand-père. (inquiet = worried) b-. S'il a appelé ses parents. c- Si son grand-père aime travailler dans les champs. (= the fields) d- S'il a déjà lu un livre d 'Agatha Christie.


5/7 III. EXPRESSION ÉCRITE EN ANGLAIS - 80 mots minimum. (8 pts) Le jeune homme rentre chez lui et explique la situation à ses parents. Écrivez un dialogue dans lequel vous évoquerez les différents points de vue de la famille.






"TEACH ME" Grandfather suddenly took me by the arm. "Well, will you" I had no idea what he was asking me. "Will you stay here for a few months? You could give us a hand out on the farm. I'd pay you mind, proper man's wages. And maybe..." He was looking down at his hands. He didn't seem to want to go on. "And maybe. You could teach me, like your grandmother did. I'd learn quick " "Teach you what, Grandpa?" I said. "I can't read," he mumbled. "And I can't write either." There were tears in his eyes when he looked at me. "You got to teach me, lad. You got to " "But you went to school," I said. "You told me." "Until I was thirteen. But I just didn't like being in school, and I didn't like Mr. Burton, my school teacher. Then I forgot what I had learnt. Then your grandmother comes along, and she can read and write well enough for both of us. So I never bothered with it after that, until she told me she'd teach me. But we left it too late." He sighed. "So? Will you do it? Will you teach me? I want to learn so I can write, so I can read an Agatha Christie book from cover to cover.

Well? Proper wages, I'll pay you proper wages."

"I don't know Grandpa," I said. "I've never taught anyone anything"' "I'm betting you one hundred pounds that if you teach me.... let's say three hours a day till Christmas, I'll be able to read an Agatha Christie book all on my own. And I'll write you out a bit of a story too. Well, what do you say?" So we got out the paper and pencil, sat down at the kitchen table, and began.

Michel Morpurgo, Farm Boy,1997.


- wages = un salaire - lad = mon garcon - he sighed = il soupira

