[PDF] [PDF] Have got

André Michoux Professeur en collège Anglais 5e Page 2 Des exercices progressifs pour s' Mary and I are in the same school but we've got (have got)

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Qu'as-tu révisé/fait la dernière fois en anglais avec l'activité du document 5 ? Exercise 1: Complète les phrases suivantes en conjuguant le verbe HAVE GOT au employé dans la phrase de départ, ou le verbe be, quand have got est 

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[PDF] Have got

André Michoux Professeur en collège Anglais 5e Page 2 Des exercices progressifs pour s' Mary and I are in the same school but we've got (have got)

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André Michoux

Professeur en collège


e P001-003-9782012903661.indd 1P001-003-9782012903661.indd 115/06/2016 13:2215/06/2016 13:22

Des exercices progressifs pour s'entraîner

2 lexique corrigésCorrigés 73

1 Be - Have got

1 a. We've got (have got) three new teachers

this year. b. They 're (are) nice. We're (are) very pleased. c. Mary is our new neighbour. She's got has got) blue eyes and fair hair. d. Mary and I are in the same school but we've got (have got) different teachers. e. Is your mother at home?

No, she

's (is) at the cinema with Dad.

2 a. Yes, I have. b. No, she isn't. c. Yes, he has.

d. Yes, he is. e. No, they haven't. f. No, they aren't.

3 a. Sue"s parents have got three sons. b. Mr Limer

is a policeman. He has got a uniform. c. Eileen is my friend. She has got two brothers.

4 a. Has he got dark hair and blue eyes? He

hasn"t got dark hair and blue eyes. b. Have school- children got a uniform in Australia? Schoolchildren haven"t got a uniform in Austalia. c.

Are they at

school from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.? They aren"t at school from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

5 a. Has your brother got long hair and earrings?

b. Are the crown jewels at the Tower of London?

2 Les noms - Les articles

1 a. I like small tomatoes. b. What are your

favourite hobbies? c. Look at the big mice over there! d. The dead leaves are under the trees.

2 a. An English pupil has got a uniform.

b. Henry VIII"s wife is in Madame Tussaud"s museum. c. The baby"s tooth is very small. d. Have you got a mouse at home? e. The knife is in the dishwasher.

3 a. Really! The news is incredible! b. My two

pairs of jeans are too short. c. What are your pyjamas made of? d. White mice are very nice.

4 a. My father likes (ø) English sandwiches.

b. The United Kingdom is composed of (ø) England, (ø) Scotland, (ø) Wales and (ø) Northern Ireland. c.

John"s mother is a nurse. d. The Mensons are our

new neighbours.

5 a. My white trousers are dirty. b. My sister"s

hair is dark. c. French taxis are comfortable and fast. d. This boy has got long teeth and small feet.

3 Questions - Mots interrogatifs - This / that

1 a. What colour is your bike? b. Why is John

thirsty? c.

Have you got a computer at home?

d. Look at that black cat on the roof!

2 a. What colour are your uniforms? - They"re

blue. b.

Look at those stars! They"re very bright.


These policemen are Scottish. They like whisky.

d. What are these horrible insects? They"re spiders.

3 a. He"s forty-two. b. She"s our history teacher.

c. It"s dark. d. He"s from New York.

4 a. What"s your name? b. How old are you?


Where"s Mary?

d. How are you?

5 a. When is your birthday? b. Have you got a

computer at home? c.

Who is that girl at the end

of the street?

4 Les nombres - La date

1 a. 13. b. 14. c. 12th. d. 700. e. 33rd. f. 5th.

g. 7,254.2. h. 60th. i. 2.654

2 a. ninth. b. eighteen. c. one thousand two

hundred and thirty-one. d. fifty-four. e. fifty- fifth. f. nineteen. g. one point eight hundred and eighty-eight. h. eight hundred. i. twenty thousand. j. fourteen point twenty-one.

3 a. 1717. b. 2009. c. January 31st, 1681 (ou

31st January, 1681).

d. March 2nd, 2003 (ou

2nd March, 2003).


December 25th (

ou 25th


4 a. Louis the fourteenth. b. Edward the third.

c. eighteen out of twenty is a good mark.

5 a. The eighth month of the year is August.


Halloween is celebrated on October 31st


31st October).

c. Valentine"s day is celebrated on February 14th ( ou

14th February).

d. The Queen"s birthday is on April 21st (ou 21st April).

5 La possession

1 a. Who is with Helen in the garden? b. Mum is

at the butcher's because we need meat. c. Whose glasses are these? d.

My parents

' car is out of order. e.

The policemen

's uniform is dark blue.

2 a. Their room is messy. b. Her car is old. c. His

brother is very bright. d. His computer is fast.

3 a. Mine is old. b. His are made of silk. c. Theirs

is comfortable. d.

What about

yours ? e. Hers are clean.

4 Is it Peter"s jacket? - Yes, it"s his jacket. I am

sure it"s his. b. Is it your parents" camera? - Yes. it"s their camera. I am sure it"s theirs. c. Are they lexique 72
tidy (verbe) ranger tie (nom) cravate time (nom) 1. temps (qui passe) ; 2. heure ; be on time être à l"heure tomorrow (adverbe) demain tooth (nom) dent tower (nom) tour ; the Tower of London la Tour de Londres traffic (nom) circulation travel (verbe) voyager trip (nom) voyage try (verbe) essayer twelfth (adjectif) douzième trousers (nom) pantalon twice (adverbe) deux fois U

United States (nom propre) the United States

les États-Unis

United Kingdom (nom propre) the United

Kingdom le Royaume-Uni

up (préposition) en haut upstairs (adverbe) en haut, à l"étage us (pronom personnel complément) nous use (verbe) utiliser useful (adjectif) utile usually (adverbe) habituellement V

Valentine's day (nom propre) la Saint-Valentin

van (nom) camionnette

VCR (nom) magnétoscope

vegetables (nom) légumes W wait for (verbe) attendre wake up (verbe) (se) réveiller

Wales (nom propre) pays de Galles

walk (verbe) marcher, (se) promener was / wasn't (voir leçon 8) I was born... je suis né(e)... washing-up (nom) vaisselle ; do the washing up faire la vaisselle watch (verbe) regarder ; watch TV regarder la télévision water (nom) eau ; (verbe) arroser weather (nom) temps ; the weather is fine il fait beau week (nom) semaine ; last week la semaine dernière ; next week la semaine prochaine well (adverbe) bien were / weren't (voir leçon 8) what? (mot interrogatif) quel(le)(s) ? ; what a pity! quel dommage ! when? (mot interrogatif) quand ? where? (mot interrogatif) où ? which (voir leçons 22 et 27) who? (mot interrogatif) qui ? whose? (mot interrogatif) à qui ? why? (mot interrogatif) pourquoi ? window (nom) fenêtre wine (nom) vin with (préposition) avec without (adverbe) sans woman (nom) femme women (pluriel de woman) work (verbe) 1. travailler ; 2. marcher, fonctionner world war (nom) guerre mondiale worse (comparatif de supériorité de bad) pire worst (superlatif de supériorité de bad) the worst le / la / les pire(s) would / wouldn't (voir leçon 18) wrong (adjectif) faux, fausse ; (adverbe) be wrong avoir tort Y year (nom) année, an yesterday (adverbe) hier you (pronom personnel complément) t", te, toi, vous your (adjectif possessif) ton, ta, tes ; votre yours (pronom possessif) le(s) tien(s), la (les) tienne(s) ; le vôtre, la vôtre, les vôtres yourself (pronom réfléchi) te, t", toi-même yourselves (pronom réfléchi) vous, vous-mêmes

Un lexique avec le vocabulaire des leçons

phonétique verbes Base verbale Prétérit Participe passé Traduction 65

Les verbes irréguliers

be begin bring build buy catch come cost cut do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fi ght fi nd fl y forget get up give go grow have hear hold hurt keep know learn leave lose make meet pay put read [ri?d] ride run say see sell send sing sit sleep speak spend stand swim take teach tell think understand wear win write wasbeganbrought built bought caught came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fl ew forgot got up gave went grew had heard held hurt kept knew learnt left lost made metquotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_12