[PDF] [PDF] Unsupervised Learning of Representations from Audio with Deep

competitive with state-of-the art audio classification Keywords: In this paper, we present auDeep, a first of its kind TensorFlow based Python toolkit for deep 

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The machine learning models are imple- mented in Keras using the Tensorflow backend To perform feature extraction during training the librosa[106] Python 

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23 jan 2019 · It is an API specifically designed to support the deep neural network architectures [45] In this experiment, we used Keras on top of TensorFlow

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Most sound classification approaches use supervised pattern frameworks Caffe, TensorFlow (with Keras), and the NVIDIA Deep Learning GPU training system 

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[PDF] Unsupervised Learning of Representations from Audio with Deep

competitive with state-of-the art audio classification Keywords: In this paper, we present auDeep, a first of its kind TensorFlow based Python toolkit for deep 

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tion, bird sound classification, and acoustic scene classification, which classifier is implemented by Python scripts based on TensorFlow11 and TFLearn 12

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