[PDF] [PDF] Securing the Foundations of the Rust Programming Language

Systems programming languages like C and C++ give programmers low-level control over resource management at the expense of safety, whereas most other  

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[PDF] RustBelt: securing the foundations of the rust programming language

Ralf Jung, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Robbert Krebbers, and Derek Dreyer 2018 RustBelt: Securing the Foun- dations of the Rust Programming Language Proc

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RustBelt: Securing the Foundations of the Rust

Programming Language



ROBBERT KREBBERS,Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Rust is a new systems programming language that promises to overcome the seemingly fundamental tradeo?

between high-level safety guarantees and low-level control over resource management. Unfortunately, none

of Rust"s safety claims have been formally proven, and there is good reason to question whether they actually

hold. Speci?cally, Rust employs a strong, ownership-based type system, but then extends the expressive power

of this core type system through libraries that internally use unsafe features. In this paper, we give the ?rst

formal (and machine-checked) safety proof for a language representing a realistic subset of Rust. Our proof is

extensible in the sense that, for each new Rust library that uses unsafe features, we can say what veri?cation

condition it must satisfy in order for it to be deemed a safe extension to the language. We have carried out

this veri?cation for some of the most important libraries that are used throughout the Rust ecosystem.

CCS Concepts: •Theory of computation→ Programming logic; Separation logic; Operational semantics;

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Rust, separation logic, type systems, logical relations, concurrency

ACM Reference Format:

Ralf Jung, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Robbert Krebbers, and Derek Dreyer. 2018. RustBelt: Securing the Foun-

dations of the Rust Programming Language.Proc. ACM Program. Lang.2, POPL, Article 66 (January 2018),



Systems programming languages like C and C++ give programmers low-level control over resource managementattheexpenseofsafety, whereasmostothermodern languagesgiveprogrammers safe, high-level abstractions at the expense of control. It has long been a "holy grail" of programming languages research to overcome this seemingly fundamental tradeo? and design a language that o?ers programmers both high-level safetyandlow-level control. Rust [Matsakis and Klock II 2014;Rust team 2017], developed at Mozilla Research, comes closer to achieving this holy grail than any other industrially supported programming language to date. On the one hand, like C++, Rust supports zero-cost abstractions for many common systems programming idioms and avoids dependence on a garbage collector [Stroustrup 2012;Turon

2015a]. On the other hand, like most modern high-level languages, Rust is type-safe and memory-

safe. Furthermore, Rust"s type system goes beyond that of the vast majority of safe languages in that it statically rules out data races (which are a form of unde?ned behavior for concurrent programs in many languages like C++ or Rust), as well as common programming pitfalls like

Authors" addresses: Ralf Jung, MPI-SWS?, jung@mpi-sws.org; Jacques-Henri Jourdan, MPI-SWS?, jjourdan@mpi-sws.org;

Robbert Krebbers, Delft University of Technology, mail@robbertkrebbers.nl; Derek Dreyer, MPI-SWS?, dreyer@mpi-sws.org.

?Saarland Informatics Campus.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee

provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and

the full citation on the ?rst page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses,

contact the owner/author(s).

© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).



Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Vol. 2, No. POPL, Article 66. Publication date: January 2018.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

66:2 Ralf Jung, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Robbert Krebbers, and Derek Dreyer

iterator invalidation [Gregor and Schupp 2003]. In other words, compared to mainstream "safe" languages, Rust o?ers both lower-level controlandstronger safety guarantees. At least, that is the hope.Unfortunately, none of Rust"s safety claims have been formally proven, and there is good reason to question whether they actually hold. In this paper, we make a major step toward rectifying this situation by giving the ?rst formal (and machine-checked) safety proof for a language representing a realistic subset of Rust. Before explaining our contributions in more detail, and in particular what we mean here by "realistic", let us begin by exploring what makes Rust"s type system so unusual, and its safety so challenging to verify.

1.1 Rust"s "Extensible" Approach to Safe Systems Programming

At the heart ofthe Rust type system is an ideathat has emerged in recent yearsas a unifying concept connecting both academic and mainstream language design:ownership. In its simplest form, the idea of ownership is that, although multiple aliases to a resource may exist simultaneously, performing certain actions on the resource (such as reading and writing a memory location) should require a "right" or "capability" that is uniquely "owned" by one alias at any point during the execution of the program. Although the right is uniquely owned, it can be "transferred" from one alias to another-e.g., upon calling a function or spawning a thread, or via synchronization mechanisms like locks. In more complex variations, ownership can besharedbetween aliases, but only in a controlled manner (e.g., shared ownership only permits read access [Boyland 2003]). In this way, ownership allows one to carefully administer the safe usage of potentially aliased resources. Ownership pervades both academic and mainstream language design for safe(r) systems pro- gramming. On the academic side, many proposals have been put forth for usingtypesto enforce various ownership disciplines, including "ownership type" systems [Clarke et al.1998]; region- or typestate-based systems for "safe C" programming in languages like Cyclone [

Jim et al.2002] and

Alms [Tov and Pucella 2011], and Mezzo [Balabonski et al.2016]. Unfortunately, although these languages provide strong safety guarantees, none of them have made it out of academic research into mainstream use. On the mainstream side, "modern C++" (i.e., C++ since the 2011 standard [ISO Working Group 21 2011]) provides several features-e.g., smart pointers, move semantics, and RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)-that are essentially mechanisms for controlling ownership. However, while these features encourage safer programming idioms, the type system of C++ is too

weak to enforce its ownership disciplines statically, so it is still easy to write programs with unsafe

or unde?ned behavior using these features. and the reason perhaps that academic e?orts have not taken o? in practice-is that no language can account for the safety of every advanced form of low-level programming that one ?nds in the wild, because there is no practical way to do so while retaining automatic type checking. As a result, previous designs employ type systems that are either too restrictive (i.e., preventing programmers from writing certain kinds of low-level code they want to write) or too expressive (i.e., encoding such a rich logic in the type structure that programmers must do proofs to appease the type checker). Rust addresses this challenge by taking a hybrid,extensibleapproach to ownership. The basic ownership discipline enforced by Rust"s type system is a simple one: If ownership of an object (of type T) is shared between multiple aliases ("shared references" of type&T), then none of them can be used to directly mutate it. This discipline, which is similar in spirit to (if di?erent in detail from) that of several prior academic approaches, is enforceable automatically and eliminates a wide range of common low-level programming errors, such as "use after free", data races, and iterator invalidation. However, it is also too restrictive to account for many low-level

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Vol. 2, No. POPL, Article 66. Publication date: January 2018.

RustBelt: Securing the Foundations of the Rust Programming Language 66:3 data structures and synchronization mechanisms, which fundamentally depend on the ability to mutate aliased state (e.g., to implement mutual exclusion or communication between threads). Consequently, to overcome this restriction, the implementations of Rust"s standard libraries make widespread use ofunsafeoperations, such as "raw pointer" manipulations for which aliasing is not tracked. The developers of these libraries claim that their uses ofunsafecode have been properly "encapsulated", meaning that if programmers make use of the APIs exported by these libraries but otherwise avoid the use ofunsafeoperations themselves, then their programs should never exhibit any unsafe/unde?ned behaviors. In e?ect, these libraries extend the expressive power of Rust"s type system by loosening its ownership discipline on aliased mutable state in a modular, controlled fashion: Even though a shared reference of type&Tmay not be used todirectlymutate the contents of the reference, it may nonetheless be used toindirectlymutate them by passing it to one of the observably "safe" (but internallyunsafe) methods exported by the object"s API. However, there is cause for concern about whether Rust"s extensible approach is actually sound. Over the past few years, several soundness bugs have been found in Rust, both in the type system itself [Ben-Yehuda 2015a,b;Turon 2015b] and in libraries that useunsafecode [Ben-Yehuda 2015c; Biocca 2017;Jung 2017]. Some of these-such as the Leakpocalypse bug [Ben-Yehuda 2015c]-are quite subtle in that they involve aninteractionof multiple libraries, each of which is (or seems to be) perfectly safe on its own. To make matters worse, the problem cannot easily be contained by blessing a ?xed set of standard libraries as primitive and just verifying the soundness of those; for although it is considered a badge of honor for Rust programmers to avoid the use of unsafe code entirely, many nevertheless ?nd it necessary to employ a sprinkling ofunsafecode in their developments. Of course, it is not unusual for safe languages to provide unsafe escape hatches (e.g., Haskell"s unsafePerformIO, OCaml"sObj.magic) to work around limitations of their type systems. Butunsafecode plays such a fundamental role in Rust"s extensible ownership discipline

that it cannot simply be swept aside if one wishes to give a realistic formal account of the language.

The question remains: How can we verify that Rust"s extensible approach makes any sense? The standard technique for proving safety properties for high-level programming languages-namely, "progress and preservation" introduced byWright and Felleisen[1994]-does not apply to languages in which one can mix safe and unsafe code. (Progress and preservation is aclosed-worldmethod, which assumes the use of a closed set of typing rules. This assumption is fundamentally violated by Rust"s extensible, open-world approach.) So, to account for safe-unsafe interaction, we need a way to specify formally what we are obliged toproveif we want to establish that a library employing unsafecode constitutes a sound extension of the Rust type system. Luckily, decades of research in semantics and veri?cation have provided us with just the right tools for the job.

1.2 RustBelt: An Extensible, Semantic Approach to Proving Soundness of Rust

In this paper, we give the ?rst formal (and machine-checked) account of Rust"s extensible approach to safe systems programming and how to prove it sound. For obvious reasons of scale, we do not consider the full Rust language, for which no formal description exists anyway. Instead, after beginning (in

§2) with an example-driven tour of the

most central and distinctive features of the Rust type system, we proceed (in

§3) to describe

λRust, a continuation-passing style language (of our own design) that formalizes the static and lifetimes, andlifetime inclusion-which are fundamental to Rust"s ownership discipline-in a manner inspired by Rust"s Mid-level Intermediate Representation (MIR). For simplicity,λRustomits some

orthogonal features of Rust such as traits (which are akin to Haskell type classes); it also avoids the

model featuring only non-atomic and sequentially consistent atomic operations. Nevertheless,


Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Vol. 2, No. POPL, Article 66. Publication date: January 2018.

66:4 Ralf Jung, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Robbert Krebbers, and Derek Dreyer

is realistic enough that studying it led us to uncover a previously unknown soundness bug in Rust itself [Jung 2017]. Our core contribution is then to develop anextensible soundness proofforλRust. The basic idea is to build asemantic modelof the language-in particular, alogical relation[Plotkin 1973;Tait 1967]. The idea of proving soundness semantically is hardly new [Milner 1978], but it fell out of favor afterWright and Felleisen[1994] developed their simpler "syntactic" proof method. The semantic approach to type soundness is more powerful than the syntactic approach, however, because it o?ers an interpretation of what typesmean(i.e., what terms inhabit them) that is more general than just "what the syntactic typing rules allow"-it describes when it isobservablysafe to treat a term as having a certain type, even if syntactically that term employsunsafefeatures. Moreover, thanks to the Foundational Proof-Carrying Code project [Ahmed et al. 2010;Appel 2001] and the development of "step-indexed" logical relations [Ahmed 2004;Appel and McAllester 2001] which arose from that project, we now know how to scale the semantic approach to languages with semantically complex features like recursive types and higher-order state. Here, we follow the style of recent "logical" accounts of step-indexed logical relations [Dreyerquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6