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Swing component UI delegate 12 Who called the method "setSelectedItem"? java awt EventDispatchThread run(EventDispatchThread java:110) java awt

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CSC 3461

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture

UI Delegates


MVC Schematic


Mouse Etc.


View Model



The MVC Design Pattern

•The view makes use of the Composite pattern - The display contains a nested set of windows, panels, buttons, text labels, and so on. - Each display component is a composite (like a JPanel) or a leaf (like a button). The top-level component contains other components, which contain other components and so on until you get to the leaf nodes - When the controller tells the view to update, it only has to tell the top view component, and the

Composite takes care of the rest.

4 javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI plaf = pluggable look and feel• The base class for all UI delegate objects in the Swing pluggable look and feel architecture. • The UI delegate object for a Swing component is responsible for implementing the aspects of the component that depend on the look and feel. 5

Types of UI Delegate Objects

•ButtonUI •ComboBoxUI •ListUI •TableUI •and many others 6


Child ClassesJComponent

Child Classes



JButton, JCheckBox,





ColorChooserUI JColorChooser

ComboBoxUI JComboBox



FileChooserUI JFileChooser

InternalFrameUI JInternalFrame


LabelUI JLabel


ListUI JList

MenuBarUI JMenuBar

OptionPaneUI JOptionPane

PanelUI JPanel

PopupMenuUI JPopupMenu

ProgressBarUI JProgressBar

RootPaneUI JRootPane

ScrollBarUI JScrollBar

ScrollPaneUI JScrollPane

SeparatorUI JSeparator

SliderUI JSlider

SpinnerUI JSpinner

SplitPaneUI JSplitPane

TabbedPaneUI JTabbedPane

TableUI JTable

TableHeaderUI JTableHeader

TextUI JTextComponent

ToolBarUI JToolBar

ToolTipUI JToolTip

TreeUI JTree

ViewportUI JViewport


Responsibilities of the UI delegate's

installUI() method... •Set default font, color, border, and opacity properties on the component. •Install an appropriate layout manager on the component. •Add any appropriate child subcomponents to the component •Register any required event listeners on the component. •Register any look-and-feel-specific keyboard actions (mnemonics, etc.) for the component. •Register appropriate model listeners to be notified when to repaint. •Initialize any appropriate instance data. 8

MVC and Swing

•Swing designers found it difficult to write a generic controller that didn't know the specifics about the view •They collapsed the view and controller into a single user interface object -UI Delegate - UI Object - UI Delegate Object - Delegate object •The UI is delegated to this object 9

MVC and Swing


Mouse Etc.


View Model


Swing component

UI delegate

10 11

MVC and Swing


Mouse Etc.


View Model


Swing component

UI delegate


Who called the method "setSelectedItem"?

v 13

Who called the method "setValueAt"?


Who called the method "setValueAt"?

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Who called the method "setSelectedItem"?

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