[PDF] [PDF] Lecture 10: Context-Free Languages Contextually Exam 1 Exam 1

Note: unlike nearly all other sets we draw in this class, all of these sets are finite, and Proving Set Equivalence A = B ⇔ A LR(M) = the set of languages that can be LR(DFA) Deterministic Context-Free Languages: recognized by DPDA

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[PDF] Languages that Are and Are Not Context-Free

We show that context-free languages are closed under union, concatenation, property P that all context-free languages have, and then show that L does not 

[PDF] Lecture 10: Context-Free Languages Contextually Exam 1 Exam 1

Note: unlike nearly all other sets we draw in this class, all of these sets are finite, and Proving Set Equivalence A = B ⇔ A LR(M) = the set of languages that can be LR(DFA) Deterministic Context-Free Languages: recognized by DPDA

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David Evans

http://www.cs.virginia.edu/evans cs302: Theory of Computation

University of Virginia

Computer Science

Lecture 10: Lecture 10:

ContextContext--Free Free

Languages Languages



Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Exam 1

• In class, next Thursday, Feb 28 • Covers:

Lectures 1-10

Sipser Ch 0-2

Problem Sets 1-3 + Comments

Exam 1

Note: unlike nearly all other sets we draw in this class, all of these sets are finite, and the size represents the relative size. 3

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Exam 1 Notesheet

• For Exam 1, you may not use anything other than -Your own brain and body -A single page (one side) of notes that you create • You can work with others to create your notes page 4

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Menu • Are DPDAs equivalent to NDPDAs? • Properties of CFLs • Equivalence of CFGs and



Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Language Classes

Regular Languages

Context-Free Languages

Violates Pumping

L emma For RLs


P umping Lemma F or CFLs

Described by DFA, NFA,

RegExp, RegGram

Described by CFG,



0n www Rww

Where are DPDAs?


Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Proving Set Equivalence

A= B?A ?Band B?A

Sets Aand Bare equivalent if Ais a

subset of Band Bis a subset of A. 2 7

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Proving Formalism Equivalence

LR(M)= the set of languages that can be

recognized by someM = { l | l ?P(Σ*)and there is some m ?M such that L(m) = l}

A= B?LR(A) ?LR(B) and LR(B) ?LR(A)


Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Proving Formalism


LR(M)= the set of languages that can be

recognized by someM = { l | l ?P(Σ*)and there is some m ?M such that L(m) = l}

A≠B?There is anl ?P(Σ*) that is in

LR(A) but not inLR(B)

or there is anl inLR(B) but not in LR(A) 9

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Regular Languages

Context-Free Languages

Violates Pumping

L emma For RLs

Described by DFA, NFA,

RegExp, RegGram

Described by CFG,



0n www R ww Sensible option 1: LR(NDPDA) ????LR(DPDA) ????LR(NFA) =LR(DFA) Sensible option 2: LR(NDPDA) =LR(DPDA) ????LR(NFA) =LR(DFA) To eliminate =, we need to find some language L that can be recognized by an NDPDA and prove it cannot be recognized by a DPDA 10

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs


A= { 0i1j| i ≥0, j= ior j= 2i}


0, ε→+

1, +→εε, $ →ε

1, +→ε

1, ε→ε


Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs


A= { 0i1j| i ≥0, j= ior j= 2i}

A ????LR(DPDA)

Proof by contradiction.

Suppose there is a DPDA P that recognizes A.

It must be in accept states only after processing 0i1iand 0i12i ...0, α→β1, α→β

2itransitions, consuming 0i1i

...1, α→β1, α→β itransitions, consuming 1i 12

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs


A= { 0i1j| i ≥0, j= ior j= 2i}

A ????LR(DPDA)

Proof by contradiction.

Suppose there is a DPDA P that recognizes A.

It must be in accept states only after processing 0i1iand 0i12i ...0, α→β1, α→β

2itransitions, consuming 0i1i

...1, α→β1, α→β itransitions, consuming 2i 22

L(P') = { 0i1i2i| i ≥0}

3 13

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs


A= { 0i1j| i ≥0, j= ior j= 2i}

A ????LR(DPDA)

Proof by contradiction.If there is a DPDA Pthat

recognizes A, we could construct a DPDA P'that recognizes

A'= L(P') = { 0i1i2i| i ≥0}

But, we know A'is not a CFL! (Prove using pumping lemma) So, there is no NDPDA that can recognize A', so there is no

DPDA that can recognize A', so P'must not exist.

Hence, Pmust not exist. This means there is no DPDA that can recognize A. 14

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Regular Languages

Context-Free Languages

Violates Pumping

L emma For RLs

Described by DFA, NFA,

RegExp, RegGram

Described by CFG,



0n wA ww


Deterministic Context-Free Languages: recognized by DPDA

A= { 0i1j| i ≥0, j= ior j= 2i}


Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Closure Properties of RLs

If Aand Bare regular languages then:


Ris a regular language

Construct the reverse NFA

A *is a regular language

Add a transition from accept states to start

Ais a regular language (complement)

F' = Q-F

A?Bis a regular language

Construct an NFA that combines DFAs

A ∩Bis a regular language

Construct an DFA combining DFAs that

accepts if both accept 16

Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

Closure Properties of CFLs

If Aand Bare

context freelanguages then: A

Ris a context-free language ?

A *is a context-free language ?

Ais a context-free language (complement)?

A?Bis a context-free language ?

A ∩Bis a context-free language ?

Some of these are true. Some of them are false.


Lecture 10: NDPDAs/CFGs/PDAs

CFLs Closed Under Reverse

Given a CFL A, is ARa CFL?

Since Ais a CFL, there is some CFG Gthat recognizes A.


There is a CFG GRthat recognizes AR.
