[PDF] Ave verum corpus

um corpus Gradualia (I), 1605 William Byrd (c 1543-1623) tum tum tum tum de de de de na pus,

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2001 · Cité 1 fois — Ave Verum Corpus A motet for the Feast of Corpus Christi composed by William Byrd (1543-1623)

Ave verum corpus

um corpus Gradualia (I), 1605 William Byrd (c 1543-1623) tum tum tum tum de de de de na pus,

Ave Verum Corpus

1999 · Cité 1 fois — William Byrd (1543-1623) SATB a TEXT/TRANSLATION: Ave verum corpus, natum de Maria Virgine,

Ave Verum Corpus - Cal State LA

nalysis: A Comparison of Byrd's Ave verum Corpus with His Sacred Vocal Score consulted for analysis: The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems (London: Oxford UP, 1978, 44-49)

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Ave Verum Corpus

A motet for the Feast of Corpus Christicomposed byWilliam Byrd (1543-1623) (Edition by Drew Collins) The conversion of England from the Roman Catholic church to the Church of England by King Henry VIII (and later Queen Elizabeth I) forced those who wished to practice Catholicism

to do so covertly, as penalties included fines, scrutiny, torture or death. All vestiges of the "old

religion" were summarily prohibited, including the use of Latin (only English was permitted). In this highly volatile and oppressive atmosphere, Byrd played a dangerous game. Refusing to conform to the new religion, he composed music for use in Catholic services (held secretly in private residences), more often than not in Latin. He managed this rebellion without loss of life or livelihood, due in part both to his exemplary musical skill and by frequently dedicating publications to the Queen. It is widely accepted that Byrd intended his Latin motets for use either in these underground Masses, or for publication in books for use in homes, much like madrigals. Either way, the music was most likely performed 1 or 2 singers/players per part, and with female sopranos. Some of Byrd's contemporaries: -William Shakespeare (1564-1616) -Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) -John Donne (1573-1631) -G. P. da Palestrina (c1525-1594) -Thomas Morley (1558-1602) -Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)





V ?b b b b b b b bC C C C hÈ


A- w A-w A- w A- 2 ve ve - ve ve - w veú ve ve - 3 rum cor - rum cor - ve - rum rum cor - 4 pus, pus,ú cor - pus, pus, 5 na - tum na - tum na - tum na - tum de 6 de Ma - ri - de Ma - ri - de Ma - ri -

Ma - ri - a

V ?b b b b b b b b 7 aVir-gi- aVir-gi- aVir-gi-

Vir - gi -

8 ne, Ve - ne, Ve - ne, Ve - ne, Ve - 9 re pas - re pas - re pas - re pas - 10 sum, im - sum, im - sum, im - sum, im - 11 mo - la - mo - la - mo - la - tum mo - la - 12 tum in tum in cru - tum in V ?b b b b b b b b 13 cru - ce in cru - ce ce pro cru - ce 14 pro ho - mi - pro ho - mi - ho - mi - pro ho - mi - 15 ne: Cu - ne: Cu - ne: Cu - ne: Cu - 16 jus la - jus la - jus la - jus la - 17 tus per - fo - tus per - fo - 18 ra - tum, un - ra - tum, ra - tum,

William Byrd (1543-1623)

ed. Drew Collins

SATB a cappella

Ave Verum Corpus

Copyright ©2001 Andrew S. CollinsThis edition may be freely distributed, duplicated, performed, or recorded.

For more free downloadable choral editions, visit www.InnerVoices.orged. 6/3/2001rev. 7/3/2002 This edition was prepared for the 2001 Trinity Concert Singers

Pope Innocent III or IV

V ?b b b b b b b b 19 un - de flu - de flu - 20 xit san - gui - xit san - gui - un - de de flu - 21
ne, san - gui - flu - xit san - gui - xit san - gui - 22
ne. Es - ne. Es - ne. Es - ne. Es - 23
to no -

úto no -

to no - to no - 24
bis prae - gu - bis prae - gu - bis prae - gu - bis prae - gu - V ?b b b b b b b b 25
sta - tum in sta - tum in sta - tum in sta - tum 26
mor - tis mor - tis, in mor - tis in mor - 27
ex - a - mor - tis ex - ex - a - tis ex - a - 28
mi - ne. O a - mi-ne. mi - ne. mi - ne. 29
dul - cis,

O dul -

O dul -

O dul -

Opi - cis, O


cis, O cis, O V ?b b b b b b b b 31
e, O únquotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18