[PDF] [PDF] The RSA Cryptosystem - Stanford University

e – encryption exponent gcd(e, ϕ(N) ) = 1 ➢ Permutation: RSA(M) = Me ( 

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[PDF] The RSA Cryptosystem - Stanford University

e – encryption exponent gcd(e, ϕ(N) ) = 1 ➢ Permutation: RSA(M) = Me ( 

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The RSA Cryptosystem

Dan Boneh

Stanford University

Page 2

The RSA cryptosystem

ØFirst published:

•Scientific American, Aug. 1977. (after some censorship entanglements) ØCurrently the "work horse" of Internet security: •Most Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) products. •SSL/TLS: Certificates and key-exchange. •Secure e-mail: PGP, Outlook, ...

Page 3

The RSA trapdoor permutation

ØParameters:N=pq. N »1024 bits. p,q »512 bits. e -encryption exponent. gcd(e, j(N) ) = 1 . ØPermutation:RSA(M) = Me(mod N) where MÎZNØTrapdoor:d-decryption exponent.

Where e×d= 1 (mod j(N) )

ØInversion:RSA(M)d= M(mod N)


no efficient alg. can invert RSA without trapdoor.

Page 4

Textbook RSA is insecure

ØTextbook RSA encryption:

•public key: (N,e)Encrypt: C = Me(mod N) •private key: dDecrypt: Cd= M(mod N) (M ÎZN)

ØCompletely insecure cryptosystem:

•Does not satisfy basic definitions of security. •Many attacks exist. ØThe RSA trapdoor permutation is not a cryptosystem !

Page 5

A simple attack on textbook RSA

ØSession-key K is 64 bits. View K Î{0,...,264}

Eavesdropper sees: C = Ke(mod N).

ØSuppose K = K1×K2where K1, K2< 234. (prob. »20%)

Then: C/K1e= K2e(mod N)

ØBuild table: C/1e, C/2e, C/3e, ..., C/234e. time: 234 For K2= 0,..., 234test if K2eis in table. time: 234×34

ØAttack time: »240 << 264Web





session- key K

Page 6

Common RSA encryption

ØNever use textbook RSA.

ØRSA in practice:

ØMain question:

•How should the preprocessing be done? •Can we argue about security of resulting system?msgPreprocessingciphertextRSA

Page 7

PKCS1 V1.5

ØPKCS1 mode 2:(encryption)

ØResulting value is RSA encrypted.

ØWidely deployed in web servers and browsers.

ØNo security analysis !!02random padFFmsg

1024 bits

16 bits

Page 8

Attack on PKCS1

ØBleichenbacher98. Chosen-ciphertext attack.

ØPKCS1 used in SSL:

Þattacker can test if 16 MSBsof plaintext = '02'.

ØAttack: to decrypt a given ciphertext C do:

•Pick random r ÎZN. Compute C'= re×C = (rM)e. •Send C'to web server and use response.AttackerWeb

ServerdIs this



Yes: continue

No: error02

Page 9

Chosen ciphertext security (CCS)

ØNo efficient attacker can win the following game: (with non-negligible advantage)AttackerChallengerM

0, M1b'Î{0,1}

Attacker wins if b=b'C=E(M

b) bÎR{0,1}


oracle ¹C

Page 10

Chosen-ciphertext secure RSA

ØAre there CCS cryptosystems based on RSA?

•RSA-PKCS1 is not CCS !

ØAnswer: Yes!Dolev-Dwork-Naor(DDN). 1991.

•Problem: inefficient. ØOpen problem: efficient CCS system based on RSA.

ØWhat to do? Cheat!

•Build RSA system that is CCS in imaginary world. •"Assume" our-world = imaginary-world.

Page 11


ØNew preprocessing function: OAEP (BR94).

ØThm: "trap-door permutation F ÞF-OAEP is CCS when H,G are "random oracles".

ØIn practice: use SHA-1 or MD5 for H and G.H+


Plaintext to encryptwith RSArand.M0100..0

Check pad

on decryption.

Reject CT if invalid.


Page 12

An incorrect proof

ØShoup2000: The OAEP thmcannot be correct !!

ØCounter ex: f(x)-xormalleable trapdoor permutation f(x), DÞf(xÅD) Define: h(x,y) = [ x, f(y) ](also trapdoor perm)

ØAttack on h-OAEP:AttackerChallengerM

0, M1C = h(OAEP(Mb)) = [x,f(y)]Rand D= r||01000

y'= yÅG(x)ÅG(xÅD)

C'= [ xÅD, f(y') ]Decrypt C' (¹C)M

b ÅDM b

Page 13


ØOAEP is standardized due to an incorrect thm.

ØFortunately: Fujisaki-Okamoto-Pointcheval-Stern •RSA-OAEP is Chosen CiphertextSecure !! -Proof uses special properties of RSA.

ÞNo immediate need to change standards.

•Security proof less efficientthan original "proof". uMain proof idea [FOPS]: •For Shoup'sattack: given challenge C = RSA(x ||y) attacker must "know" x •RSA(x ||y) Þx then RSA is not one-way.

Page 14

OAEP Replacements

ØOAEP+: (Shoup'01)

"trap-door permutation F

F-OAEP+ is CCS when

H,G,W are "random oracles".

ØSAEP+: (B'01)

RSA trap-door perm Þ

RSA-SAEP+ is CCS when

H,W are "random oracle".R





Page 15

Subtleties in implementing OAEP

OAEP-decrypt(C) {

error = 0; if (RSA-1(C) > 2n-1) { error =1; gotoexit; } if (pad(OAEP-1(RSA-1(C))) != "01000" ) { error = 1; gotoexit; }} ØProblem:timing information leaks type of error.

ÞAttacker can decrypt any ciphertextC.

ØLesson: Don't implement RSA-OAEPyourself ...

Part II:

Is RSA a One-Way Permutation?

Page 17

Is RSA a one-way permutation?

ØTo invert the RSA one-way function (without d) attacker must compute:

M from C = Me(mod N).

ØHow hard is computing e'throots modulo N??

ØBest known algorithm:

•Step 1: factor N. (hard) •Step 2: Find e'throots modulo p and q. (easy)

Page 18


ØMust one factor N in order to compute e'throots? Exists shortcut for breaking RSA without factoring?

ØTo prove no shortcut exists show a reduction:

•Efficient algorithm for e'throots mod N

Þefficient algorithm for factoring N.

•Oldest problem in public key cryptography.

ØEvidence no reduction exists:(BV'98)

•"Algebraic" reduction Þfactoring is easy. •Unlike Diffie-Hellman(Maurer'94).

Page 19

Improving RSA'sperformance

ØTo speed up RSA decryption use

small private key d.Cd= M (mod N) •Wiener87:if d < N0.25then RSA is insecure. •BD'98:if d < N0.292then RSA is insecure (open: d < N 0.5 ) •Insecure:priv. key d can be found from (N,e). •Small d should neverbe used.

Page 20

Wiener's attack

ØRecall:e×d = 1 (mod j(N) )

Þ$kÎZ : e×d = k×j(N) + 1

j(N) = N-p-q+1 Þ|N-j(N)| £p+q £3ÖN d £N0.25/3 Þ

Continued fraction expansion of e/N gives k/d.

e×d = 1 (mod k) Þgcd(d,k)=1e j(N) k d -£ 1 dj(N) e N k d -£ 1 2d2

Page 21

RSA With Low public exponent

ØTo speed up RSA encryption (and sig. verify)

use a small e.C = Me(mod N)

ØMinimal value: e=3( gcd(e, j(N) ) = 1)

ØRecommended value: e=65537=216+1

Encryption: 17 mod. multiplies.

ØSeveral weak attacks. Non known on RSA-OAEP.

ØAsymmetry of RSA: fast enc. / slow dec.

•ElGamal: approx. same time for both.

Page 22

Implementation attacks

ØAttack the implementation of RSA.

ØTiming attack: (Kocher97)

The time it takes to compute Cd(mod N)

can expose d.

ØPower attack: (Kocher99)

The power consumption of a smartcard while

it is computing Cd(mod N) can expose d.

ØFaults attack: (BDL 97)

A computer error during Cd(mod N)

can expose d.

OpenSSL defense: check output. 5%slowdown.

Page 23

Key lengths

ØSecurity of public key system should be

comparable to security of block cipher. NIST:

Cipher key-sizeModulus size

£64 bits512 bits.

80 bits1024 bits

128 bits3072 bits.

256 bits (AES)15360bits

ØHigh security Þvery large moduli.

Not necessary with Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
