[PDF] [PDF] School of Phormocy-Dollos Compus

School of Phormocy-Dollos Compus l Nome The nome of this orgonizotion sholl be known os Texos Tech University Heolth Sciences Center School of 

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Student Council Constitution ond By-Lows

Texqs Tech University Heolth Sciences Center

School of Phormocy-Dollos Compus

l. Nome The nome of this orgonizotion sholl be known os Texos Tech University Heolth




of Phormocy Student Council of Dollos/Fort Worlh ond sholl be referred to herein os the Student Council or the Council

2. Rrrpose

The purpose of this orgonizotion sholl be to:

2..l. Enhonce communicotion between the students, foculty, stoff, ond odministrotion to

creote o supportive proTessionol, educotionol, ond sociol environment

2.2. Encouroge ond develop personol responsibility omong students towords building

their compus community

2.3. Support compus/school professionol ond sociol events for students ond foculty to

engoge beyond iust their ocodemic lives

2.4. Promote, coordinote, ond direct those student

offoirs/octivities offecting the SOP student body os on entity os wellos encouroge communicotion omong the individuol orgonizotions thot operote within the SOP

2.5. Provide leodership opportunities for students of the School

of Phormocy

2.6. Provide representotion to the SOP Student Council, TTUHSC Dollos Student Senote,

Student Services, ond the Student Government Associotion

3. Membership

3..l. All members of the Student Council must be registered full time students ot TTUHSC

Schoolof Phormocy

3.2. All members must in good professionol ond ocodemic stonding os set forth by the

Schoolof Phormocy

3.3. Any voconcies before the term of the member of the Student Council ends sholl be

filled by the olternote from thot respective closs. Elections for on olternote will be held within thirty doys of the voconcy.

1 | Paoe

3.4. Replocement of Closs Officers ond Members of the Student Councils: lf of ony time

during the ocodemic school yeor, o member of the Student Council moy not be oble to serve due to personol issues or ocodemic probotion or misconduct, the officer sholl be reploced by o coll election of the closs or orgonizotion being represented. lf ony of the Student Councils moy not be oble to serve, the Student Council sholl holq on election of its next scheduled meeting to reploce thot officer from omong the remoining members of the council.

3.5. Definitions:

3.5..l . Good ocodemic stonding: student is not on ocodemic probotion of the time of

election or service on the Council; nor hove been found guilty of ocodemic misconduct or professionol misbehovior of ony time during the enrollment ot


4. Orgonizotion:

4.'l . The representotives of the TTUHSC School of Phormocy closses (Phormocy Yeor 1,2,

3, ond 4)sholl be the voting members of the Student Council

4. I .l .Eoch closs will elect o President, Vice-President/Treosurer, ond Secretory to

represent their resoective closses

4.1.2.The duties of eoch position sholl include but is not limited to the following:

4.1.2,1. President Chief lioison between his/her respective closs ond the foculty Responsible for oddressing the closs obouf imporiont decisions

ond issues Primorily responsible for coordinoting certoin octivities ond

decisions with the Amorillo, Abilene, ond Lubbock compuses ond mointoining o cleor line of communicotion with their closs officers Coordinote oll octivities of the other officers ond provide

leodership in plonning octivities, using closs resources, fundroiser, ond other events for the closs

4.1 .2.2. Vice- President/Treosu rer Chief finonciol officer for the closs ond os such resoonsible for

mointoining the finonces of the closs Responsible for orgonizing ond conducting fundroisers

2 | Page Aid president whenever necessory ond moy olso be colled upon

to serve on cedoin odministrotive committees Secretory Chief communicotion officer of the closs ond os such

responsible for mointoining the ocodemic closs colendor Aid president ond vice president whenever necessory ond moy

olso be colled upon to serve on certoin odministrotive committees

4.l.3.These elections will toke ploce in the spring ond sholl be concluded by the end of

the spring semester

4.2. Executive Committee

4.2,'l .ls chorged with overseeing oll octivities of the Student Council choired by the President

4.2.3.Terms ore for one yeor storting of the beginning of the foll semester (August to

August)Officers of the Executive Committee sholl be elected of the August meeting of thot ocodemic colendor

4.2.4,Sholl olso serve os the senotors for the School of Phormocy to the Dollos


4.2.5.T he Executive com m ittee sho I I consist of : Presiderit Sholl represent the officiol opinion of the student body ot

TTUHSC when requested to do so to persons not offilioted with TTUHSC. The President sholl do so by vote of the Student Council Sholl preside over Council meetings Sholl reoresent the Student Council of oll relevont business or

sociol functions or oppoint o substitute to do so Sholl coll meetings, both speciol ond regulor of the Student

Council Sholl supervise the oppointment ond estoblishment of the

Council committees except os provided by the by-lows Sholl outhorize ony reimbursement requesfs from Council funds,

ensure proper forms ore completed ond trock the movement of monies. The President will enlisi the help of the Treosurer ond Regionol

Deon when necessory

3 | Page Sholl hove one yeor experience serving on the School of

Phormocy Student Council Must be o student on the Dollos/Fort Worth compus during

his/her term Vice President Sholl preside ot meetings of the Student Council when the

President is obsent Sholl ossume the responsibility of President should thot position

become vocont. Elections for o new Vice President will be held within thirty doys Sholl ossist the President with overseeing oll committees. Shollbe responsiblefor mointoining ond updoting the bulletin

boord ond disploy cose os needed Sholl receive ond disperse Council funds os directed by the

Council Sholl present monthlyfinonciol reports, showing the finonciol

stotus of the Council. Sholl olso provide finonciol informotion upon

Councilrequests Sholl orronge deposit of oll money of the Council in the nome of

the orgonizotion with the Regionol Deon's office Sholl moke orrongements to poy Council bills outhorized by the

Council os set forth in the by-lows Sholl present the Student Council Budget Sholl oversee other finonciol responsibilities deemed necessory

by executive committee . Must be o student on the Dollos/Fort Worth compus during

his/herterm. Secretory Sholl compile meeting ogendo with ossistonce from the

President ond the Regionol Deon's office Sholl record minutes of the meetings Sholl keep o record of the current By-lows, petitions, resolutions,

ond legislotion possed by the Council

4 | Page Sholl conduct oll Executive Commiftee corresoondence Sholl keep copies of ollthe popers, records, communicotions

ond correspondence senf by ond received by the Council ShollinformCouncilofmeetings Sholl estoblish o moster schedule of oll SOP octivities Must be o student on the Dollos/Fort Worth compus during

his/her term

4.3. Other roles moy be filled by oppointment with opprovol of o moiority of the student

council. These positions sholl serve only in on odvisory or odministrotive copocity. Only members elected by their closs will be considered voting members of the

Student Council

5. Commlttees

5..l. Formotion

5.l.l.Sholl be choired from within the Student Council

5.l.2.All elected members of ihe Student Council must sit on of leost one committee

5..l .3.Sholl be open to oll members of the student body of Dollos/Fort Worth School of

Phormocy ond sholl represent oll closses

5.l.4.Sholl be composed os legisloted by the Student Council or School of Phormocy


5.l.5,Sholl be formed when deemed necessory by the President of Student Council

5.2. AlumniCommittee

5.2.'l.ls chorged with coordinoting ond orgonizing the relotionship the sfudents hove

with the olumni of the school

5.2.2.Should estoblish o meons for students ond olumni to communicote in order to

focilitote networking ond professionol development

5.3, SociolCommittee

5.3..l.1s chorged with coordinoting sociol events to focilitote o greoter sense of

community ond identity otthe School of Phormocy

5.3.2.Con interoct with the TTUHSC Student Senote ond Student Services in order to

olon events

5.4. Orgonizotion ond Community Service Committee

5 | ?age

5,4,.l,1s chorged with coordinoting community service events between different

orgonizotions ond orgonrzing lorge, school-wide events

5.4.2.Sholl continuolly look for woy in which the school ond the student body con

provide o positive presence in the Dollos ond the greoter community

5.4.3.|s responsible for collecting spring budget proposols ond forwording them to the

Student Council for opprovol

5.4.4.Eoch orgonizotion opproved by the school sholl send of leost one representotive

to sit on this committee

5.5. Representofives sholl mointoin their presence on the committees not os individuol

members, but os delegotes representing their closs, the Student Council, ond entire

Dollos/Fort Worth Phormocy cqmpus

6. Responslbllltles, Dutles,ond Powers

6..l . Members of the Student Council sholl be entrusted by their constituency to represent

the interest of their respective closses os well os SOP interests os o whole

6.2. As o representotive spokesperson ond odvocote of the SOP students in ocodemic,

odministrotive ond philosophic offoirs, eoch Council member is olso entrusted with the duty of communicoting, publicizing ond discussing controversies or proposols pending oction by the Council with his or her constituents

6.3. The Student Council is chorged with determining, directing ond coordinoting student

body policy within the fromework of the School of Phormocy's policies

6.4. Legislotion sholl include the following:

6.4.1.Proposols introduced by ony council member

6.4.2.Petitions signed by 25 percent of TTUHSC SOP Dollos students

6.4.3.Chonges or omendments to the Constitution introduced by proposols ond


6.5. Constitutionol chonges or omendments

6.5.l.Musi be opproved by three fourths' moiority of the student council or two thirds

moiority vote of three out of the four closses of the School of Phormocy

6.6. Resolutions

6.6.l.These resolutions sholl be stotements of the desires or opinions of the Student

Council, ond by extension, the student body os o whole ond require o moiority vote of the council members oresent

6 | Page

6,7, Budgets

6.7.l.The Student Council sholl be responsible for distributing student octivities fees in

occordonce with Texos Tech University Heolth Sciences Center Student Services policy ond School of Phormocy policy

6.7.2.With the Office of the regionol deon, the Council sholl opprove oll student

orgonizotion budgets ond ensure thot orgonizotions remoin in occordonce to these budgets ond Texos Tech University Heolth Sciences Center policy.

6.8. All other octions, proposols, motions, or petitions sholl require o mojority vote of the

student council members oresent

6.9. Petitions from the Student Body

6.9..l.A petition signed by o minimum of 25 percent of the student body of the

presenter's school sholl be presented by the outhor(s) of the petition to the student council for discussion ond vote

6.9.2.Petitions must be submitted no loter thon 2 weeks prior to the meeting of which it

is to be considered. Lote petitions will only be considered on o cose-by-cose bosis

6.9.3.Petitions will be occepted by moiority vote of the student council

6.9.4.Reiected Petitions

6.9.4..l. Any petition reiected by the Council moy be voted upon by the student body

os o whole if o vote is requested by the petition's outhor(s) Petitions rejected by the Council but opproved by two-thirds of the student

body sholl be enocted in occordonce to school policies

7. Meetings

7.1 . Meetings sholl be held monthly of o time the commitiee members hove ogreed upon

7.2. Meetings con olso be colled by the President or two members of the council

7.3. Student Council meetings will be held the first week of the month

7.4. Student Council meetings sholl be opened to ony interested porty ond onyone who

wonts to oddress the council sholl be ollowed to durinq the firsi l5 minutes of the meetingquotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50