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Thi year th top honor _tud nt w r , bac/, row, left to rzght: Tom covill Third row: du ·ation g-yms and Honor Roll, C \ \, \h td ( horu , (,irJ ' lee Club, - hm n irl- '

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A list of the technical and artistic personnel of the two countries; - A detailed cost I have the honour to inform you that the above-mentioned proposal by the Les projets dont la mise en ceuvre a td d6cidde peuvent comporter des aspects juridisen avun, maksujen perimisen, arvopapereiden sailyttamisen yms rahaston

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L'Ambassadeur de Finlande dt Paris au Ministre des affaires gtrangres Agreement, I have the honour to propose that the following tax relief should be 05/SK/ 1/68 of 29 January 1968, the Indonesian official list of goods for which payment kimuksia, selostuksia, luonnoksia, malleja yms sisdltivien tieteellisteknisten

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23 jan 2014 · Ms Lindsey Todd, Parent Representative, YMS k Ms Valerie (e) 10 February 2014: Sixth Grade Honor Roll, 1315, D T GLENISTER 14

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School (YMS) 1 Ms Lindsey Todd, Parent Representative, YMS The YMS Girls' Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) conference and (g) 14 November 2013: 6th Grade Honor Roll (h) 15 November D T GLENISTER 14

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26 juil 2017 · 10 – Kindt – [Kin-dt] Named to Big South Presidential Honor Roll a member of the National Honors Society Played for YMS Xplosion 

[PDF] 1964pdf - NET

Thi year th top honor _tud nt w r , bac/, row, left to rzght: Tom covill Third row: du ·ation g-yms and Honor Roll, C \ \, \h td ( horu , (,irJ ' lee Club, - hm n irl- '

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a bridge wing is mainly build up by heave, pitch and roll motions and the mass flow through plane dy dz during a unit of time dt out-of the block at This type of equation is often referred to as a ”Cummins Equation” in honor of ª0(µ)=_yMs

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To the IH'\\ h org.miz d

Lak ntral High c hool

of \I di ... on. outh Dakota. \\ d di at our 19 1 Inter· . Th 'ot r found it n ... ar) to form th n •w hool \\h n B adl High < hooL a comhin d p:radf' hool-high chool u"' d ln

G.B. . T. . for t a h r train

in(Y purpo... .... w nt up in nwk Januar) 10. 10 ""tudent of B adle r h d th ir cia ... room in tru tion in th ld ommu nit) Ho ... pital.

Aft r r rg nizin(Y th

hool di ... tri in th ... urn- tudt•nt ... \\atch ... adl) a ... Bt'adle High • dwol hurn ... to the m r of 196 . the tud nt of th form r B adl High m rg d with th nt f ntral a one h ol. in- rea. ing the nrollm nt from 330 to 180.

Th citizen of th \ladi-

on arf'a realized the d - p rat n d for a larg r. b tt r high On D - c mh r 1 . 1963. a ... 1.3 mil lion hool bond wa d with 11 r; of the vot

Th n w high h

cat d by th n w

B adl oll ge rmor).

xp t d to b compl t d b) fall. 19 -

The architect' plan for the new on Central High ... how a modern, well t'quipped in titution of learning.

2 \n .. tudent m·nt th ' r i cia-. .....

The hal nv of th

auditorium ·'\\a-. con rted into two cla - room... by huildin(T p rtition . T h o

Ia --room-. pro' d

-.ati,facton c pt for the thin ... \ nJin m ·hin ..... n d a c ft teri f r hun r and tea h r . For mall unount, milk. J1 tr}. cold drink , c nd), and hot oup \H re mad hall and cia r om fore d th k any a\'ailabl tudy pan. hoi r of ddsse& ...••.. 5 ..... gl ..... g7 , •....... qg b pp lwick. Jam Ell \\orth

Balogh. n D an

B a h. haron L

B nk ,

Joann Elfri d

Ak r. L Ann

Andr w . John 'illiam

Biegcr r. Dougla ran

Blair. Tiwma J o" ph

Rr dbun. \pril I a\ n

Brod. \ r lle Jal ) n

o kl . Dian h ryl ol , andra .:\Iae

Brun.... aq L) nn

Bulft>r. ·william Pet r

aulk. Linda \lac hri t n ... n. Alan J o"' ph 7 8

I o •ring. \lar) \nn

Dr w. Dal K nn th

Erick on. K ndra Karl n

Farr ll. Richard G org

o ·. Ellona • I a root.

Jo) Ro


Judith L

F i tn r. Iri arol

I i n. Loi t

·i ('f n. Patri k 1la)n rd

raham. Patri ia L rram illiam Th ma l·laum. \ n lr n'

· ord. John L o

For . \far' 1 an

I· r waldt. Dal ' Ertl'




9 10

Hann man. 1\.ar n A n

Hart nhoff. andra a}

H mr , Rob rt L wi

Hind . illiam 1ir.ha l

Ha kett. .lair n

Hanlon. P m la

Houah, 1 rl

R . f rd Eugene

J a ol ..... D ugl .... Lm· rn

J n ... n. J rr) Duan

on. Hu II Howard

Kapp I. Rog r Ellw d John on.

,a) L) nn

John on. ,orclon Ho)

John ... on. raydon Paul

John on. Jan' Laur I


1\.lamm. \rdi.., Eil n

1\.nud ... on. l>;.n id I· ranklin

Kroon. I ougla · J rom

1\..ru ger. Patricia nn

Ka_ h. n E h\ar l

Kirk h). arol L) nn

Lar on. Duan Rob rt

ach. h Ion

Lind trom. J ·q I l\la m

Lohrman. ~~

• lyrmo . \larl n Ra _ ·e heim. Kathr) n J o

Lowe. Jam Ed, ard

Lund. I nni Duan

Lunt. Sharon Diane

M) r . 1\. 1th Harold

13 14

Palm. \Ian 1\.a)

Ped r on. ) nthia 1 oy

P ter on. Diane Loi

Popp n. i]ma :\lari

orton. aro] u an

I on. Darr II Ruh n

Pr u . . il n Laura

R dfi ld, Paul Hurb rt

R dfi ld. Th ma arr n

R illy. an la nn




Ru h. Kathl n :\Iari

im, Larr) Dale

R m . Barbara Adal) n

R ntz.

u-.an Anna

Rook. L) ndc.1 h.a,

Roth. rai(Y :\licha I

15 16 chlllidt. andra J an chmidt. Vernon Ralph • chrader. Janene 1\.a, • <'mill. Ronald Earl hlaO\\t>il r. l:..lizal th Ann chli--rwr. L •on Ta) lor imon. I a\ id \Ian mit. raig B r nd oaard. Tl1< ma ... illi.un -.;pi . \ ria I) '

Tom ... cha. Th r ... J an

T r on. haron I\. a'

tan ford. Rodne\ L todol ... kt 1\. 1thlt ·n \nn lor. Jo.ltlllt' Hope

Thomp ... oll. Jo ... <•ph tald

17 18 7 ulff. Janie' ka\ lker. Larr) AI, n

Jo~ .I. ri

nior cia ofh r are: Tom Blair, Prc ... ident; Jane ecretary-Trea urer; and

Terri Tom. cha, Vice-pre id nt.

In tead of having a al dictorian and alutatorian, :'\tH hola ti achievement . Thi year th top honor _tud nt w r , bac/, row, left to rzght: Tom covill. Third row: Jan John on, l\larl n , i)romo , ndra Erick on. cond row: rou:: Pam Hanlon, .... haron Lunt, athi .... todol ki, and Principal .tr. •uthrna)d. ''Th word Am ncan nd in 'I an FL

1 llow and hit

:\1um 19 20

7ordon John on. th fir .. t

Prt iclent of our n ,\] · form n-

tral llioh ..... hool. ha don ful joh in fulfillino-hi duti . H ha .. h lp d to get mor enior privil g "' and ha helped to fulfill many of th tud nt \\ j .... h '"'· In hi 1 unior ) •ar. or Ion at· t nd ·d Bo) · tat . \\hi ·h CTav him _ ·p ri erH t' in carr) in!! out gov rnm ntal pro ct>dure . II h. al o b n an honor tu- d •nt. Durino- hi four ) ar at ntral. h ha .... parti ipat d in ba k tball. fo tball and track. of left to right, Top-B 'Ike\ Church ...,.mdr .• t •• ,atr

I .u I .olt>

.u t'\ ,( le

John Collionon

I ugerJt• Cro ... In

\\ rlli.un D •B1; ·r ,\nthom I> Groot

John •r

Jani<'t' Dit d'

Thorna ... Do\\ n

Lnrrlla Dr ap ·r

JU(h Drt'\\

:1\.t'n.t I he\\

I } nnt ttl' F.tirhur

,ar \ Fa" bu h

Pen g) I· olt')


,oth \\a\ IH: ,rad .h ·f) I ,utzman

I Iarold I I ahegrr

Ro alit• I I aero

E ther I I an ... •n

Ronald Han n

Linda Hendry

Linda II ....

Lent'tt • llo<"k tt'

Dan el Jlodn •

Damon llof

I .n •n llof

in Ilolcomb .M lvin Holcomb

I onalcl Ihler

Vi ki J a ·oh on

rant J hr 21
laud J \ tt

Barbara John n

onald John n I n

John on

arrell illion i i KnaJ 1 n

Jim 1\.r ul

h) IIi Kuhl ary ag

Joann Lar n

Ro ann La\ I

Ralph L mm

larih n Martin ~1 ) r l\.athl n \I ) er

P gg\ \lilligan

harl Moothart

J rry \forgan
