[PDF] [PDF] Cap vers Monrovia avec Air France - Lassociation des retraités dAir

Roissy, le 9 décembre 2019 Cap vers Air France reliera Monrovia en continuation de Bamako (Mali) les lundis, Air France offers a more generous baggage allowance than on the rest of the long-haul network, to most African destinations -

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In 2019, these new cabins are available on flights to Niamey, Cotonou, Lagos, Accra and Ouagadougou Air France offers a larger baggage allowance than on  

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http://www airfrance com November 2019 Beyond the baggage allowance associated with your ticket, you can transport the following in the hold at no extra  


31 mar 2019 · For the 2019 summer season, Air France-KLM offers 22 destinations and 330 weekly flights to North a more generous baggage allowance:

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You benefit from 50 Bonus Miles on every flight, priority check-in and boarding, plus an extra 5 kilos baggage allowance The comfort of Gold With your Gold 

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7 jan 2020 · Issued: October 26, 2019 Effective: October 27, 2019 Passengers and their In addition to the regular free baggage allowance provided Rule 115 (free (a) Customers holding an KLM and Air France Flying Blue Platinum 

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23 avr 2020 · Within AIR FRANCE KLM, progress was made in different areas 2019, ground staff working in Schiphol's baggage basement were also given must return an amount of emission allowance that is equivalent to the tons

[PDF] Cap vers Monrovia avec Air France - Lassociation des retraités dAir

Roissy, le 9 décembre 2019 Cap vers Air France reliera Monrovia en continuation de Bamako (Mali) les lundis, Air France offers a more generous baggage allowance than on the rest of the long-haul network, to most African destinations -

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Roissy, le 9 décembre 2019Cap vers Monrovia avec Air FranceDèsle20avril2020,lesclientsd'AirFrancepourrontànouveaurejoindreMonrovia(Liberia)grâceàcinqvolsparsemaineopérésenAirbusA330-200d'une capacité de 224 sièges (36 en cabine Business, 21 en cabine Premium Economy et 167 en cabine Economy).AirFrancerelieraMonroviaencontinuationdeBamako(Mali)leslundis,mercredisetdimanches,etenvoldirectlesmardisetvendredisavantderejoindre Bamako.Horaires vols opérés (en heure locale) :N° de volDépartHorairesArrivéeHorairesJours opérésAF530Paris-CDG14h10Bamako17h55LundiMercrediDimancheBamako19h55Monrovia21h25Monrovia22h55Paris-CDG07h35AF533Paris-CDG16h00Monrovia20h40MardiVendrediMonrovia22h10Bamako23h35Bamako01h35Paris-CDG09h10 Grâce à cette nouvelle route entre Monrovia et Bamako, Air France proposera cinq vols supplémentaires vers le Mali (12 vols au total), soit une offre enhausse de 63% par rapport à l'année précédente. Air France en AfriqueLesclientsd'AirFrancepourronts'envolerduranttoutelasaisonété2020vers35destinationsgrâceàplusde280volsparsemaine.Autotal,leGroupe Air France-KLM proposera 49 destinations en Afrique et plus de 500 vols hebdomadaires.Soucieusedetoujoursproposerlemeilleur,lacompagnieoffreauxclientsdeseslignesafricainesdesattentionspersonnaliséesetunservicesur-mesure à bord comme à l'aéroport.Air France offre une franchise bagage plus généreuse que sur le reste du réseau long-courrier, sur la plupart des destinations africaines :· La Première : 3 bagages de 32 kg maximum chacun ;· Business : 2 bagages de 32 kg maximum chacun ;· Premium Economy : 2 bagages de 23 kg maximum chacun ;·Economy : 2 bagages de 23 kg maximum chacun. ÀParis-CharlesdeGaulle,uneéquiped'expertsducontinentafricainestprésentesurlesvolsàdestinationetenprovenancedel'Afrique,oùelles'attacheàassurerlesuividesvolsentenantcomptedesparticularitésgéopolitiques,commerciales,réglementaires,ouculturellespropresàchaquepays.Pourfaciliterl'accueildespassagers,AirFrancemetenplacedeséquipesmulticulturellesfamilièresauxattentesdelaclientèleinternationale.Celles-ciaccueillentquotidiennementprèsde5000passagers,lesassistentdanslesformalitésd'enregistrementoufacilitentleurscorrespondancesentredeuxvols.Plusde2500hôtessesetstewards,rattachésàladivisionAfriqueetMoyen-Orientd'AirFrancesontformésauxstandardsinternationauxetauxattentes spécifiques des clients des lignes africaines. Service de presse : + 33 (0)1 41 56 56 00 - corporate.airfrance.com - Twitter : @AFnewsroom

Roissy, 9December, 2019Fly off to Monrovia with Air FranceAsfrom20April2020,AirFrancecustomerswillonceagainbeabletotraveltoMonrovia(Liberia)thankstofiveweeklyflightsoperatedbyAirbusA330-300 with a capacity of 224 seats (36 in Business, 21 in Premium Economy and 167 in Economy class).AirFrancewillserveMonroviaasacontinuationofservicetoBamako(Mali)onMondays,WednesdaysandSundays,anddirectlyonTuesdaysandFridays before joining Bamako.Flight schedules (in local time):

Flight n°DepartureFlight timesArrivalFlight timesDayAF530Paris-CDG14:10Bamako17:55MondayWednesdaySundayBamako19:55Monrovia21:25Monrovia22:55Paris-CDG07:35AF533Paris-CDG16:00Monrovia20:40TuesdayFridayMonrovia22:10Bamako23:35Bamako01:35Paris-CDG09:10 Thanks to this new route between Monrovia and Bamako, Air France will operate five additional flights to Mali (12 flights in total), representing a 63%increase in capacity compared to last year. Air France in AfricaFor the 2020 summer season, Air France will serve 35 destinations in Africa and 280 weekly flights. In total, the Air France-KLM group will operate morethan 500 weekly flights to 49 destinations in Africa.Aspartofitscommitmenttocontinuetoofferthebestpossibleservice,thecompanyprovidescustomerstravellingonitsAfricanroutespersonalizedattentions and a custom-designed service both on board and at the airport.Air France offers a more generous baggage allowance than on the rest of the long-haul network, to most African destinations -· La Première: 3 items of baggage, each weighing no more than 32kg;· Business: 2 items of baggage, each weighing no more than 32kg;· Premium Economy: 2 items of baggage, each weighing no more than 23kg;· Economy: 2 items of baggage, each weighing no more than 23kg. AtParis-CharlesdeGaulle,ateamofexpertsfromtheAfricancontinentispresentonallflightstoandfromAfrica,wheretheyprovidecommercialassistance to passengers, taking into account the geopolitical, commercial, regulatory and cultural characteristics of each country.Tomakepassengerhandlingeasier,AirFrancehasmulticulturalteamsfamiliarwiththespecificexpectationsofitsinternationalcustomers.Onadailybasis,theywelcomecloseto5,000passengers,helpingthemwithcheck-inandwiththeirconnectionsbetweenflights.Morethan2,500cabincrew,belongingtoAirFrance'sAfricaandMiddleEastdivision,aretrainedininternationalstandardsandthespecificexpectationsofcustomersonAfricanroutes. Press Office: + 33 (0)1 41 56 56 00 - corporate.airfrance.com - Twitter: @AFnewsroom
