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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traite's

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations 9 Nations Unies

New York, 2005

Copyright © United Nations 2005

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America

Copyright © Nations Unies 2005

tous droits r6serv6s

Imprim6 aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique

Volume 2244, Table of Contents


Treaties and international agreements

registered in February 2004

Nos. 39949 to 39973

No. 39949. United States of America and Republic of Korea: Memorandum of understanding between the United States Air Force and the Republic of Korea Air Force concerning operation of USAF Aircraft at Taegu. Osan, 26 M arch 1987 and 9 April 1987 ............................................ 3

No. 39950. United States of America and Algeria:

Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria on cultural

cooperation. A lgiers, 2 June 1987 ................................................................ 33

No. 39951. United States of America and Bulgaria:

Program of cultural, scientific, educational and technological exchanges between the United States of America and the People's Republic of Bulgaria for 1989 and 1990. W ashington, 9 December 1988 ..................................... 45

No. 39952. United States of America and China:

Agreement concerning maritime search and rescue cooperation between the Bureau of Harbour Superintendency of the People's Republic of China and the United States Coast Guard of the United States of America.

W ashington, 20 January 1987 ....................................................................... 71

No. 39953. Chile and Argentina:

Exchange of notes between the Governments of Chile and Argentina on the continuation of arbitral proceedings regarding the Beagle Canal dispute. Buenos Aires, 11 March 1972 and Santiago, 14 March 1972 ...................... 83

No. 39954. United States of America and Japan:

Agreement between the United States of America and Japan relating to a program for the development by Japan of the XSH-40J weapon system.

T okyo, 20 January 1987 ................................................................................ 9 1

Volume 2244, Table of Contents

No. 39955. United States of America and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany with respect to the transfer of certain works of art seized in Germany by the United States Army at the end of World War 1I (with annex and attachments). W ashington, 28 January 1986 ........................................ 101

No. 39956. Belgium and Belarus:

Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on air transport (with annex).

B russels, 26 M arch 1996 .............................................................................. 12 1

No. 39957. Belgium and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Agreement between the Belgian Government and the Macedonian Government on air transport (with annex). Brussels, 22 October 1998 ............................ 179 No. 39958. Belgium (on behalf of Belgium and Luxembourg in the name of the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union) and Burkina Faso: Agreement between the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and the Government of Burkina Faso on the reciprocal promotion and protection of

investm ents. Brussels, 18 M ay 2001 ............................................................ 243

No. 39959. United States of America and China:

Memorandum of agreement for technical cooperation in the field of civil aviation between the United States of America Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration and the People's Republic of China Civil Aviation Administration of China. Washington, 14 March

19 8 6 .............................................................................................................. 2 7 1

No. 39960. United States of America and Israel:

Memorandum of Cooperation between Federal Aviation Administration Department of Transportation United States of America and Israel Airports Authority Government of Israel. Washington, 6 July 1990 and Tel Aviv, 30

S eptem ber 1990 ............................................................................................ 283

No. 39961. United States of America and Yemen:

Agreement between the United States of America and theYemen Arab Republic concerning the provision of training related to defense articles under the United States International Military Education and Training (IMET) Program. San'a, 9 September 1986 and 19 May 1987 .................................. 293

Volume 2244, Table of Contents

No. 39962. United States of America and Greece:

Interim Agreement on air services between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Greece (with memorandum of

understanding). A thens, 9 A pril 1985 ........................................................... 295

No. 39963. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Control Project in Ukraine) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Single Currency Loans dated 30 May 1995, as amended through 6 October 1999). Washington, 15 April 2003 ............. 317 No. 39964. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (Health Sector Modernization Support Technical Assistance Project) between the Slovak Republic and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Fixed-Spread Loans dated 1 September 1999). Bratislava, 2 December 2003 .............................. 319 No. 39965. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (Health Sector Modernization Support Sectoral Adjustment Loan) between the Slovak Republic and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Fixed-Spread Loans dated 1 September 1999). Bratislava, 2 December 2003 .............................. 321 No. 39966. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (Second Programmatic Adjustment Loan) between the Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Single Currency Loans dated 30 May 1995, as amended through 6 October 1999). Kyiv, 17 December 2003 .................................... 323

Volume 2244, Table of Contents

No. 39967. International Development Association and Niger: Development Financing Agreement (Basic Education Project) between the Republic of Niger and the International Development Association (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated 1 January 1985, as amended through 6 October 1999).

W ashington, 24 July 2003 ............................................................................ 325

No. 39968. International Development Association and Grenada: Development Credit Agreement (OECS Education Development Project) between Grenada and the International Development Association (with General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated I January 1985, as amended through 6 October 1999). Washington, I

O ctober 2 00 3 ................................................................................................. 32 7

No. 39969. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (OECS Education Development Project) between Grenada and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Fixed-Spread Loans dated 1 September 1999).

W ashington, 1 O ctober 2003 ........................................................................ 329

No. 39970. International Development Association and Niger: Development Grant Agreement (Community Action Program Support Project) between the Republic of Niger and the International Development Association (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated 1 January 1985, as amended through 6 October 1999). Washington, 28 March 2003 ............................... 331 No. 39971. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Global Environment Facility Trust Fund Grant Agreement (Community Action Program Support Project) between the Republic of Niger and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development acting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Currency Pool Loans dated 1 January 1985, as amended through 6 October

1999). W ashington, 28 M arch 2003 ............................................................. 333

Volume 2244, Table of Contents

No. 39972. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and


Loan Agreement (First State Tax Service Modernization Project) between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements for Single Currency Loans dated 30 May 1995, as amended through 6 October 1999). Kyiv, 4 September 2003 ...................................... 335

No. 39973. Multilateral:

Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (with annexes).

Rotterdam , 10 Septem ber 1998 .................................................................... 337

Volume 2244, Table des mati~res



Traitbs et accords internationaux

enregistrbs enfivrier 2004

NOs 39949 6 39973

N' 39949. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Republique de Core: Memorandum d'accord entre l'Arm~e de I'air des Etats-Unis et l'Arm~e de lair de ]a R~publique de Cor&e relatif i lutilisation d'avions de I'Arme de Pair des 1btats-Unis i Taegu. Osan, 26 mars 1987 et 9 avril 1987 .......................3

N' 39950. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Algkrie :

Accord de cooperation culturelle entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amr&ique et le Gouvernement de la R~publique d~mocratique et populaire alg~riene. A lger, 2 juin 1987 ........................................................ 33

N' 39951. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Bulgarie :

Programme d'changes culturels, scientifiques, 6ducatifs et techniques entre les Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et la R~publique populaire de Bulgarie pour les ann~es 1989 et 1990. Washington, 9 dcembre 1988 ................................... 45

N' 39952. tats-Unis d'Am6rique et Chine :

Accord de cooperation en mati~re de recherche et de sauvetage maritimes entre le Bureau du commissaire des ports de la R~publique populaire de Chine et la Garde c6ti~re des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique. Washington, 20 janvier 1987. 71

No 39953. Chili et Argentine :

1tchange de notes entre les Gouvernements de Chile et d'Argentine sur la

continuation des procedures arbitrales relatives au diff~rend relatif au canal de Beagle. Buenos Aires, 11 mars 1972 et Santiago, 14 mars 1972 ............ 83 N 0

39954. lbtats-Unis d'Amerique et Japon :

Accord entre les Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et le Japon relatifi un programme pour le d~veloppement par le Japon du syst~me d'armes XSH-40J. Tokyo, 20

jan v ier 19 8 7 ................................................................................................. .9 1

Volume 2244, Table des mati~res

No 39955. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Rkpublique fkderale d'Allemagne : Accord entre les Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et la R6publique fd~rale d'Allemagne concernant le transfert de certaines oeuvres d'arts saisies en Allemange A la fin de la deuxi~me guerre mondiale par I'arme des ttats-Unis (avec annexe et pi~cesjointes). W ashington, 28janvier 1986 .......................................... 101

N' 39956. Belgique et B61arus :

Accord entre le Gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique et le Gouvernement de la R~publique de B61arus relatif au transport a6rien (avec annexe).

B ruxelles, 26 m ars 1996 ............................................................................... 12 1

N' 39957. Belgique et Ex-Republique yougoslave de Macedoine : Accord entre le Gouvernement belge et le Gouvernement mac6donien relatif au transport a6rien (avec annexe). Bruxelles, 22 octobre 1998 ......................... 179 N' 39958. Belgique (agissant pour la Belgique et le Luxembourg, au nom de 'Union economique belgo-luxembourgeoise) et Burkina Faso : Accord entre l'Union 6conomique belgo-luxembourgeoise et le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso concernant l'encouragement et la protection r6ciproques des investissem ents. Bruxelles, 18 mai 2001 ................................................ 243 N o

39959. Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Chine :

M6morandum d'accord relatif A la cooperation technique dans le domaine de l'aviation civile entre l'Administration f6d6rale de laviation du D~partement des transports des 1ttats-Unis d'Am6rique et l'Administration de laviation civile de la R~publique populaire de Chine. Washington, 14

m ars 19 86 ...................................................................................................... 2 7 1

No 39960. Etats-Unis d'Amkrique et Isral :

M6morandum de coop6ration entre rAdministration f6d&rale de laviation du Dpartement des transports des ttats-Unis d'Am6rique et I'Autorit6 des a6roports d'Isra~l du Gouvernement d'IsraOl. Washington, 6 juillet 1990 et

Tel A viv, 30 septem bre 1990 ........................................................................ 283

No 39961. Itats-Unis d'Amerique et Yemen :

Accord entre les ttats-Unis d'Am6rique et la R6publique arabe du Yemen concernant la mise A disposition des moyens de formation relatifs au mat6riel de d6fense dans le cadre du programme international des btats- Unis d'instruction et de formation militaires (IMET). Sana'a, 9 septembre

1986 et 19 m ai 1987 ...................................................................................... 293

Volume 2244, Table des mati~res

N' 39962. ltats-Unis d'Amerique et Grce :

Accord provisiore relatif aux services a~riens entre le Gouvernement des tats- Unis d'Am&rique et le Gouvernement de la Grace (avec memorandum

d'accord). A th~nes, 9 avril 1985 ................................................................... 295

N 0

39963. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpement et

Ukraine :

Accord de pr~t (Projet de lutte contre la tuberculose et le HIV/SIDA en Ukraine) entre l'Ukraine et la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g~n&rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie pour les pr~ts de circulation particuli~re en date du 30 mai 1995, telles qu'amend~es au 6 octobre 1999). Washington,

15 av ril 2 0 0 3 ................................................................................................. 3 17

N' 39964. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpement et

Slovaquie :

Accord de pr~t (Projet d'assistance technique A rappui de la modernisation du secteur de la sant&) entre la R~publique slovaque et la Banque internationale pour ]a reconstruction et le d~veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions gqn~rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie pour les prts A

6chelonnement fixe en date du I er septembre 1999). Bratislava, 2 dcembre

2 0 0 3 .............................................................................................................. 3 19


39965. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpement et

Slovaquie :

Accord de prt (Prt d'ajustement sectoriel A lappui de la modernisation du secteur de la sant&) entre la R~publique slovaque et la Banque intemationale pour ]a reconstruction et le dveloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g~nrales applicables aux accords de prft et de garantie pour les pr~ts A &chelonnement fixe en date du ler septembre 1999). Bratislava, 2 d~cembre

2 0 0 3 .............................................................................................................. 3 2 1

N' 39966. Banque internationale pour ]a reconstruction et le developpement et

Ukraine :

Accord de pr~t (Deuxi~me prt d'ajustement programmatique) entre 'Ukraine et la Banque intemationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie pour les prts de circulation particulibre en date du 30 mai 1995, telles qu'amend~es au 6 octobre 1999). Kiev, 17 dcembre 2003 ................ 323

Volume 2244, Table des matires

N' 39967. Association internationale de developpement et Niger : Accord de financement pour le d6veloppement (Projet d'6ducation de base) entre ]a R6publique du Niger et l'Association internationale de d6veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du ler janvier 1985, telles qu'amend6es au 6 octobre 1999). Washington, 24juillet 2003 .................... 325 N' 39968. Association internationale de developpement et Grenade : Accord de cr6dit de d6veloppement (Projet de d6veloppement de lenseignement OECS) entre la Grenade et l'Association internationale de d6veloppement (avec Conditions g6n~rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du I erjanvier 1985, telles qu'amend~es au 6 octobre

1999). W ashington, I octobre 2003 .............................................................. 327


39969. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et


Accord de prt (Projet de d6veloppement de lenseignement OECS) entre la Grenade et la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie pour les pr&s A &chelonnement fixe en date du I er septembre 1999). W ashington, 1 octobre 2003 ...................................... 329 N" 39970. Association internationale de dveloppement et Niger : Accord de don pour le d6veloppement (Projet d'appui au programme d'actions communautaires) entre la R~publique du Niger et rAssociation internationale de d6veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g~n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du I erjanvier

1985, telles qu'amend~es au 6 octobre 1999). Washington, 28 mars 2003 .. 331


39971. Banque internationale pour ]a reconstruction et le d6veloppement et


Accord de don du Fonds d'affectation au service de lenvironnement global (Projet d'appui au programme d'actions communautaires) entre la R6publique du Niger et et ]a Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement agissant en qualit6 d'Agence d'ex6cution du service de lenvironnement global (avec annexes et Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie pour les pr~ts en pool de devises en date du I erjanvier 1985, telles qu'amend~es au 6 octobre 1999). Washington, 28

m ars 2 0 0 3 ......................................................................................................

3 3 3

Volume 2244, Table des matikres

N 0

39972. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et

Ukraine :

Accord de prat (Premier projet de modemisation du service fiscal de lttat) entre l'Ukraine et la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement (avec annexes et Conditions g6nrales applicables aux accords de pr& et de garantie pour les prts de circulation particulire en date du 30 mai 1995, telles qu'amend6es au 6 octobre 1999). Kiev, 4

septem bre 2003 ............................................................................................. 33 5

N' 39973. Multilateral :

Convention de Rotterdam sur la procedure de consentement pr6alable en connaissance de cause applicable dans le cas de certains produits chimiques et pesticides dangereux qui font l'objet du commerce international (avec annexes). Rotterdam , 10 septem bre 1998 ..................................................... 337


Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agreement en-

tered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the Charter shall, as soon as possi-

ble, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Furthermore, no party to a treaty or international

agreement subject to registration which has not been registered may invoke that treaty or agreement before any

organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly, by resolution 97 (1), established regulations to give effect to

Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the regulations, vol. 859, p.,VIII).

The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or in the regu-

lations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of the Member State

submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instrument is a treaty or an in-

ternational agreement within the meaning of Article 102. Registration of an instrument submitted by a Member

State, therefore, does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on the nature of the instrument, the status of a party

or any similar question. It is the understanding of the Secretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument

the status of a treaty or an international agreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer on a

party a status which it would not otherwise have.

Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in this Series have

been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations.


Aux termes de I'Article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies, tout trait6 ou accord international conclu par un

Membre des Nations Unies apr~s l'entr~e en vigueur de la Charte sera, le plus t6t possible, enregistr6 au Secretariat

et publi6 par lui. De plus, aucune partie un trait6 ou accord international qui aurait di tre enregistr6 mais ne 'a

pas 6t6 ne pourra invoquer ledit trait6 ou accord devant un organe des Nations Unies. Par sa resolution 97 (1), I'As-

sembl~e g~n~rale a adopt6 un r~glement destin& s mettre en application l'Article 102 de la Charte (voir texte du

r~glement, vol. 859, p. IX).

Le terme < trait6 >> et rexpression < accord international )> n'ont W d~finis ni dans la Charte ni dans le r~gle-

ment, et le Secretariat a pris comme principe de s'en tenir A la position adopte A cet 6gard par l'Etat Membre qui

a pr~sent6 linstrument A l'enregistrement, A savoir que pour autant qu'il s'agit de cet Etat comme partie contrac-

tante linstrument constitue un trait& ou un accord international au sens de rArticle 102. 11 s'ensuit que renregis-

trement d'un instrument pr~sent6 par un Etat Membre nimplique, de la part du Secretariat, aucunjugement sur la

nature de l'instrument, le statut d'une partie ou toute autre question similaire. Le Secretariat considbre donc que

les actes qu'il pourrait tre amend A accomplir ne conf~rent pas A un instrument la qualit& de (< trait& )) ou d'< accord

international >) si cet instrument n'a pas deja cette qualit6, et qu'ils ne conf~rent pas Ai une partie un statut que, par

ailleurs, elle ne poss~derait pas.

Sauf indication contraire, les traductions des textes originaux des trait~s, etc., publics dans ce Recueil ont

6t6 6tablies par le Secretariat de rOrganisation des Nations Unies.

Treaties and international agreements

registered in

February 2004

Nos. 39949 to 39973

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistris en fivrier 2004

Nos 39949 4 39973

No. 39949

United States of America


Republic of Korea

Memorandum of understanding between the United States Air Force and the Republic of Korea Air Force concerning operation of USAF Aircraft at Taegu.

Osan, 26 March 1987 and 9 April 1987

Entry into force: 9 April 1987 by signature, in accordance with section X

Authentic texts: English and Korean

Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: United States ofAmerica, 9

February 2004

Etats-Unis d'Am6rique


R6publique de Cor6e

M6morandum d'accord entre I'Arm6e de I'air des Etats-Unis et I'Arm6e de Pair de la R6publique de Coree relatif A l'utilisation d'avions de I'Armke de Pair des Etats-

Unis ii Taegu. Osan, 26 mars 1987 et 9 avril 1987

Entr6e en vigueur : 9 avril 1987 par signature, conformment 6 la section X

Textes authentiques : anglais et cor~en

Enregistrement aupres du Secritariat des Nations Unies : Etats-Unis dAmrique, 9 fivrier 2004

Volume 2244, 1-39949



I. Pursuant to Articles II and IV of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea (US-ROK) Mutual Defense Treaty, effective 17 November 1954, and Articles II, III, and IV of the US-ROK Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), effective 9 February 1967, the following agreement is entered into by representatives of the United States Air Force (US- AF) and the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) supersedes MOU FB 5255-MOUI-4001, dated 20 January 1982. II. The purpose of this agreement is to continue a permanent Operating Location (OL) of twelve (12) USAF-owned F-4E aircraft, designated 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron (497TFS) at Taegu Air Base, utilizing ROKAF support. III. A Joint Coordinating Group (JCG) will be appointed to coordinate ROKAF and USAF responsibilities under the terms and conditions of this agreement. This group shall consist of members as directed by the Joint Chairmen. The 11 th Tactical Fighter Wing Commander, ROKAF, and the 51 st Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW), Deputy Commander, for Taegu, USAF, are appointed as Joint Chairmen of this JCG. Meetings will be held on an as required basis. Required members will be notified by the Joint Chairmen. This group will maintain close interaction and coordination to insure that the spirit and intent of this agree- ment are maintained and to resolve problem areas.

IV. The USAF will, at its sole expense:

1. Station twelve (12) F-4E aircraft at Taegu Air Base.

2. Conduct peacetime or wartime operations lAW with the designated operational

capability of the 497TFS. With ROKAF support, maintain twenty-four-hour-a-day opera- tional capability during wartime operations, operational readiness inspections, exercises, and contingencies. At other times, on normal duty days during peacetime training, the USAF will maintain an operational capability from 0730 to 2230 with ROKAF support.

3. Coordinate the Disaster Preparedness Memorandum of Understanding with the

ROKAF. Where ROKAF support cannot meet established USAF requirements, a USAF capability will be developed for disaster response teams, aircraft decontamination teams, and similar functions.

4. Provide Base Operational Support (BOS), operations and logistical support per-

sonnel as necessary to support the 497 TFS.

5. Provide transportation required to support the 497 TFS.

6. Provide supplies necessary to support the 497 TFS, such as bench stock expend-

ables, non-expendable aircraft component parts, and aircraft engines. The US property pro- vided per this paragraph remains accountable to USAF.

7. Provide aircraft support equipment, special tools, and test equipment to support

USAF flightline operations. In addition, provide F-4E peculiar internal gun system equip-

Volume 2244, 1-39949
