[PDF] La France et la crise du Golfe 1990-1991 : analyse politico - Érudit

Mitterrand: le pouvoir et la guerre, Paris, Ramsay/de Cortanze, 1991, pp 39, 84 2 Rapport de Cheysson à Mitterrand, 15 août 1990 Communiqué par l'auteur

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La France et la crise du Golfe 1990-1991 : analyse politico - Érudit

Mitterrand: le pouvoir et la guerre, Paris, Ramsay/de Cortanze, 1991, pp 39, 84 2 Rapport de Cheysson à Mitterrand, 15 août 1990 Communiqué par l'auteur

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Tous droits r€serv€s 'tudes internationales, 1995 Cet article est diffus€ et pr€serv€ par 'rudit. 'rudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif compos€ de Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.

https://www.erudit.org/fr/Document g€n€r€ le 23 oct. 2023 10:34€tudes internationales

La France et la crise du Golfe 1990-1991 : analyse French Policy during the Gulf Crisis. 1990-1991Samir Saul

Volume 26, num€ro 1, 1995URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/703427arDOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/703427arAller au sommaire du num€ro'diteur(s)Institut qu€b€cois des hautes €tudes internationalesISSN0014-2123 (imprim€)1703-7891 (num€rique)D€couvrir la revueCiter cet article

Saul, S. (1995). La France et la crise du Golfe 1990-1991 : analyse politico-€conomique d'un virage. €tudes internationales 26
(1), 83...111. https://doi.org/10.7202/703427ar

R€sum€ de l'article

The article situates official French policy during the crisis in the general framework of its international relations. It was somewhat surprising to see a country close to Iraq join the coalition. The first part is a reminder that France was, after the United States, the most zealous of the coalition members, and that its stated objectives did not correspond to its real aims. The second part takes stock of Franco-Iraqi relations in order to assess their state in August

1990. Business dwindled after the 1970s and stagnation set in as a result of the

war against Iran and the downturn in oil prices. On the eve of the crisis, relations were at a standstill while accords to settle arrears in payments went into effect. The third part puts Franco-Iraqi relations in the context of the general reorientation of the French economy. At the time of the Gulf crisis, France was turning the page on the era of megaprojects in developing countries and integrating more thoroughly in the developed economies. The article concludes that French policy during the crisis, a short-term political event, was in accord with economic changes occurring over the intermediate term, without being their direct consequence.

La France et la crise du Golfe,


analys e politico-économiqu e d'u n virag e Sami r SAUL* ABSTRACT - French Policy during the Gulf Crisis. 1990-1991 The article situâtes officiai French policy during the crisis in the gênerai framework of its international relations. It was somewhat surprising to see a country close to Iraqjoin the coalition. Thefirst part is a reminder that France was, after the United States, the most zealous of the coalition members, and that its stated objectives did not correspond to its real aims. The second part takes stock of Franco-Iraqi relations in order to assess their state in August 1990. Business dwindled after the 1970s and stagnation set in as a resuit of the war against Iran and the downturn in oïl priées. On the eve of the crisis, relations were at a standstill while accords to settle arrears in payments went into effect. The thirdpartputs Franco-Iraqi relations in the context of the gênerai reorientation ofthe French economy. At the time ofthe Gulf crisis, France was turning the page on the era of megaprojects in developing countries and integrating more thoroughly in the developed économies. The article concludes that French policy during the crisis, a short- term political event, was in accord with économie changes occurring over the intermediate term, without being their direct conséquence. L'un e de s participation s le s plu s remarquée s dan s l a coalitio n contr e l'Ira k es t cell e d e l a


Depui s 1972
aucu n pay s occidenta l n'entretien t ave c Bagda d de s lien s plu s


Pou r le s deu x parties le s motivation s politique s e t le s considération s


s convergen t e t s e complètent L a Franc e e t l'Ira k ont d e surcroît de s conception s comparable s d e leu r rôl e dan s l e mond e : l'indépendance et la défiance des blocs sont les maîtres mots d e leu r politiqu e



de s rapport s ave c l'Irak i l y a pou r l a Franc e l'orientatio n général e d e s a politique Depui s 1962
e t surtou t 1967
ell e observ e l'égar d d u mond e arab e un e lign e d e conduit e fondé e su r l'abando n de s visée s impériale s e t l e refu s d e rallie r ceu x qu i recouren t systématiquemen t l'affrontement L a politiqu e l'égar d d e l'Ira k procèd e d'un e attitud e global e fac e a u mond e arabe E n s'abstenan t d e conteste r c e dernie r se s aspiration s l a souveraineté e n contribuan t lu i procure r le s moyen s d e l'indépendance l a Franc e s e démarque tou t e n


t so n influence * Professeur au Département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal. Revue Études internationales, volume xxvi, n° 1, mars 1995 8 3

84 Samir SAUL


t d e l a cris e d u Golf e l a plac e dan s un e positio n particulière men t délicate U n confli t arm entr e un e coalitio n dirigé e pa r un e superpuis sanc e e t u n


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