[PDF] Speaker meaning

The Gricean analysis, for example, has trouble with the familiar fact that people often talk to babies, and mean something when they do, despite having no 

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Sentence Meaning, Speaker Meaning, and Davidsons Denial of

For Searle, then, there definitely is such a thing as metaphorical meaning, but it is , as he says, "always speaker's utterance meaning" (1985, p 417) The 

Speaker meaning

The Gricean analysis, for example, has trouble with the familiar fact that people often talk to babies, and mean something when they do, despite having no 

[PDF] Speaker Meaning, What is Said, and What is Implicated [1]

of speaker meaning and conversational implicature are cast in very different by means of a sentence S, it is not enough for her to mean that P'S must also be a

[PDF] Pragmatic Aspects of Meaning I: Expression Meaning, Speaker

Speaker Meaning • What is it for a speaker A to mean that p in uttering sentence α? Grice's (1957) definition Speaker A means that p in uttering α to hearer B iff 

[PDF] 1Utterance content, speakers intentions and linguistic liability* - CORE

speaker meaning An example: [Discussing an utterance of the sentence 'That is empty', where 'that' refers to a can] Did I mean ''contains no Sprite'' or 

[PDF] Grice: “Meaning” - Faculty Washington

If Grice is right, speaker's meaning (what a speaker intends to communicate) is a more fundamental notion than sentence meaning That is, sentences mean 

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