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On the other hand, there is no person who is a million inches high, so f is not surjective either 1 Page 2 The function in (2) is neither injective nor surjective as 

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Denition 7.1.Afunctionf:A!Bconsists of:

(1)the setA, which is called thedomainoff, (2)the setB, which is called therangeoff, (3)a rule which assigns to every elementa2Aan elementb2B, which we denote byf(a).

It is easy to write down examples of functions:

(1) LetAbe the set of all people and letB= [0;1). Letf(x) be the height of personx, to the nearest inch. (2)f:R!Rgiven byf(x) =x2. (3)f:R![0;1) given byf(x) =x2. (4)f: [0;1)!Rgiven byf(x) =x2. (5)f: [0;1)![0;1) given byf(x) =x2. (6)f:R! f0;1ggiven by f(x) =(

0 ifxis rational

1 ifxis irrational.

(7)f:N! f0;1ggiven by f(x) =(

0 ifxis even

1 ifxis odd.

Denition 7.2.Iff:A!Bandg:B!Care two functions,

then we cancomposefandgto get a new functiongf:A!C.

Ifa2A, then(gf)(a) =g(f(a)).

Iff:R!Ris the functionf(x) = sinxandg:R!Ris the

functiong(x) = 2x, thengf:R!Ris the function (gf)(x) =

2sinx, whilstfg:R!Ris the function (fg)(x) = sin2x.

Denition 7.3.Letf:A!Bbe a function.

We say thatfisinjectiveif wheneverf(a1) =f(a2)for some pair a

1,a22A, then in facta1=a2.

We say thatfissurjectiveif for everyb2B, we may nd an a2Asuch thatf(a) =b. We say thatfis abijectioniffis both injective and surjective. It is interesting to go through the examples above. The function in (1) is neither injective or surjective. Indeed there are lots of people who are ve foot nine, so just because there are two people with the same height, does not mean they are the same person. Sofis not injective. On the other hand, there is no person who is a million inches high, so fis not surjective either. 1 The function in (2) is neither injective nor surjective as well.f(1) =

1 =f(1), but 16=1. There is no real number whose square is1, so

there is no real numberasuch thatf(a) =1. The function in (3) is not injective but it is surjective.f(1) =f(1), and 16=1. But ifb0 then there is always a real numbera0 such thatf(a) =b(namely, the square root ofb). The function in (4) is injective but not surjective. Iff(a1) =f(a2), thena21=a22. As botha10 anda20, this impliesa1=a2. On the other hand, there is still no number whose square is1. The function in (5) is bijective. It is injective, as in (4) and it is surjective as in (3). The function in (6) is not injective but it is surjective.f(0) = 0 = f(1), but 06= 1. On the other hand, ifb2 f0;1gthen eitherb= 0 or b= 1. Butf(0) = 0 andf(p2) = 1. The function in (7) is not injective but it is surjective.f(0) =f(2) =

0, but 06= 2. On the other hand, ifb2 f0;1gthen eitherb= 0 or

b= 1. Butf(0) = 0 andf(1) = 1. (8)f:R3!Rgiven byf(~v) =kvk. (9)f:R3 f0g !R3given byf(~v) =~vkvk. (10)r:R!R3given byf(t) = (cost;sint;t). (11)f:R!(0;1) is given byf(x) =ex. The function in (8) is neither injective nor surjective. There are plenty of unit vectors and there are no vectors of negative length. The function in (9) is neither injective nor surjective. There are plenty of vectors which point in the same direction and the image consists of vectors of unit length. The function in (10) is injective but not surjective. The function in (11) is bijective. Iff:A!Bis a bijective function, thenfhas an inverse functiong:B!A.gf:A!Ais the identity, it sendsatoa. Similarlyfg:B!Bis the identity, it sendsbtob. The inverse of the exponential function is the logarithm g: (0;1)!Rgiven byg(x) = lnx. Denition 7.4.IfAandBare two sets, theproductofAandB, denotedABis the set of ordered pairs


Thegraphof a functionf:A!Bis the subset of the product f(a;f(a)ja2Ag AB:

The productRR=R2,RR2=R3, and so on.

2 Iff:R!Ris the functionf(x) =x2, then the graph offis the parabola,y=x2, f(x;x2)jx2Rg R2:

Now suppose thatg:R2!Ris the function

g(x;y) =x2+y2:

The graph ofgis the setz=x2+y2,

f(x;y;x2+y2)j(x;y)2R2g R3: One way to picturegis to slice it using level curves and level sets. Ifg:R2!Ris any function, the level curve ofgat heightcis the set f(x;y)2R2jg(x;y) =cg R2: In the example whenf(x;y) =x2+y2, the level curves are concentric circles of radiuspc, centred at the origin. Ifc= 0 the level curve is the origin and ifc <0 the level curve is empty. Note that graph has a minimum at the origin. Ifg:R3!Ris any function, the level set ofgat heightcis the set f(x;y;z)2R3jg(x;y;z) =cg R3: Ifg(x;y;z) =zx2y2then the level sets are parallel paraboloids. It is interesting to try to visualise various functions. If we consider f(x;y) =x2y2, then this is an upside down paraboloid, which has a maximum at the origin. Note that the level curves are the same as the level curves forf(x;y) =x2+y2(for dierent values ofc, of course). Now consider the functionf(x;y) =x2y2. If we consider xing y=band varyingx, then we get a parabolaz=x2b2. If we consider xingx=aand varyingy, then we get an upside down parabola, z=a2y2. In fact the origin is a saddle point, a point which is neither a maximum nor a minimum. 3quotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_12