[PDF] [PDF] What is an example of a tertiary economic activity - f-static

The tertiary sector of the industry provides both other companies and final 7 Examples of Light Industry » The definition of primary industry by example

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3 Define: tertiary sector The sector of the economy where businesses provide services, either to individuals, households or other businesses

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Define the term industry and give examples of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industries • Identify factors that determine the location of industry

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Although this is a common example of industry, it can also include other Tertiary (third): Tertiary industries are those that provide essential services and


in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, not only as a classification in a physical and an element of erratic variation in definition and tenninology 12 For example, labour productivity in French agriculture has risen, since 1951,

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1 mai 2012 · example, India and Brazil still have larger agricultural sectors than manufacturing although Different definitions for the tertiary sector Figure 2 

[PDF] What is an example of a tertiary economic activity - f-static

The tertiary sector of the industry provides both other companies and final 7 Examples of Light Industry » The definition of primary industry by example

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The industrial phase – the secondary and tertiary sectors increase in with examples, figures and data added to the Define the term tertiary sector (1 mark ) ii

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2012 Q8 – Short (a) Define the term primary sector (b) Outline two current Trends must be current, don't just use old past paper examples The primary sector 

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productivity and GDP attributable to primary, secondary and tertiary industry Dictionaries define waste as useless or worthless material products are those which dissipate through the environment, for example heavy metals which

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