[PDF] [PDF] Matrimonial property regimes and patrimonial aspects of other forms

nuptial agreements and because in some legal systems cohabitation agreements have an impact on the than the German legal tradition The Scandinavian 

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International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 15, (2001), 88–101 COHABITATION IN GERMANY—RULES, REALITY AND PUBLIC DISCOURSES

[PDF] Marriage and Cohabitation in western Germany and France

4 2 Rights and duties of married and non–married couples in France 81 4 3 Employment status of western German and French couples with children in the year 

[PDF] Matrimonial property regimes and patrimonial aspects of other forms

nuptial agreements and because in some legal systems cohabitation agreements have an impact on the than the German legal tradition The Scandinavian 

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German divorce law has, from the beginning, departed in prac- tice from the period of separation, the reform law provides that cohabitation for a short time with 

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separate for married as opposed to non-married cohabiting couples the German alimony law and of the 2008 reform and derive its expected effects based on 

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22 juil 2015 · of increasing levels of cohabitation and non-marital childbearing, either by focusing on the effects of the economy, law, and politics or by 

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Despite growing social acceptance of unmarried cohabitation there are no statutory rules in family law dealing with the effect of non-marital cohabitation between two parties The law gives only partial recognition to cohabitation in specified areas of the law (for example a right to s?d to a tenancy upon the death of the tenant § 563 para

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