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Closure Properties of Regular Languages DFA State Is LREG closed under union? E(0)[i, j]=1 if qi and qj are both accept states, or both non-accept states

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(a) Union of two non-regular languages cannot be regular Now L1 is regular (since regular languages are closed under complementation) Since, L1 is regular, hence its intersection with L i e L1 ∩ L = L2 is regular (since regular languages are closed under intersection) Therefore, L2 is regular

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Closure Properties of Regular Languages DFA State Is LREG closed under union? E(0)[i, j]=1 if qi and qj are both accept states, or both non-accept states

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CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization1

07-0:Fun with Finite Automata

•Create a Finite Automata (DFA or NFA) for the language:

•L={0n1n:n >0}

• {01, 0011, 000111, 00001111, ...}

07-1:Fun with Finite Automata

•L={0n1n:n >0}is not regular!


•Need to keep track of how many 0"s there are, and match 1"s •Only way to store information in DFA is through what state themachine is in

•Finite number of states (DFA)

•Unbounded number of 0"s before the 1"s

07-2:Non-Regular Languages

•If a DFAMhaskstates, and a stringwaccepted byMhasncharacters,n > k, computation must include a loop

•Pigeonhole Principle:

•More transitions than states

•Some transition must enter the same state twice

07-3:Non-Regular Languages

xz y

•Break string intow=xyz

•Ifw=xyzis accepted, thenw?=xyyzwill also be accepted •Ifw=xyzis accepted, thenw?=xyyyzwill also be accepted •Ifw=xyzis accepted, thenw?=xzwill also be accepted

07-4:Pumping Lemma

•If a languageLis regular, then:

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization2

• ?n≥1such that any stringw?Lwith|w| ≥ncan be rewritten asw=xyzsuch that


• |xy|< n

•xyiz?Lfor alli≥0

07-5:Using the Pumping Lemma

•AssumeLis regular

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Create a stringwsuch that|w|> n

•Show that foreverylegal decomposition ofw=xyzsuch that:

• |xy|< n


There is anisuch thatxyiz??L

•Conclude thatLmust not be regular

07-6:Using the Pumping Lemma

•AssumeLis regular

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Create a stringwsuch that|w|> n

•Show that foreverylegal decomposition ofw=xyzsuch that:

• |xy|< n


There is anisuch thatxyiz??L

•Conclude thatLmust not be regular

L={0n1n:n >0}

07-7:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={0n1n:n >0}

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Consider the stringw= 0n1n

•If we breakw=xyzsuch that|xy|< n,|y|>0,

thenxandymust be all 0"s

•x= 0j,y= 0k,z= 0n-k-j1n

•Considerw?=xy2z= 0n+k1nfor some0< k < n


•Lis not regular (by the pumping lemma)

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization3

07-8:Using the Pumping Lemma

•AssumeLis regular

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Create a stringwsuch that|w|> n

•Show that foreverylegal decomposition ofw=xyzsuch that:

• |xy|< n


There is anisuch thatxyiz??L

•Conclude thatLmust not be regular

L={ww:w?(a+b)?}07-9:Using the Pumping Lemma


•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma


•If we breakw=xyzsuch that|xy|< n,|y|>0,

thenxandymust be alla"s


•Considerw?=xy2z=an+kbanb. As long ask >0, the first half ofw?contains alla"s, while the second half

contains twob"s. Thusw?is not of the formww, and is not inL. Hence,Lis not regularby the pumpinglemma.

07-10:Using the Pumping LemmaYou have an adversary who thinksLis regular. You need to prove that your adversary is wrong.

you LanguageLis not regular! adv Yes it is! I have a DFA to prove it! you Oh really? How many states are in your DFA? advn

you OK, here"s a stringw?Lwith|w|> n. Your machine must acceptw- but since|w|> n, there must be a loop in your computation. Where"s the loop?

adv Right here! (breakswintoxyz, whereyis the part of the string that goes throughthe loop)

you Ah hah! If we go through the loop 2 times instead of 1, we geta string not inLthat your machine will accept!

adv Drat!

07-11:Using the Pumping Lemma

You have an adversary who thinksLis regular. You need to prove that your adversary is wrong.

•Your adversary picks ann

•You pick aw?L(such that|w|> n)

•Your adversary breakswintoxyz(subject to|xy|< n,|y|>0)

•You pick anisuch thatxyiz??L

07-12:Using the Pumping Lemma

You have an adversary who thinksLis regular. You need to prove that your adversary is wrong.

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization4

•Your adversary picks ann

•You pick aw?L(such that|w|> n)

•Your adversary breakswintoxyz(subject to|xy|< n,|y|>0)

•You pick anisuch thatxyiz??L

You don"treallyhave an adversary, so you need to show that foranyn, you can create a stringw, and foranyway

thatwcan be broken intoxyz, there is anisuch thatxyiz??L

07-13:Using the Pumping Lemma

•AssumeLis regular

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Create a stringwsuch that|w|> n

•Show that foreverylegal decomposition ofw=xyzsuch that:

• |xy|< n


There is anisuch thatxyiz??L

•Conclude thatLmust not be regular

L={w:w?(a?b?)?wcontains morea"s thanb"s}

07-14:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={w:w?(a?b?)?wcontains morea"s thanb"s}

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma


•If we breakw=xyzsuch that|xy|< n,|y|>0,

thenxandymust be alla"s


•Considerw?=xy0z=an-kbn-1. As long ask >0,w?has at least as manyb"s asa"s, and is not inL. Hence,

Lis not regular, by the pumping lemma.

07-15:Using the Pumping Lemma

•AssumeLis regular

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma

•Create a stringwsuch that|w|> n

•Show that foreverylegal decomposition ofw=xyzsuch that:

• |xy|< n


There is anisuch thatxyiz??L

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization5

•Conclude thatLmust not be regular

L={w:w?(a+b)??whas an even number ofa"s and an odd number ofb"s}

07-16:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={w:w?(a+b)??whas an even number ofa"s and an odd number ofb"s}

•Letnbe the constant of the pumping lemma


•If we breakw=xyzsuch that|xy|< n,|y|>0,

thenxandymust be alla"s


•As long as k is even,w?=xyiz?Lfor alli

Remember, we don"t get to choose how the string is broken intoxyz- need to show that foranyway the string can be broken

intoxyz, there exists anisuch thatxyiz??L

07-17:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={w:w?(a+b)??whas an even number ofa"s and an odd number ofb"s} •We failed to proveLis not regular. Does that mean thatLmust be regular?

07-18:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={w:w?(a+b)??whas an even number ofa"s and an odd number ofb"s} •We failed to proveLis not regular. Does that mean thatLmust be regular?

•No! We may not have chosen a clever enoughw

•Similarly, failing to create an NFA for a language does not prove that it is not regular.

•How can we prove thatLis regular?

07-19:Using the Pumping Lemma

L={w:w?(a+b)??whas an even number ofa"s and an odd number ofb"s} •We failed to proveLis not regular. Does that mean thatLmust be regular?

•No! We may not have chosen a clever enoughw

•Similarly, failing to create an NFA for a language does not prove that it is not regular.

•How can we prove thatLis regular?

•Create a regular expression, DFA, or NFA that describesL

07-20:Closure Properties

Since some languages are regular, and some are not, we can consider closure properties of regular languages

•IsLREGclosed under union?

•IsLREGclosed under complementation?

•IsLREGclosed under intersection?

07-21:Closure Properties

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization6

•IsLREGclosed under union?

07-22:Closure Properties

•IsLREGclosed under union?





07-23:Closure Properties

•IsLREGclosed under complementation?

Given anyDFAM= (K,Σ,δ,s,F), createM?= (K?,Σ?,δ?,s?,F?)such thatL[M?] = L[M]

07-24:Closure Properties

•IsLREGclosed under complementation?

Given anyDFAM= (K,Σ,δ,s,F), createM?= (K?,Σ?,δ?,s?,F?)such thatL[M?] = L[M]




07-25:Closure Properties

•IsLREGclosed under intersection?

07-26:Closure Properties

•IsLREGclosed under intersection?


•(diagram on board)

•We can also use a direct construction

•L1=all strings over{a,b}that begin withaa

•L2=all strings over{a,b}that end withaa


07-27:Closure Properties

Given DFAM1= (K1,Σ1,δ1,s1,F1)and DFAM2= (K2,Σ2,δ2,s2,F2), create DFAMsuch thatL[M] =


07-28:Closure Properties

GivenM1= (K1,Σ1,δ1,s1,F1)andM2= (K2,Σ2,δ2,s2,F2), createMsuch thatL[M] =L[M1]∩L[M2]

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization7


•Σ = Σ1= Σ2

•δ={(((q1,q2),a),(q?1,q?2)) : ((q1,a),q?1)?δ1,((q2,a),q?2)?δ2}

•s= (s1,s2)

•F={(f1,f2) :f1?F1,f2?F2}

07-29:State Minimization

•Possible to have several different DFA that all accept the same language •Redundant states - duplicate the effort of other states

07-30:State Minimization

b 34
b a,b 5 a a 1 2 0 a ba b a b

What isL[M]?07-31:State Minimization

b 34
b a,b 5 a a 1 2 0 a ba b a b

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization8

07-32:State Minimization

a,b 7 a a 1 2 0 aa b a b 56
a a b b bb b

07-33:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2are equivalent if:

•Every string that drivesq1to an accept state also drivesq2to an accept state •Every string that drivesq2to an accept state also drivesq1to an accept state

07-34:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2of DFAMare equivalent if:

• ?w?Σ?,((q1,w)?→?M(f1,?)?


07-35:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2are equivalent with respect to a stringwif and only if ((q1,w)?→?M(f1,?)? (q2,w)?→?M(f2,?)?f1?FM)?f2?FM and ((q1,w)?→?M(q3,?)? (q2,w)?→?M(q4,?)?q3??FM)?q4??FM •Two statesq1andq2are equivalent if they are equivalent with respect to all stringsw?Σ?

07-36:State Minimization

•How do we determine if two statesq1andq2are equivalent? •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 0

07-37:State Minimization

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization9

•How do we determine if two statesq1andq2are equivalent? •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 0 •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 1

07-38:State Minimization

•How do we determine if two statesq1andq2are equivalent? •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 0 •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 1 •Check to see if they are equivalent with respect to strings oflength 2 .. and so on

07-39:State Minimization

•When areq1andq2equivalent with respect to all strings of length 0?

07-40:State Minimization

•When areq1andq2equivalent with respect to all strings of length 0? •Bothq1andq2are accept states, or neitherq1norq2are accept states

07-41:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2are equivalent with respect to all strings of lengthnif ..

•Hint: Think inductively

07-42:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2are equivalent with respect to all strings of lengthnif ..

•Hint: Think inductively

•Hint 2: If we knew which states were equivalent with respect to all strings of lengthn-1...

07-43:State Minimization

•Two statesq1andq2are equivalent with respect to all strings of lengthnif, for alla?Σ

•((q1,a),q3)?δ[δ(q1,a) =q3]

•((q2,a),q4)?δ[δ(q2,a) =q4]

•q3andq4are equivalent with respect to all strings of lengthn-1

07-44:State Minimization

•Equivalence matrixE(i):

•Only need to calculate upper triangle of matrix (why?)

•E(?)[i,j] = 1iffq1andqjare equivalent with respect to all strings (that is, ifq1andqjare equivalent)

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization10

07-45:State Minimization


•E(0)[i,j] =...

07-46:State Minimization


•E(0)[i,j] = 1ifqiandqjare both accept states, or both non-accept states •E(0)[i,j] = 0ifqiis an accept state, andqjis not an accept state •E(0)[i,j] = 0ifqiis not an accept state, andqjis an accept state

07-47:State Minimization

•E(n)[i,j] = 1if, for alla?Σ

•((qi,a),qk)?δ[δ(qi,a) =qk]

•((qj,a),ql)?δ[δ(qj,a) =ql]

•E(n-1)[qk,ql] = 1

07-48:State Minimization


•First, createE(0)

fori= 0to n forj= (i+ 1)ton if(qi?F?qj?F)?(qi??F?qj??F)

E[i,j] = 1


E[i,j] = 0

07-49:State Minimization


fori= 0to n forj= (i+ 1)ton for eacha?Σ k=δ(i,a) l=δ(j,a) ifE[k,l] == 0 setE[i,j] = 0

Until no changes are made07-50:State Minimization

•Given any DFAM, we can create an equivalent DFA with the minimum number of states as follows:

•CalculateE(?), to find equivalent states

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization11

•While there is a pairqi,qjof equivalent states inM •Change all transitions intoqjto transitions toqi

•Removeqjand all transitions out ofqj

•Finally do a DFS form the initial state, and remove all statesnot reachable from the initial state

07-51:State Minimization Example

01 4 2 53
6 ab a bb b b a a a a b a,b

07-52:State Minimization Example




01 4 2 53
6 ab a bb b b a a a a b a,b

07-53:State Minimization Example

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization12




01 4 2 53
6 ab a bb b b a a a a b a,b

07-54:State Minimization Example




01 4 2 53
6 ab a bb b b a a a a b a,b

07-55:State Minimization Example

CS411-2015S-07Non-Regular Languages

Closure Properties of Regular Languages

DFA State Minimization13

01 4 2 53
6 ab a bb b b a a a a b a,b

07-56:State Minimization Example

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