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Psychological Review1994, Vol. 101. No. 4. 568-586Copyright 1994 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.






d i n






l Mode l Uri e


r an d


n J Cec i I n respons e t o


s (1958 long-standin g challenge th e author s propos e a n empiricall y testabl e theoretica l mode l tha t (a goe s beyon d an d qualifie s th e establishe d behaviora l genetic s paradig m b y allowin g fo r nonadditiv e synergisti c effects direc t measure s o f th e environment an d mechanism s o f organism-environmen t interaction calle d proximal processes, throug h whic h genotype s ar e transforme d int o phenotypes (b hypothesize s tha t estimate s o f heritabilit y (e.g. rt 2 increas e mark edl y wit h th e magnitud e o f proxima l processes (c demonstrate s tha t heritabilit y measure s th e pro

-portion of variation in individual differences attributable only to actualized genetic potential, with

th e degre e o f nonactualized potential remainin g unknown (d propose s that b y enhancin g proxima l processe s an d environments i t i s possibl e t o increas e th e exten t o f actualize d geneti c potential s fo r developmenta l competence


f decade s ago Ann e


i (19^81 i n a n articl e publishe d i n thi s journal pose d a challeng e t o psycho logica l science Th e challeng e appeare d i n th e titl e o f he r article "Heredity


an d th e




i offere d fe w answers


sh e urge d he r scientifi c colleague s t o pursu e wha t sh e sa w a s a mor e rewardin g an d necessar y sci -entific goal. [Rathe r tha n seeking t o discove r ho w much o f th e varianc e wa s attributabl e t o heredit y an d ho w muc h t o environment a mor e fruitfu l approac h i s t o b e foun d i n th e questio n "How?'' Ther e i s stil l muc h t o b e learne d abou t th e specifi c modus operandi o f he reditar y an d environmenta l factor s i n th e developmen t o f behav iora l differences (p 197
Today 3 5 year s later th e challeng e stil l stands despit e th e fac t tha t recen t development s i n scienc e an d societ y giv e i t renewe d importance Thus ove r th e pas t decade researc h no t onl y i n behaviora l genetic s bu t als oquotesdbs_dbs43.pdfusesText_43