[PDF] [PDF] Active and Passive Voice: Tense-wise Rules - 1 File Download

Active and Passive Voice: Tense-wise Rules Simple Present tense An Active sentence in the simple present tense has the following structure: Subject + first 

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Active and Passive Voice: Tense-wise Rules

Simple Present tense

An Active sentence in the simple present tense has the following structure:

Subject + first form of the verb + object

A passive sentence in the simple present tense has the following structure: Object of the active sentence + is/am/are + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence

Changing an assertive sentence into the passive

Active: I write a letter.

Passive: A letter is written by me.

Active: I help you.

Passive: You are helped by me.

Active: I love my parents.

Passive: My parents are loved by me.

Active: We love our country.

Passive: Our country is loved by us.

Changing a negative sentence into the passive

Active: I do not write a letter.

Passive: A letter is not written by me.

Active: I do not abuse my servants.

Passive: My servants are not abused by me.

Active: I do not write novels.

Passive: Novels are not written by me.

Active: He does not tease her.

Passive: She is not teased by him.

Changing an interrogative sentence into the passive Structure: Is/are/am + object of the active verb + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the passive verb

Active: Do you write a letter?

Passive: Is a letter written by you?

Active: Do you write stories?

Passive: Are stories written by you?

Active: Does she make candles?

Passive: Are candles made by her?

Active: Who does not obey you?

Passive: By whom are you not obeyed?

Active: Which newspaper do you read?

Passive: Which newspaper is read by you?

Active: Does she do her duty?

Passive: Is her duty done by her?


The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. Therefore, sentences which do not have an object cannot be changed into the passive. The following sentences, for instance, cannot be changed into the passive because they do not have objects.

The old man sat in a corner.

The child sleeps.

The wind blows.

The dog barks.

The fire burns.

He laughed aloud



To change a sentence from active to passive voice, do the following:

1. Move the active sentence's direct object into the sentence's subject slot

2. Place the active sentence's subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by

3. Add a form of the auxiliary verb be to the main verb and change the main verb's form

Because passive voice sentences necessarily add words and change the normal doer-action- receiver of action direction, they may make the reader work harder to understand the intended meaning.

Read more:


Change Passive Voice to Active Voice

When a sentence is written, it can either be written in active voice or passive voice. In most cases, writing sentences in passive voice is discouraged because it can obscure the subject of the sentence, and confuse the reader. It also usually creates a wordy and awkward sentence construction.

Defining Passive Voice

Every sentence contains, at minimum, a subject and an action. The subject is the person or thing the sentence is about, and the action is what the subject is doing. When a sentence is in active voice, the subject doing the action comes before the action. For example: I swim. I is the subject. Swim is the action. The subject doing the action comes before the action, so it is immediately clear to the reader who is doing what. When a sentence is in passive voice, the subject comes after the action. For example: Swimming is something I do. Here, the action is swimming. The subject is I. The sentence is in passive voice, since the person doing the action (I) is not mentioned until after the action Some sentences also contain objects- the thing being acted upon. This can make it more difficult to determine whether the sentence is in passive voice. For example, here is a sentence in active voice: Anna hits the ball. Anna is the subject. Hits is the action. The ball is the object.

That same sentence in passive voice reads:

The ball is hit by Anna.

The ball is the object- not the subject of the sentence. The ball is not doing an action. Therefore, it should be after the subject (Anna)

Tips to Recognize the Passive Voice

Sometimes a sentence in passive voice does not necessarily sound "wrong" or wordy. However, it is still best to write in active voice when possible. In order to recognize that a sentence is in passive voice, watch out for these keywords: Be Is Are A Was Were

Has been

Have been

Will be


Practice Changing Passive to Active Voice

Correct the following five sentences to practice changing passive to active voice. The answers are below:

1. Hunger was what Bill felt.

2. Reading is enjoyed by Mary

3. The town was destroyed by fire

4. Funny is what clowns are

5. Cheese was liked by Sara

Answers to Practice Sentences

1. Bill felt hungry (Bill is the subject, felt is the action)

2. Mary enjoys reading (Mary is the subject, enjoys is the action)

3. Fire destroyed the town (Fire is the subject, destroyed is the action)

4. Clowns are funny (Clowns is the subject, funny is the action)

5. Sara likes cheese (Sara is the subject, likes is the action)

6. There will be two Passive Voice sentences for the sentences with two nouns.

There are few verbs which take two objects, a Direct object and an Indirect object. For such sentences, there will be two forms in Passive Voice sentences.

1. Verbs with two objects:


ees were given to him by me. (Passive Voice) their car. (Active voice) to him by the government. (Passive Voice)

2. Imperative sentences (Commands and requests)

There is special formula for changing the imperative sentence into passive voice.


Here the sentence in active-voice has been changed into a sentence in passive-voice. Please understand the formula which has been followed to change the active-voice to passive-voice. sive voice sentence.


ions be ignored. (Passive Voice). These sentences have been changed into passive voice sentences by adding "let".

3. With Modal verbs:

The verbs can, could, may, might, and must are known modal verbs. As per the following methods these sentences with these verbs are changed into passive voice.


hey might have studied their lessons. (Active voice)

4. Phrasal verbs:

Few verbs, with certain meanings are always used with prepositions. In such situations the prepositions should not be omitted in the sentences.


by us. (Passive Voice). -brigade put out the fire. (Active voice) -brigade. (Passive Voice).

5. With IT:

In few sentences, instead of a word or a phrase, a clause may be the object of a verb. In such cases there are two ways of changing the sentences into the passive voice. A. By making the clause itself as the subject in the passive voice.


er would be taken up by them was expected by me. (Passive Voice).

B. By substituting the clause with pronoun it.


uered by them. (Passive



grandmother was telling her grandchildren an interesting story. (Active voice)




brought you a parcel. (Active voice) rst lesson. (Active voice) ce. (Passive Voice). menu card. (Active voice) ht the menu card by the waiter. (Passive Voice). offering you another chance. (Active voice) (Passive Voice). these documents be signed. (Passive Voice).

Active and Passive Voice

March 17, 2005

[sic] sentences using active voice.

Active Voice

A sentence is written in the active voice if the subjectthe main person, place, thing, or idea performs the action.


1. Jonathan threw the ball across the street. (The subject, ͞Jonathan," performed the action,

2. Because it hadn't been seen for decades, the obelisk surprised the audience when the lecturer

focusing on the subject of the independent, or main, clause.)

Passive Voice

A sentence is written in the passive voice if the subjectthe main person, place, thing, or idea receives the action.


1. The orchestra is conducted by Ms. Phelps. (The subject, ͞orchestra," is receiǀing the action here.

from this sentence at least, who performed the action.)

How to Identify Active and Passive Voice

To find out if a sentence is written in the active or passive voice, ask yourself these two questions:

1. What is the subject?

2. Is the subject doing something?

active passive.

Thanks for the question, Manju!

English Active and Passive Voice

English Active and Passive Voice

Voice is the property of verb which shows whether the subject is performing or experiencing the action.

There are two kinds of voice:

Active voice: If the subject does the work himself or herself, it is in active voice. Passive voice: If something is done for or to the subject, it is in passive voice.

General Rules:

Subject Verb Object

Rahim teaches Mohsin. Active

Mohsin is taught by Rahim Passive

Following are the rules for changing active voice into passive voice:

1. Subject of the active voice shall become the object of the passive voice.

I : (by) me We : (by) us You : (by) you He : (by) him She : (by) her It : (by) it They : (by) them Who : (by) whom

3. Verb should be changed to past participle (3rd form)

5. Object of the active voice shall become subject of passive voice.

Me : I us : we You : You him : he Her : She it : it Them : they whom : who Note:

1. Passive voice can be made only of transitive verb, i.e. if the verb is followed by an object.

2. Voice is changed in the same sentence i.e., if the Active voice is in the interrogative

sentence. Passive will also be in interrogative sentence. Structure: Subject + Verb be+ past participle + by + object (noun or pronoun).

Present Indefinite Tense

Active Passive

[Subject + is/am/are+ 3rd form +by + object]

Karim teases him. He is teased by him

She beats her husband. Her husband is beaten by her.

Negative Sentence:

Active Passive

[Subject+is/am/are+not+3rd form+by+object] She does not listen to you. You are not listened to by her. You do not favour her. She is not favoured by you.

Interrogative Sentence:

Active Passive

[Is/Am/Are+subject + 3rd form +by + object]

Do you teach him? Is he taught by you?

Do you respect me? Am I respected by you?

put immediately after them.

Active Passive

How do you prepare tea? How is tea prepared by you?

When do you see T.V.? When is T.V. seen by you?

What do you like? What is liked by you?

Active Passive

Who beats you? By whom are you beaten?

Whom do you love? Who is loved by you?

Present Continuous Tense

Active Passive

[Subject + was/were+ 3rd form +by + object] I was revising the lesson Was the lesson being revised by me. Were you reading the book? Was the book being read by you? What was Rehman doing? What was being done by Rehman?

Past Perfect Tense

Active Passive

[Subject + had + been +3rd form+by+object]

I learn the poem. The poem was learnt by me.

Had she taken tea? Had tea been taken by her?

He had not ill-treated him He had not been ill-treated by him.

Future Indefinite Tense

Active Passive

[Subject+will/shall+be+3rd form+by+object] This man will do my work. My work will be done by this man.

Will Mohsin help me? Shall I be helped by Mohsin?

What will Tariq do? What will be done by Tariq?

Who will repair the window? By whom will the window be repaired?

Future Perfect Tense

Active Passive

[Subject+will/shall+have+been+3rd form +by + object]

This man will have done my


My work will have been done by

this man. He will not have abused me. I shall not have been abused by him.

The farmer will have watered the


The field will have been watered by

the farmer.

Modal Verbs:

Can, may, must, shall, will, should, would, could and might are called modal verbs.

Active Passive

[Subject + modal verb+ be + 3rd form +by + object] Rizwan can win the prize. The prize can be won by Rizwan.

Mohsin must reward you. You must be rewarded by


May I help you? May you be helped by me?

Who will shut the door? By whom will the door be shut.quotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28