[PDF] [PDF] Java Concurrency Framework

O To write thread safe programs that allow multiple threads to work on shared resources without O This presentation will introduce the various concepts that

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CSCI 5448: Graduate


Smitha Sunil Kamat and Krithika Parthan

YThe Java Concurrency framework provides a platform to parallelize applicaWionV effecWively. TUiV allowV WUe programmer Wo make full uVe of mulWiple coreV anT Uence improve WUe performance of WUe applicaWion. YThe concurrency model allows performance improvement with a single core macUine alVo Vince iW WaVkV can be VwiWcUeT in anT ouW of WUe proceVVor giving WUe illuVion of paralleliVm wUile UiTing laWencieV effecWively. Y each task. These threads share the resources of the task and also have their own context which is smaller than the parent task. This can be done easily and effectively using classes and interfaces provided by the Java Concurrency framework. YTo write thread safe programs that allow multiple threads to work on shared reVourceV wiWUouW TaWa corrupWionH WUe concurrency library proviTeV a VeW of VyncUroniYaWion mecUaniVmV WUaW enVure VecuriWy of TaWa wiWUouW coVWing performance. YTUe objecW-orienWeT abVWracWionV proviTeT by WUe Java plaWform coupleT wiWU WUe paralleliVm offereT by WUe concurrency framework proviTeV a very powerful VeW of WoolV for programmerV Wo Tevelop applicaWionV WUaW are moTular anT faVW.




YClasses provided


YThread Factory







YConcurrent Hash ÓapV


YThe JAVA concurrency framework proviTeV a VeW of

claVVeV anT VerviceV wUicU UelpV JAVA programmerV Wo TeVign UigU performanceH reliable anT mainWainable applicaWionV (TeVign) wiWU reTuceT programming efforW. YThis presentation will introduce the various concepts that are inWegral parWV of WUe JAVA concurrency framework along with examples of their usage in JAVA multithreaded programV. YIn this age of multi-core proceVVorVH leveraging work on all WUe coreV UelpV obWain a VucceVVfulH UigU volume applicaWion.

YThreads are a mecUaniVm WUaW Uelp WaVkV Wo run

aVyncUronouVly. YSequential execution VufferV from poor reVponViveneVV anT WUrougUpuW. YMulti-WUreaTeT programming iV requireT Wo overcome WUe limiWaWionV of VequenWial execuWion. YThe JAVA concurrency package was developed by Doug

Lea anT iW compriVeT CollecWion-relaWe claVVeV.

YAn updated version of these utilities was included in JDK

5.0 aV of JSR 166.

YJAVA SE 6 and JAVA SE 7,both introduced updated

verVionV of WUe JSR 166 APIVH incluVive of Veveral new aTTiWionV. YThis enabled the JAVA programming language and the JAVA VirWual ÓacUine (JVÓ) Wo VupporW concurrenW programming wUere WUe program execuWion WakeV place in WUe conWexW of WUreaTV.

YFollowing are the JAVA packages that support

concurrenW programming oJava.util.concurrent oJava.util.concurrent.atomic oJava.util.concurrent.locks oJava.lang.Threads YMultithreaded programs that are tedious to implement can be easily accomplished using the above packageV. YEach thread created in Java is an instance of class java.lang.Threads. YSimple interface providing the primary abstraction for

WaVk execuWionH VupporWing launcUing of new WaVkV
