[PDF] [PDF] Étude de la conception collaborative de ressources numériques

5 sept 2018 · pratique a disparu une fois le projet terminé Faire entendre des voix de forme de la pensée typique (matching) qui ne voit pas d'autres directions une espèce de zoom aboutissant à l'étude de certains épisodes critiques, et non comme une GeoGebra par exemple) peuvent avoir dans les situations 

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contact plus large, (d) disparition de la flèche de translation lorsque A ce stade, l'enfant ne dessine pas ce qu'il voit de l'objet mais « tout ce qui « y est Ainsi, la représentation des objets en perspective pose des problèmes Geonext, MathGraph32, Cabri-géomètre, Tracenpoche, CaRMetal ou encore GeoGebra qui est

[PDF] Étude de la conception collaborative de ressources numériques

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N°d'ordre NNT :


opérée au sein de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Ecole Doctorale N° 485

(Education Psychologie Information Communication)

Spécialité de doctorat :

Discipline : (Didactique des mathématiques)

Soutenue publiquement le 13/04/2018, par :

(Nataly Kocijancic Essonnier) au sein d'une communauté d'intérêt

Devant le jury composé de :

Chaachoua, Hamid Professeur Université Grenoble Président Richard, Philippe R. Professeur Université de Montréal Rapporteur Chaachoua, Hamid Professeur Université Grenoble Alpes Rapporteur Haspekian, Mariam Maître de conférence Université Paris Descartes Examinatrice Trouche, Luc Professeur Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon Examinateur Mercat, Christian Professeur Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Directeur de thèse Trgalova, Jana Maître de conférence Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Co-directrice de thèse Kynigos, Chronis Professeur Université d'Athènes Invité AED MPS


&H SURMHW GpYHORSSH XQ QRXYHO HQYLURQQHPHQW VRFLRWHFKQLTXH collectifscréativité socialeconnaissances et les pratiques professionnelles collectifs travail collectif créativité créativité sociale connaissances professionnelles collectif communauté

1.1.1.Homogénéité et hétérogénéité des collectifs

Years of social psychological theory development and research have told us that we are attracted to others who are similar to ourselves in some way. We like them more (Newcomb,

1961), are more willing to share resources with them (Tajfel, et al. 1971), are more likely to

trust, and, indeed, even to respect the decisions and business sense of others who are like us (Darr & Kurtzberg, 2000). Similarly, research has shown that culturally homogeneous groups have more equality of participation (Oetzel, 1996). Indeed, group homogeneity is thought to be linked to decreased absenteeism and turnover, and facilitates the formation of positive attitudes (Jackson, et al. 1991). Diversity is typically conceptualized as referring to differences between individuals on any attribute that may lead to the perception that another person is different from self (Jackson

1992, Triandis et al. 1994, Williams & O'Reilly 1998)

findings underscore that time/team tenure is a factor that may moderate the effects of diversity. Models that are more elaborate would help to predict the exact nature of this moderating effect, however. In this respect, future research may also take into account the possibility that groups need extended tenure to benefit from differences - that is, that the positive effects of diversity need some time to emerge (Van Knippenberg et al. 2004)

Tout comme la notion de performance, celle d'homogénéité ou d'hétérogénéité est

polysémique et difficile à définir. Malgré l'explosion des travaux sur ce concept dans la

littérature anglo-saxonne depuis les travaux de D.C. Hambrick et P.A. Mason (1984), aucune approche n'a jusqu'ici fait l'unanimité ni des théoriciens de l'organisation, ni des sociologues qui s'y investissent dans le domaine social. Que ce soit dans l'approche

psychologique, sociodémographique ou professionnelle, la définition de l'homogénéité des

groupes reste cependant un problème. The key question in diversity research is how differences between work group members affect group process and performance, as well as group member attitudes and subjective well- being. cadre de référence commun To benefit from the diversity of information, expertise, and perspectives that may be associated with dimensions of differentiation, group members should be able to understand and integrate the contributions of dissimilar others. As group members differ more in background, experience, and expertise, however, it becomes more likely that they do not share a common frame of reference (i.e., "speak the same language") that allows in-depth understanding of diverse others' input. Thus, the potentially positive effects of diversity on group performance may only obtain up to a certain level of diversity, beyond which the lack of a common frame of reference may get in the way of fully appreciating all group members' contributions (van Knippenberg et al. 2004) communauté de pratique communauté d'intérêt communauté de pratique domainecommunautépratique "The domain: A community of practice has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest. Membership therefore implies a commitment to the domain, and therefore a shared competence that distinguishes members from other people. (You could belong to the same network as someone and never know it.) The domain is not necessarily something recognized as "expertise" outside the community. They value their collective competence and learn from each other, even though few people outside the group may value or even recognize their expertise. The community: In pursuing their interest in their domain, members engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information. They build relationships that enable them to learn from each other... The practice: A community of practice is not merely a community of interest, people who like certain kinds of movies, for instance. Members of a community of practice are practitioners. They develop a shared repertoire of resources: experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing recurring problems, in short a shared practice. This takes time and sustained interaction. The development of a shared practice may be more or less self-conscious potentiel coalescent actif dispersé mémorable coalescence active activité conjointe engagement réciproque répertoire partagé active communautés d'intérêt CoIs bring together stakeholders from different CoPs to solve a particular (design) problem of common concern. They can be thought of as "communities-of-communities (Brown & Duguid, 1991) or a community of representatives of communities. (1) a team interested in software development that includes software designers, marketing specialists, psychologists, and programmers, or (2) a group of citizens and experts interested in urban planning who are concerned with implementing new transportation systems systèmes d'activité symétrie de l'ignorance asymétrie de la connaissance Fundamental challenges facing CoIs are found in building a shared understanding of the task at hand, which often does not exist at the beginning, but is evolved incrementally and collaboratively and emerges in people's minds and in external artifacts. Members of CoIs perspectives and perhaps a different vocabulary for describing their ideas répondent à un ensemble de conditions : des questions soulevées par les acteurs soutenues par l'équipe

dirigeante du lieu (directeur de l'école, collectivités locales...), l'implication d'une équipe de

recherche de l'IFE 3 , et la construction conjointe d'un projet à long terme visant à trouver des réponses à ces questions une nouvelle alliance entre les enseignants, les éducateurs et les chercheurs qui pourraient aider à enfin supprimer

le dualisme entre les pratiques éducatives et la recherche sur ces pratiques et à renouveler à

la fois les pratiques de recherche et la formation dans l'éducation en prenant en considération leur interdépendance, ainsi que leurs objectifs sociaux et politiques communauté d'investigation couches » individus

3UDWLFLHQV(débutants et

experts, apprentis et maîtres) des intervenants (détenteurs de problèmes à résoudre) de

Nature des

problèmesDifférentes tâches dans le même domaineTâche commune dans plusieurs domaines 'RPDLQH



Principaux objectifsConnaissances codifiées

Couverture de domaine

Compréhension partagée

Faire entendre des voix de

tous les intervenants

ApprentissageParticipation périphérique

Participation éclairée

Raffinement d'un système de




Nouvelles idées provenant d

l'intérieur de la pratique


Grâce à l'intégration des

systèmes de savoirs multiples




FaiblessesPensée deroupeManque de compréhension partagée AvantagesOntologies partagéesCréativité sociale


Nouvelles idées






symétrie de l'ignorance symétrie de l'ignorance asymétrie de la connaissance symétrie de l'ignorance synergie d'un grand nombre réunit des intervenants de différentes communautés de pratique préoccupation collective dans la résolution d'un problème











symétrie de l'ignorance activitétâche tâche" comme un but donné dans des conditions déterminées » activité" ce qui est mis en oeuvre pour exécuter la tâche » collaborationcoaction activité collective collaborer collaboration collaborare travailler conjointement avec les autres coopération collaborationfonctionner conjointement avec un autre ou d'autres, coopérer travailler ensemble coopération cooperari process characterized by unpredictability that implies negotiations and decisions d'une vision partagée et de stratégies articulées pour faire ressortir un intérêt commun dépassant les limites de chaque projet particulier ooperation is accomplished by the division of labour among participants, as an activity where each person is responsible for a portion of the problem solving ..."...a coordinated, synchronous activity that is the result of a continued attempt to construct and maintain a shared conception of a problem Design communities are increasingly characterized by a division of labor, composed of individuals who have unique experiences, different interests and perspectives about problems and who use different knowledge systems in their work. Shared understanding (Resnick et al.,

1991) supporting collaborative learning and working requires the active construction of a

knowledge system in which the meanings of concepts and objects can by debated and resolved. In heterogeneous design communities such as those that form around large and complex design problems, the construction of shared understanding requires an interaction and synthesis of several separate knowledge systems Traditional learning and working environments (e.g., university departments and their respective curricula) are disciplinary. Throughout history, the use of disciplines and their associated development of a division of labor have proved to be a powerful approach. However, we also know from all the attempts to support multidisciplinary work that hardly any "real" problems can be successfully approached by a lone discipline. There is no media-independent communication or interaction: tools, materials, and social arrangements always mediate activity (McLuhan, 1964). The processes of thinking, learning, working, and collaborating are functions of our media (Bruner, 1996). Cognition is shared not only among minds, but among minds and the structured media within which minds interact (Resnick, Levine, & Teasley, 1991; Salomon, 1993). Every organized human activity (...) must answer two basic and conflicting requirements: the division of labor between different tasks and the coordination of these tasks for the performance of work. The structure of an organization can be defined simply as the sum total of the means employed to divide the work between different tasks and then ensure the necessary coordination between these tasks. collaboration négociationsdiscussions coopération The interaction among subjects generates extra activities 5 (explanation, disagreement, mutual regulation ...) which trigger extra cognitive mechanisms 6 (knowledge elicitation, internalisation, reduced cognitive load ...). The field of collaborative learning is precisely about these activities and mechanisms. These may occur more frequently in collaborative learning than in individual condition. However, on the one hand, there is no guarantee that those mechanisms occur in any collaborative interactions. On the other hand, they do not occur only during collaboration. At some level of description - at least the neuron level -, the mechanisms potentially involved in collaborative learning are the same as those potentially involved in individual cognition apprentissage collaboratif " collaboration » (1) analyser les tâches, problèmes et actions auxquels on est confronté pour les mettre en relation avec les activités qui en constituent le

contexte systémique, (2) en faire apparaître les contradictions qui demandent l'élaboration de

solutions créatives, puis (3) permettre l'expansion et la généralisation de ces dernières en de

nouvelles structures d'activité.



apprentissage expansif apprentissage expansif boundary crossing franchissement de frontière practitioners must move across boundaries to seek and give help, to find information and tools wherever they happen to be available Boundary crossing entails stepping into unfamiliar domains. It is essentially a creative endeavor 7 which requires new conceptual resources. In this sense, boundary crossing involves collective concept formation. objets frontières participation périphérique légitime Communities of practice structure an organization's learning potential in two ways: through the knowledge they develop at their core and through interactions at their boundaries. Like any asset, these communities can become liabilities if their own expertise becomes insular. It is therefore important to pay as much attention to the boundaries of communities of practice as to their core, and to make sure that there is enough activity at these boundaries to renew learning. For while the core is the center of expertise, radically new insights often arise at


the boundary between communities 8 . Communities of practice truly become organizational assets when their core and their boundaries are active in complementary ways" engagement imagination alignement construire des ponts "... learning in CoIs requires externalizations [Bruner, 1996] in the form of 'boundary objects' (Star, 1989) which have meaning across the boundaries of the individual knowledge systems. Boundary objects allow different knowledge systems to interact by providing a shared reference that is meaningful within both systems. Computational support for CoIs must therefore enable mutual learning through the creation, discussion, and refinement of boundary objects that allow the knowledge systems of different CoPs to interact. In this sense, the interaction between multiple knowledge systems is a means to turn the symmetry of ignorance into a resource for learning and social creativity


collaboration négociations discussions coopération Design is a creative activity that cannot be fully reduced to standard steps, and should not be thought of as mere problem solving. A designer lacks the comforting restraints of a well- organized discipline because designing is inherently a messy endeavor. It includes, but goes beyond, the ability to be creative in solving problems. A host of techniques and skills come into play during design. Many of the techniques and skills are explicit and publicly available, while others may be tacit and unspoken. According to Smith and Tabor (1996), design is as much an art as it is a science-spontaneous, unpredictable, and hard to define. créativité créativité The concept of creativity spans a multitude of domains from art to science to literature to business and beyond (e.g. Stumpf, 1995; Tang & Leonard, 1985; Williams & Yang, 1999). Even within any one context, researchers have long recognized that creativity can refer to person, process, product, or environmental response (Rhodes, 1961). At one count, there were well over 50 definitions to be found on this ever-expanding list (Taylor, 1988). créativitécréativité mathématique créativité sociale grand- C génie moyen-c petit-c vie quotidienne possibilité de pensée bisociation petit- c psychologique p-créativité créativité historiqueh- créativité mini-c petit-cmini-c pensée divergente pensée convergente pertinence utilité approche psychométrique objectifiable fluence flexibilité


originalité caractère situé approche componentielle mesure fluence flexibilité


originalité préparation incubation illumination bi-association processus divergent traduction vérification publication processus convergent pensée divergente pensée convergente réification créativité sociale capital socioculturel créativité sociale Idea generation involves both the retrieval of existing knowledge from memory and the combination of various aspects of existing knowledge into novel ideas brainstorming brainstorming associations uniques complémentarity priming divergent style divergent thinking attention brainstormings brainstorming d'incubation novel associations upward comparison compétition attention it is presumed that the diversity represented in the group is relevant to the group task. That is, if a group has the range of skills and knowledge required for a particular problem area, it is likely they can tap this diversity to come up with a broader range of ideas than those with a more limited diversity in knowledge Groups may feel pressure to achieve premature consensus, leading to suboptimal and non- creative solutions [...] Groups that share information tend to focus on common rather than unique ideas correspondantes blocage cognitive load free riding task-irrelevant behaviorquotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15