[PDF] Quoted and Reported Speech - San Jose State University

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S Lesson S Objectives SR Students should be able to recognize and understand the difference between quoted and reported speechR cR Students should be able to use correct punctuation when writing quotesR hR Students should be able to identify what makes a good quoteR (R Students will become familiar with verb tense changes required for formal reported speechR Contents Warmnup activity Power Point slides SnI Student Exercises S and c Power Point slides )nSS Handout and exercise on verb changes Homework Assignment Warmnup Activity On the boarda write two column headings and label thema Quoted Speech and Reported SpeechR Leave enough room to write sentences under each headingR Ask the students some simple questionsR ¥ How many brothers and sisters do you have? ¥ What are you going to do tonight? ¥ What did you do on the weekend? Write the responses on the board under the Quoted Speech columnR You should have something like thisR Quoted Speech ¥ ÒI have two brothers and one sisteraÓ Mary saidR ¥ Pat saida ÒIÕm going to watch a movie tonightRÓ ¥ ÒI visited my aunt on the weekendaÓ Tom saidR Indicate that what you have written on the board are the exact words that the students saidR Tell them this is quoted speechR DonÕt worry about punctuation yetR For nowa focus on the difference between quoted and reported speechR Nexta you need to change all the quotes to reported speechR You can do this by asking the classa ÒWhat did Mary tell us?Ó etcR The students might not answer in a grammatically correct waya but you should write the correct answers on the boardR You will end up with two columns that look something like thisR Quoted Speech ÒI visited my aunt on the weekendaÓ Tom saidR Pat saida ÒIÕm going to watch a movie tonightRÓ ÒI have two brothers and one sisteraÓ Mary saidR Reported Speech Tom said he had visited her aunt on the weekendR Pat said she was going to watch a movie tonightR Mary told us that she has two brothers and one sister

c Point out that in reported speech we ÒreportÓ what someone has saidR We do not use their exact wordsa so we do not use quotation marksR Show the PPS slide on quoted and reported speech for additional examplesR PP S Quoted and Reported Speech Quoted Speech oDirect Speecht ÒWhat time is the meeting?Ó Tom askedR Abdul replieda ÒItÕs at S oÕclockRÓ Sue asked Pata ÒWhat did you do on Sunday?Ó ÒI visited my brotheraÓ Pat answeredR Reported Speech oIndirect Speecht Tom asked what time the meeting wasR Abdul said that the meeting was at S oÕclockR Sue asked Pat what she had done on SundayR Pat said that she had visited her brotherR Notesl PPS Quoted speech uses quotation marks and the exact words that a person has saidR Reported speech oalso called indirect speecht relates what the person saida but does not use the exact wordsR You often need to change verbs and pronouns to keep the original meaningR oThe students may notice that verb tenses change in reported speechR The general rule is that reported speech Òbacks upÓ one verb tenseR This will be explained in further detail later in the lessonR For now it is good enough to notice that quoted and reported sentences have different structuresRt Ask the students where they might find quoted speechR Possible answersl fictiona news articlesa and casual conversation when relating a storyR Ask the students where they might find reported speechR Possible answersl Meeting reports and summariesa daily conversations and news storiesR In other wordsl Both quoted and reported speech are used frequentlyA PPc Verbs Used to Quote Speech The most common verb used for quoting speech is sayR AR ÒI will retire next yearaÓ the manager saidR BR The manager saida ÒI will retire next yearRÓ When quoting questionsa ask is usedR AR ÒIs it true you will retire this year sir?Ó Asif askedR BR Asif askeda ÒIs it true you will retire this yeara sir?Ó Note that sentence types A and B are both grammatically correctR In journalisma sentence type Aa with its attribution at the enda is used almost exclusivelyR

h PPh Quoted Speech Ð Punctuation Quotes go inside quotation marksR ÒBarack Obama has won the crSc electionaÓ the reporter announcedR Statements use a comma before the closing quotation markR ÒI am hungryaÓ she saidR Questions us a question mark before the final quotation markR ÒWho do you think will win the election?Ó Bill askedR PP( Long Quotes It is possible to break up long quotes and put the attribution in the middle of the quoteR ÒI wonÕt stop knocking on doorsaÓ said Mayor Reeda Òuntil IÕve got the vote of everyone in this communityRÓ eNote that until is not capitalized because it does not begin a new sentencey it is the continuation of the sentence that starts before the attributionR PPD Long Quotesa ocontÕdt Very long quotes are often written with the attribution at the beginningR In this casea a colon precedes the quotationR The Canadian Prime Minister announced todayl ÒWe have decided to allow Emirates Airlines ten more landing slots at Toronto International AirportR Thisa we hopea will help settle a threenyear dispute over Canadian visas for DubaiRÓ So fara weÕve looked at the structure and punctuation of quotationsa but what about the content? What makes a good quote? How do you decide what to use as a quote and what to write as reported speech?

( PPi To Quote or Not to Quote? Quoted speech can add color and liveliness to your writing if used wiselyR Use quotes when someone says something notableR A good quote might reveal something about a personÕs character have emotional impact say something unusual or in an unusual way Do not use it to quote facts oas we did in our former examplesAt Show PPI and discuss with the classR The second and last quotes are the bestR PPI Choosing Quotes The city of York has just announced it will open a childrenÕs park in a neighborhood that has no public parksR Which of the following would make good quotes? The mayorl ÒI am proud to announce that a new childrenÕs park will be built in the Sutter neighborhoodRÓ The mayorl ÒI made a promise to improve your livesR Whose lives are better to start with than those of our children?Ó The city plannerl ÒThe new park is a result of several months of research and planningRÓ Penny Whitea residentl ÒI donÕt know who is more excited Ð me or my childrenAÓ Student Practice Exercises S and c At this pointa have the students do exercises S and c to consolidate what they have learned so farR Correct together in the classR Answers are on the last page of this lessonR Practice Exercise S Identifying Quoted and Reported Speech Read the following paragraph and underline all instances of reported speechR Circle any quoted speechR Maria recently returned from a conference in Dubai and told her colleagues about her trip thereR She said that the architecture of Dubai was fascinatinga with many new buildings of glass and steelR Of coursea she also saw the Burj Khalifaa the worldÕs tallest buildingR Some of her friends went up to the topa but Maria said she didnÕt because she has a fear of heightsR ÒI donÕt even like being on a secondnstory balconya so the Burj Khalifa was definitely out of the question for meAÓ Maria said that there were many shopping centers in Dubaia but that they were expensiveR The weather was Òunbelievably hotRÓ On her last night in Dubaia Maria and her friends went on a dinner cruise on a small boat in the harborR There was music and great fooda and they could see the lights of the city as the boat cruised through the harborR ÒIt was the perfect ending to two weeks in DubaiaÓ she saidR

D Practice Exercise c Punctuation for Quoted Speech Correct the errors in the following sentencesR SR ÒTomorrowÕs weather will be mostly sunny with a chance of afternoon showersRÓ the weatherman announcedR cR The instructor saidl Òabsolutely no laptop usage during lecture timeRÓ hR ÒCan we postpone the test until MondayÓ? the students askedR (R ÒAll new students must go to the student center to get their new ID card said the instructorR You must do this before you can get a library cardRÓ DR ÒThere will be no tuition increase this yeara Ó said the presidentR In facta there will be no tuition increase for the next h yearsRÓ Reported Speech Now that we have talked about quoted speecha weÕll talk in more detail about reported speecha which is considerably more complicatedR PP) Verbs Used to Report Speech The most common reporting verbs are say and tellR In journalisma say is used almost exclusivelyR PPK Using Say and Tell to Report Speech After saya you need a noun clausea which may be introduced by thatR Quotedl ÒI will be late for the meetingaÓ Tom saidR Reportedl Tom said othatt he would be late for the meetingR After tella you need an object d noun clauseR Reportedl Tom told us othatt he would be late for the meetingR Notesl PPK Using sayl A noun clause follows sayR That is optional and is often omitted in conversational EnglishR Using telll An object d noun clause follows tellR In other wordsa you must answer the questiona Òtold who?Ó Againa that is optionalR

i PPSr Reported Speech in Journalism In print journalisma say is commonly used in the past tense to report speechR Quoted ÒI will run for renelection this yearaÓ said Mayor ReedR Reported Mayor Reed said othatt he would run for renelection this yearR In broadcast journalisma say is often used in the present tense to report speechR Mayor Reed says that he will run for renelection this yearR Note that when the reporting verb is in the present tensea as in the last examplea verb tense changes are not required in reported speechR PPSS Although say and tell are the most common reporting verbsa several others are possibleR Other Reporting Verbs For Statements For Questions Added Asked Announced Inquired Commented Wanted to know Explained Wondered Remarked Stated

I Verb Tense Changes in Reported Speech When reporting speecha grammatical changes must often be made in order to keep the original meaning of what was saidR The most common changes occur in verb tensesa pronouns and adjectives of place and timeR In this lesson we will introduce verb tense changesa and in the next lesson we will continue with the other changesR Verb tense changes are especially important in writinga where formal reported speech is used oSee chart belowtR In conversational Englisha speakers do not always make verb changes when reporting speechR You should go over this chart with the studentsR Ask them what they notice about the changes in verb tenses for reported speechR Point out that in formal reported speecha the tenses go back in time one tenseR For examplea ÒstudyÓ becomes ÒstudiedÓ and ÒstudiedÓ becomes Òhad studiedRÓ In conversational or immediate reportinga the verb tenses do not changeR Formal reported speech is the most challenginga so we will place our efforts hereR Have the students do the practice exercise below the chart in class and correct it togetherR Answers are in parenthesisR You can find the student handout at the end of this lessonR Verb Tense Changes in Reported Speech Quoted Speech Reported Speech oformal or later reportingt Reported Speech oconversational or immediate reportingt Sue saida ÒI study EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI am studying EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI studied EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI have studied EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI am going to study EnglishRÓ Sue saida I will study EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI can study EnglishRÓ Sue said she studied EnglishR Sue said she was studying EnglishR Sue said she had studied EnglishR Sue said she had studied EnglishR Sue said she was going to study EnglishR Sue said she would study EnglishR Sue said she could study EnglishR Sue said she studies EnglishR Sue said she is studying EnglishR Sue said she studied EnglishR Sue said she has studied EnglishR Sue said she is going to study EnglishR Sue said she will study EnglishR Sue said she can study EnglishR Exercise S Complete the following sentences using the verb tenses for formal reported speechR SR Maria askeda ÒCan you meet me at LeeÕs Sandwich shop today?Ó Maria asked if I ___________meet her at LeeÕs Sandwich shop todayR ocouldt cR Susan saida ÒThe food is very delicious thereRÓ Susan said the food ___________ very delicious thereR owast hR Mark saida ÒI am going to ride my bike to work todayRÓ Mark said he __________________ to ride his bike to work todayR owas goingt (R Janice saida ÒI have been to Dubai several timesRÓ Janice said she _____________ to Dubai several timesR ohad beent

) DR Hani saida ÒI forgot to call my motherRÓ Hani said he ______________ to call his motherR ohad forgottent iR Karine saida ÒI can teach you how to edit videoRÓ Karine said she _______________ me how to edit videoR ocould teacht IR Michael saida ÒI want to visit Cairo one dayRÓ Michael said he ___________ to visit Cairo one dayR owantedt )R BobÕs boss saida ÒThe meeting starts at clrrRÓ BobÕs boss said the meeting _____________ at clrrR ostartet KR The mechanic saida ÒIÕm sorrya but I wonÕt be able to fix your car todayRÓ The mechanic said he ________ sorrya but he __________ be able to fix my car todayR owast owouldnÕtt SrR Sue saida ÒIÕve already seen that movieRÓ Sue said she __________ already seen that movieR ohadt Homework After you have gone over the answersa give the students the homework handout and ask them to complete it for the next classR

K Practice Exercise S Identifying Quoted and Reported Speech Read the following paragraph and underline all instances of reported speechR Circle any quoted speechR Maria recently returned from a conference in Dubai and told her colleagues about her trip thereR She said that the architecture of Dubai was really fascinatinga with many new buildings of glass and steelR Of coursea she also saw the Burj Khalifaa the worldÕs tallest buildingR Some of her friends went up to the topa but Maria said she didnÕt because she has a fear of heightsR ÒI donÕt even like being on a secondnstory balconya so the Burj Khalifa was definitely out of the question for meAÓ Maria said that there were many shopping centers in Dubaia but that they were expensiveR The weather was Òunbelievably hotRÓ On her last night in Dubaia Maria and her friends went on a dinner cruise on a small boat in the harborR There was music and great fooda and they could see the lights of the city as the boat cruised through the harborR ÒIt was the perfect ending to two weeks in DubaiaÓ she saidR Practice Exercise c Punctuation for Quoted Speech Correct the errors in the following sentencesR SR ÒTomorrowÕs weather will be mostly sunny with a chance of afternoon showersRÓ the weatherman announcedR cR The instructor saidl Òabsolutely no laptop usage during lecture timeRÓ hR ÒCan we postpone the test until MondayÓ? the students askedR (R ÒAll new students must go to the student center to get their new ID card said the instructorR You must do this before you can get a library cardRÓ DR ÒThere will be no tuition increase this yeara Ó said the presidentR In facta there will be no tuition increase for the next h yearsRÓ

Sr Verb Tense Changes in Reported Speech Quoted Speech Reported Speech oformal or later reportingt Reported Speech oconversational or immediate reportingt Sue saida ÒI study EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI am studying EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI studied EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI have studied EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI am going to study EnglishRÓ Sue saida I will study EnglishRÓ Sue saida ÒI can study EnglishRÓ Sue said she studied EnglishR Sue said she was studying EnglishR Sue said she had studied EnglishR Sue said she had studied EnglishR Sue said she was going to study EnglishR Sue said she would study EnglishR Sue said she could study EnglishR Sue said she studies EnglishR Sue said she is studying EnglishR Sue said she studied EnglishR Sue said she has studied EnglishR Sue said she is going to study EnglishR Sue said she will study EnglishR Sue said she can study EnglishR Exercise S Complete the following sentences using the verb tenses for formal reported speechR SR Maria askeda ÒCan you meet me at LeeÕs Sandwich shop today?Ó Maria asked if I ______________ meet her at LeeÕs Sandwich shop todayR cR Susan saida ÒThe food is very delicious thereRÓ Susan said the food ___________ very delicious thereR hR Mark saida ÒI am going to ride my bike to work todayRÓ Mark said he __________________ to ride his bike to work todayR (R Janice saida ÒI have been to Dubai several timesRÓ Janice said she _____________ to Dubai several timesR DR Hani saida ÒI forgot to call my motherRÓ Hani said he ______________ to call his motherR iR Karine saida ÒI can teach you how to edit videoRÓ Karine said she _______________ me how to edit videoR IR Michael saida ÒI want to visit Cairo one dayRÓ Michael said he ___________ to visit Cairo one dayR )R BobÕs boss saida ÒThe meeting starts at clrrRÓ BobÕs boss said the meeting _____________ at clrrR KR The mechanic saida ÒIÕm sorrya but I wonÕt be able to fix your car todayRÓ The mechanic said he ________ sorrya but he __________ be able to fix my car todayR SrR Sue saida ÒIÕve already seen that movieRÓ Sue said she __________ already seen that movieR

SS Homework Exercises AR Read the following conversation between a teachera MsR Blixena and her studenta TalalR Add punctuation to their quoted speechR oTeachert Talala I wonder if you could help me out with something MsR Blixen saidR oTalalt IÕll try said TalalR What do you need? oTeachert IÕm looking for someone to help a friendR She needs something translated from ArabicR ItÕs not very long MsR Blixen saidR Do you think you could help her she askedR oTalalt Surea no problemR Just ask her to send the document to my email address said TalalR oTeachert Thanks so mucha Talal said MsR BlixenR My friend will be very happyR BR Effective Quotes Imagine you are writing a story about job layoffs at a local factoryR Which of the following statements do you think would make good quotes? Why? Which ones are weak and would be best left to reported speech? Why? SR ÒThere will be a cr reduction in staff over the next i monthsaÓ said Bill Nyea Human Resources Director and XCorpR cR ÒWe will offer job search assistance for all employees who are laid offaÓ said MrR NyeR hR ÒI will do everything in my powery I will turn over every rocka until I have found work for all my employeesaÓ said Emily NortesR (R ÒAnd how will I feed my four children?Ó Maria Sanchez askedR DR ÒI am not happy about the announcementaÓ Bob Tilman saidR iR ÒTheyÕll find jobs for all of us? IÕll believe it when I see itaÓ said Sue Bainsa longtime worker at XCorpR C In the next classa you will interview a classmate on a topic of your choosingR Write five questionsR Please do not use yes p no questionsR

Sc D Verb Tense Changes in Reported Speech Change the quoted speech to reported speechR Refer to your handout on verb tense changes in reported speechR eRgR Jim saida ÒI am tiredRÓ Jim said he was tiredR SR Kate saida ÒI donÕt like seafoodRÓ ______________________________________________________ cR Tom saida ÒI have already seen that movieRÓ ______________________________________________________ hR Mary saida ÒI am planning to go to TurkeyRÓ ______________________________________________________ (R Deb saida ÒI called my doctorRÓ ______________________________________________________ DR Richard saida ÒIÕm going to New YorkRÓ ______________________________________________________ iR Tom saida ÒI have to finish my reportRÓ ______________________________________________________ IR Ann saida ÒI canÕt read FarsiRÓ ______________________________________________________ )R Ahmad saida ÒI will come to the presentationRÓ ______________________________________________________ KR Safia saida ÒI can meet you at noonRÓ ______________________________________________________ SrR Peter saida ÒIÕve been to Afghanistan twiceRÓ ______________________________________________________

Sh Answer Key Practice Activity S Identifying Quoted and Reported Speech Reported speech is underlinedy quoted is highlightedR Maria recently returned from a conference in Dubai and told her colleagues about her trip thereR She said that the architecture of Dubai was really fascinatinga with many new buildings of glass and steelR Of coursea she also saw the Burj Khalifaa the worldÕs tallest buildingR Some of her friends went up to the topa but Maria said she didnÕt because she has a fear of heightsR ÒI donÕt even like being on a secondnstory balconya so the Burj Khalifa was definitely out of the question for meAÓ Maria said that there were many shopping centers in Dubaia but that they were expensiveR The weather was Òunbelievably hotRÓ On her last night in Dubaia Maria and her friends went on a dinner cruise on a small boat in the harborR There was music and great fooda and they could see the lights of the city as the boat cruised through the harborR ÒIt was the perfect ending to two weeks in DubaiaÓ she saidR Practice Activity c Punctuation for Quoted Speech Corrected errors are underlinedR SR ÒTomorrowÕs weather will be mostly sunny with a chance of afternoon showersaÓ the weatherman announcedR cR The instructor saida ÒAbsolutely no laptop usage during lecture timeRÓ hR ÒCan we postpone the test until Monday?Ó the students askedR (R ÒAll new students must go to the student center to get their new ID cardaÓ said the instructorR ÒYou must do this before you can get a library cardRÓ DR ÒThere will be no tuition increase this yeara Ó said the presidentR ÒIn facta there will be no tuition increase for the next h yearsRÓ Homework Assignment AR oTeachert ÒTalala I wonder if you could help me out with somethingaÓ MsR Blixen saidR oTalalt ÒIÕll tryaÓ said TalalR ÒWhat do you need?Ó oTeachert ÒIÕm looking for someone to help a friendR She needs something translated from ArabicR ItÕs not very longaÓ MsR Blixen saidR ÒDo you think you could help heraÓ she askedR oTalalt ÒSurea no problemR Just ask her to send the document to my email addressaÓ said TalalR oTeachert ÒThanks so mucha TalalaÓ said MsR BlixenR ÒMy friend will be very happyRÓ BR Sentences ha ( and i would make the best quotesR D Verb Tense Changes in Reported Speech SR Kate said she didnÕt like seafoodR cR Tom said he had already seen that movieR hR Mary said she was planning to go to TurkeyR (R Deb said she had called her doctorR DR Richard said he was going to New YorkR iR Tom said he had to finish his reportR IR Ann said she couldnÕt read FarsiR )R Ahmad said he would come to the presentationR KR Safia said she could meet me oust at noonR SrR Peter said he had been to Afghanistan twiceR

Quoted and Reported Speech

Quoted Speech

AAÒWhat time is the

meeting?Ó Tom askedR

AAAbdul replieda ÒItÕs at S


AASue asked Pata ÒWhat did

you do on Sunday?Ó

AAÒI visited my brotheraÓ Pat


Reported Speech A

AATom asked what time the

meeting wasR

AAAbdul said that the

meeting was at S oÕclockR

AASue asked Pat what she

had done on SundayR

AAPat said that she had

visited her brotherR

Verbs used to Quote Speech

AAThe most common verb used for quoting statements is sayR

AR ÒI will retire next yearaÓ the manager saidR BR The manager saida ÒI will retire next yearRÓ AAWhen quoting questionsa ask is usedR AR ÒIs it true you will retire this year sir?Ó Asif askedR BR Asif askeda ÒIs it true you will retire this yeara sir?Ó AASentence types A and B are both grammatically correctR AAIn journalisma sentence type Aa with its attribution at the enda

is used almost exclusivelyR


AAQuotes go inside quotation marksR

ÒBarack Obama has won the crSc electionaÓ the reporter announcedRA AAStatements use a comma before the closing quotation markR ÒI am hungryaÓ she saidR AAQuestions use a question mark before the final quotation markR ÒWho do you think will win the election?Ó Bill askedR

Long Quotes

A It is possible to break up long quotes and put the attribution in the middle of the quoteR AAÒI wonÕt stop knocking on doorsaÓ said Mayor Reeda Òuntil IÕve got the vote of everyone in this communityRÓ AAeNote that until is not capitalized because it does

not begin a new sentencey it is the continuation of the sentence that starts before the attributionRA

Long Quotes ocontÕdt

AAVery long quotes are often written with the attribution at the beginningR

AA In this casea a colon precedes the quotationR AAThe Canadian Prime Minister announced todayl ÒWe

have decided to allow Emirates Airlines ten more landing slots at Toronto International AirportR Thisa we hopea will help settle a threenyear dispute over Canadian visas for DubaiRÓ

To Quote or Not to Quote?

AAQuoted speech can add color to your writing if used wisely

AAUse quotes when someone says something notableR AAA good quote might reveal something about a personÕs character have emotional impact say something unusual or in an unusual way Do not use it to quote facts oas we did in our former


Choosing Quotes

The city of York has just announced it will open a childrenÕs park in a neighborhood that has no public parksR Which of the following would make good quotes?

AAThe mayorl ÒI am proud to announce that a new childrenÕs park will be built in the Sutter neighborhoodRÓ AAThe mayorl ÒI made a promise to improve your livesR Whose lives are more important to us than our childrenÕsRÓ AAThe city plannerl ÒThe new park is a result of several months of research and planningRÓ AAPenny Whitea residentl ÒI donÕt know who is more excited

Ð me or my childrenAÓ

Verbs Used to Report Speech

AAThe most common reporting verbs are say and tellR AAIn journalisma say is the most commonR

Using Say and Tell to Report Speech

AAAfter saya you need a noun clausea which may be introduced by thatR

Quotedl ÒI will be late for the meetingaÓ Tom saidR Reportedl Tom said othatt he would be late for the


AAAfter tella you need an object d noun clauseR Reportedl Tom told us othatt he would be late for the

meetingR eIn both reported sentencesa the use of that is optionalR

Reported Speech in Journalism

AAIn print journalisma say is commonly used in the past tense to report speechR

Quotedl ÒI will run for renelection this yearaÓ said Mayor ReedR Reportedl Mayor Reed said othatt he would run for ren

election this yearRA AAIn broadcast journalisma say is often used in the present tense to report speechR Reportedl Mayor Reed says that he will run for renelection this yearR AANote that when the reporting verb is in the present tensea as in the last examplea verb tense changes are not required in reported speechR

Other Reporting Verbs

For Statements

AAadded AAannounced AAcommented AAexplained AAremarked AAstatedAA

For Questions

AAasked AAwanted to know AA wondered AAinquired

S Lesson c Reported Speech Objectives SR Students will review and consolidate verb tense changes in formal reported speechR cR Students will understand other reference changes necessary for reported speechR Contents Warmnup Ð review of quoted speech and reported speech Practice Exercise S PP Slides Sn) Handout and practice exercise c Ð Time and Place References Homework Assignment Warmnup ¥ Begin class by checking the homework from the previous dayR For part Ca students were asked to write D questions for a partnerR ¥ Ask them to get out those questions and interview a partnerR They should write down exactly what their partner saysR Encourage them to keep their answers brief for this exerciseA ¥ Have five students come to the board and write down one quote eachR ¥ Go over the quotes with the classa checking for correct punctuationR ¥ Now you can ask the class how they would put those quotes in reported speechR ¥ Remind them of what they learned about verb tense changes Ð to back up one tenseR It might be helpful for students to pull out the chart from the previous lessonR ¥ As a classa you should put the quotes into reported speechR Practice Exercise S nn Pair Work In this version of an oral drill practicea the students practice changing quotes to reported speechR See the handouts on the following two pagesR Have the students work in pairsa and distribute handouts A and B to each pairR Student A reads the quoted speech from sentence SR Student B responds in reported speechR Then Student B reads a quote from his page and Student A reports backR Both handouts have the correct answers in reported speechR The students should correct each other if they make mistakesR

c Practice Exercise S Pair Practice nn Reported Speech Work with a partnerR You should each have a different handout Ð Partner A or Partner BR Partner A reads the first sentence on his paperR Partner B changes the sentence to reported speechR Please correct your partner if he or she makes a mistakeR Look at the following exampleR You readl Susan saida ÒI went to Dubai last summerRÓ Your partner reports backl Susan said othatt she had gone to Dubai last summerR Partner A SR Maria saida ÒI have a doctorÕs appointment at hlrrRÓ Maria said that she had a doctorÕs appointment at hlrrR cR The weatherman saida ÒWe can expect rain all weekendRÓ The weatherman said that we could expect rain all weekendR hR Asif saida ÒI will visit my brother on SundayRÓ Asif said he would visit his brother on SundayR (R Safia saida ÒI went to Italy last yearRÓ Safia said that she had gone to Italy last yearR DR Alex saida ÒIÕm going to Spain next yearRÓ Alex said he was going to Spain next yearR iR Kate saida ÒI donÕt like pizzaRÓ Kate told her brother that she didnÕt like pizzaR IR The boss saida ÒIÕm sorrya but youÕll all have to work overtime this weekRÓ The boss said that he was sorrya but that weÕd all have to work overtime this weekR )R The scientist saida ÒGlobal warming is causing many anomalies in weather patternsR Ó The scientist said that global warming was causing many anomalies in weather patternsR KR ÒIÕve been to Italy only onceaÓ said BillR Bill said he had only been to Italy onceR SrR ÒIÕve already eaten lunchaÓ said MerzhadR Merzhad said she had already eaten lunchR

h Exercise c Pair Practice nn Reported Speech Work with a partnerR You should each have a different handout Ð Partner A or Partner BR Partner A reads the first sentence on his paperR Partner B changes the sentence to reported speechR Take turns reading sentences from your paperR Please correct your partner if he or she makes a mistakeR Look at the following exampleR You readl Susan saida ÒI went to Dubai last summerRÓ Your partner reports backl Susan said othatt she had gone to Dubai last summerR Partner B SR Miriam saida ÒI can come to the partyRÓ Miriam said she could come to the partyR cR ÒThe store closes at IlrraÓ the sales clerk saidR The sales clerk said the store closed at IlrrR hR The professor saida ÒThe next quiz will be this FridayRÓ The professor said the next quiz would be this FridayR (R IÕve always wanted to see the Great Wall of Chinaa Remi saidR Remi said he had always wanted to see the Great Wall of ChinaR DR Paul saida ÒIÕm reading a great book about AfghanistanRÓ Paul said he was reading a great book about AfghanistanR iR Marta saida ÒIÕm learning how to cook Indian foodRÓ Marta said she was learning how to cook Indian foodR IR Diane saida ÒI love Indian foodRÓ Diane said that she loved Indian foodR )R ÒItÕs too spicy for meaÓ said KarimR Karim said it was too spicy for himR KR ÒI worked as a reporter for Sr yearsaÓ said MaggyR Maggy said she had worked as a reporter for Sr yearsR SrR ÒI need a new cameraaÓ said AhmedR Ahmed said he needed a new cameraR

( Reported Speech nn No verb tense changes So fara we have looked at verb tense changes that occur with reported speechR For writinga these changes are importanty they help the reader have an accurate idea of what was saidR Howevera there are some cases where you do not have to change verb tensesR PPS Reported Speech Ð No Verb Tense Changes In these situations it is not necessary to change the verb tensesl When we use say in the present tense to reportR When we report soon after someone has spokenR When we speak or write about a general truth or if the situation is still trueR Look at the following examplesR PPc Verb Tense Changes Not Necessary Using say in the present tense to reportR Quotedl ÒI really like my new bossaÓ Robert saidR Reportedl Robert says he really likes his new bossR The verb like stays in the present tenseR PPh Verb Tense Changes Not Necessary When we report soon after someone has spokenR Imagine Sue says to you right nowa ÒI am sleepyRÓ The person next to you asksa ÒWhat did Sue say?Ó The correct reported speech response would bea Sue said she is sleepyR The verb is still in the present tenseR When you report speech immediately after someone has spokena you do not change the verb tensesR

D PP( Verb Tense Changes Not Necessary When someone speaks about a general truth or if the situation is still trueR In this casea you have the option of keeping what was said in the same tense or using formal reported tensesR Quotedl ÒSummers are very hot in DubaiaÓ he saidR Reportedl He said summers are very hot in DubaiR Reportedl He said summers were very hot in DubaiR Both sentences are grammatically correctR Quotedl ÒI live on Oak StreetaÓ she saidR Reportedl She said she lives on Oak StreetR Reportedl She said she lived on Oak StreetR Both are correct if she still lives on Oak StreetR Reference Changes in Reported Speech So fara weÕve focused on verb tense changes in reported speechR Ask the students if theyÕve noticed other changes that occurR Show them PPD and ask them what other changes they seeR They should notice that pronouns changeR In order to keep the original meaninga we often need to change pronouns when reporting what someone has saidR PPD Quotedl ÒI feel hungryaÓ Mary said Reportedl Mary said she felt hungryR Quotedl Professorl ÒIÕve looked at the results of your work this year and youÕll be pleased to know that IÕm recommending you for a scholarship next yearRÓ Reportedl The professor told me that she had looked at the results of my work this year and that IÕd be pleased to know that she was recommending me for a scholarship next yearR

i Look at the following examples to see what happens when you forget to change the pronounsR PPi Examples ÒYou won the scholarshipAÓ MrR Chin told AnnaR MrR Chin told Anna that you had won the scholarshipR MrR Chin told Anna that she had won the scholarshipR Implied Meaning Anna won a scholarshipR You won a scholarshipR Anna won a scholarshipR Words of Time and Place In reported speecha changes are also necessary for certain words that refer to time and placeR Look at the following exampleR PPI Time and Place References Imagine you went to a restaurant on Monday with your frienda PeterR While at the restauranta he said to youa ÒThis is a great restaurantR IÕm going to eat here again tomorrowRÓ Later on that same Mondaya you tell a friendl Peter said that was a great restaurant and that he was going to eat there tomorrowR What changes have been made to the original quote? Notesl Ask the students to tell you what changes have been made to the original quoteR They should notice threel SR This becomes thatR You are no longer in the restauranta so you cannot use this to refer to the restaurantR cR Verb tense change Ð is becomes wasR hR Here becomes thereR Againa you are no longer at the restauranta so you need to change hereR Continuing with our exampleÉ

I PP) Using the same examplel ÒThis is a great restaurantR IÕm going to eat here again tomorrowRÓ Two weeks latera you tell a friendl Peter said that was a great restaurant and that he was going to eat there the following dayR What changes have been made to the original quote? Notel The students should notice that in addition to the previous changesa tomorrow has been changed to the following dayR Time and Place References The following handout has some common Òhere and nowÓ words otime and place wordst that often change in reported speechR In conversational English these words are used frequentlyR In business writing and in journalisma use specific daysa dates and times to avoid any confusionR Look at the chart ofollowing paget with the studentsa have them do the exercise in classa and correct togetherR Homework Exercise Distribute the homework and go over the instructionsR

) Reported Speech Ð Common Words of Time and Place The following words of time and place frequently change in reported speechR In journalism and in business documentsa you should use specific days and dates to avoid confusionR Quoted this p these here today p tonight yesterday tomorrow next oTuesday pweek p yeara etcRt last oTuesday p last weekp last yeara etcRt otwo days p one week p three yearsa etcRt ago Reported that p those there that day p that night the previous day p the day before the next day p the following day the next oTuesday p week p yeart the following oTuesday p weekp month p yeart the oweek p Tuesday p monthp yeart before the previous op week p Tuesday p month p yeart otwo days p one weekp three yearsa etcRt earlier Practice Exercise c Ð Changing References in Reported Speech Change the following quotes to reported speechR You will need to make changes to verb tensesa pronouns and time and place wordsR Assume that you are reporting after some time has passedR SR Karenl ÒIÕll meet you tomorrow at noonRÓ _________________________________________________________________ cR Kariml ÒMy brother went to India last weekRÓ _________________________________________________________________ hR Halimal ÒI translated that document two weeks agoRÓ _________________________________________________________________ (R Ferozpurl ÒThere will be a press conference next Tuesdaya at Balkh UniversityRÓ _________________________________________________________________ DR Hamidl ÒThis is the best book on reporting that IÕve ever readRÓ _________________________________________________________________ iR Yahyal ÒWeÕll meet you here in front of the recording studioRÓ _________________________________________________________________

K Homework Exercise Change the following quotes speech to reported speechR Use the verbs for formal reported speechR SR Jim saida ÒI love Spanish foodRÓ ______________________________________________________________ cR Emily saida ÒIÕm going to Singapore next monthRÓ ______________________________________________________________ hR Kevin saida ÒI had a great weekendRÓ ______________________________________________________________ (R Mehrzad saida ÒIÕm going to start my own photography business next monthRÓ ______________________________________________________________ DR Alex saida ÒI finished university in JuneRÓ ______________________________________________________________ iR Safia saida ÒI have studied photographyRÓ ______________________________________________________________ IR Maria saida ÒI will bring you a scarf from IndiaRÓ ______________________________________________________________ )R Ahmed saida ÒIÕm sorry but I canÕt meet at SrRÓ ______________________________________________________________ KR Bill saida ÒI can meet you for lunch on FridayRÓ ______________________________________________________________ SrR Mary saida ÒI want to learn how to swimRÓ ______________________________________________________________
