[PDF] [PDF] SAS Certification Handout - Math Usu

186-188) */ proc sql; create table work temp1 as select * from cert sales10; quit; /* no output, but LOG: Table WORK TEMP1 created, with 4 rows and 4 columns

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SAS Certification Handout #10: Adv. Prog. Ch. 5-8

/************ Ch. 5 ********************/ /* First, make example data same as Handout #9 */ libname cert /* In SAS Studio, after creating SAS_Cert folder with username jrstevens: libname cert '/home/jrstevens/SAS_Cert'; data cert.sales10; format


$9. Sales dollar8. input LastName $ EmplID Division $ Sales; cards

Smith 315 A 553312

Nelson 333 A 555827

Uribe 612 C 867159

Larson 331 B 521592

Larsen 216 B 123513

Rasmussen 217 A 125321

Knecht 861 B 983152

D'Angelou 772 A 332512

Larson 331 C 381592

/* CREATE TABLE three ways: (1) from query (as before; pp. 186-188) (2) empty table from scratch (pp. 179 181)
(3) empty table LIKE existing table (pp. 183 185)
/* (1) CREATE TABLE from query (pp. 186

188) */

proc sql create table work.temp1 as select from cert.sales10; quit /* no output, but LOG: Table WORK.TEMP1 created, with 4 rows and 4 columns. */ /* (2) CREATE TABLE as empty table from scratch (pp. 179-181) */ proc sql create table work.temp2 (LastName char 9 format $9.



Division char(1),

Sales num format dollar8. quit /* no output, but LOG: NOTE: Table WORK.TEMP2 created, with 0 rows and 4 columns. 1 /* (3) CREATE TABLE LIKE existing table (pp. 183

185) */

proc sql create table work.temp3 like cert.sales10; quit /* no output, but LOG: NOTE: Table WORK.TEMP3 created, with 0 rows and 4 columns. /* NOTE: To existing (sometimes empty) tables, can later INSERT rows (p. 189) in three ways: (i) SET (by column name; pp. 190 191)
(ii) VALUES (as lists of values; pp. 191 194)
(iii) SELECT (from a query; pp. 194 195)
/* (i) INSERT rows by column name; pp. 190

191 */

proc sql insert into work.temp3 set


'Smith' , EmplID= 315
, Division= 'A' , Sales=


quit proc print data =temp3; run /* (ii) INSERT rows by list of values; Note that order of column values need not match order in table */ proc sql insert into work.temp3(LastName, EmplID,

Division, Sales)

values 'Nelson' 333


values 'Uribe' 612


quit proc print data =temp3; run /* (iii) INSERT rows from a query */ proc sql insert into work.temp3 select from cert.sales10 where


'Knecht' quit proc print data =temp3; run

Obs LastName Sales EmplID Division

1 Smith $553,312 315 A

Obs LastName Sales EmplID Division

1 Smith $553,312 315 A

2 Nelson $555,827 333 A

3 Uribe $867,159 612 C

Obs LastName Sales EmplID Division

1 Smith $553,312 315 A

2 Nelson $555,827 333 A

3 Uribe $867,159 612 C

4 Knecht $983,152 861 B

2 /* pp. 196-202 Integrity constraints preserve data validity:



Can also name constraints.

proc sql create table work.temp2


char 9 format $9. not null


num primary key


char 1 check (Division in 'A' 'B' 'C' Sales num format dollar8. constraint pos_sales check (Sales ge 0 quit /* LOG:


created, with 0 rows and 4 columns. /* What happens if try to insert bad row? */ proc sql insert into work.temp2 set


'Smith' , EmplID= 315
, Division= 'A' , Sales=




'Nelson' , EmplID= 333
, Division= 'D' , Sales=


quit /* LOG refers to first CHECK failed (Division here) for at least one inserted row, so no rows are inserted. ERROR: Add/Update failed for data set WORK.TEMP2 because data value(s) do not comply with integrity constraint _CK0001_ proc print data =temp2; run /* No output because 0 rows */ /* Force inclusion of valid rows with UNDO_POLICY=NONE (pp. 202 205)
proc sql undo_policy =none; insert into work.temp2 set


'Smith' , EmplID= 315
, Division= 'A' , Sales=




'Nelson' , EmplID= 333
, Division= 'D' , Sales=


quit proc print data =temp2; run

Obs LastName EmplID Division Sales

2 Smith 315 A $553,312

3 /* UPDATE ... SET ... with same expression (pp. 207 210)
(Suppose two employees transferred divisions) */ proc sql create table work.temp4 as select

EmplID, Division

from cert.sales10; proc sql update work.temp4 set

Division =

'B' where

EmplID in (

quit proc print data =temp4; run /* UPDATE ... SET ... with different expression (pp. 210

216) using

CASE ... WHEN ... THEN ... ... END

This is kind of like SELECT ... END in Base chapter 10, but more flexible. (Suppose all divisions restructured) */ proc sql create table work.temp4 as select

EmplID, Division

from cert.sales10;quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23