[PDF] [PDF] Classical Field Theory

Classical field theory, which concerns the generation and interaction of fields, is a logical precursor to quantum field theory and can be used to describe 

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Classical field theory, which concerns the generation and interaction of fields, is a logical precursor to quantum “eld theory and can be used to describe phenomena such as gravity and electromagnetism. Written for advanced undergraduates, and appropriate for graduate-level classes, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to “eld theories, with a focus on their relativistic structural elements. Such structural notions enable a deeper understanding of Maxwell"s equations, which lie at the heart of electromagnetism, and can also be applied to modern variants such as Chern-Simons and Born-Infeld electricity and magnetism. The structure of “eld theories and their physical predictions are illustrated with compelling examples, making this book perfect as a text in a dedicated “eld theory course, for self-study, or as a reference for those interested in classical “eld theory, advanced electromagnetism, or general relativity. Demonstrating a modern approach to model building, this text is also ideal for students of theoretical physics. Joel Franklinis a professor in the Physics Department of Reed College. His work focuses on mathematical and computational methods with applications to classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, general relativity, and modi“cations of general relativity. He is author of two previous titles:Advanced Mechanics and General Relativity andComputational Methods for Physics.



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DOI: 10.1017/9781316995419

© Joel Franklin 2017

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Preface pageix

Acknowledgments xi

2 SpecialRelativity1

1.1 Geometry 1

1.2 Examples and Implications 5

1.3 Velocity Addition 11

1.4 Doppler Shift for Sound 13

1.5 Doppler Shift for Light 15

1.6 Proper Time 17

1.7 Energy and Momentum 19

1.8 Force 24

1.9 Special Relativity Requires Magnetic Fields 25

1.10 Four-Vectors 28

3 PointParticleFields38

2.1 De“nition 38

2.2 Four-Dimensional Poisson Problem 42

2.3 Li´enard-Wiechert Potentials 45

2.4 Particle Electric and Magnetic Fields 55

2.5 Radiation: Point Particles 63

2.6 Radiation: Continuous Sources 70

2.7 Exact Point Particle Radiation Fields 72

2.8 Radiation Reaction 75

4 FieldLagrangians79

3.1 Review of Lagrangian Mechanics 79

3.2 Fields 85

3.3 Noether"s Theorem and Conservation 89

3.4 Stress Tensor 92

3.5 Scalar Stress Tensor 94

3.6 Electricity and Magnetism 96

3.7 Sources 100

3.8 Particles and Fields 105

3.9 Model Building 108

vii viiiContents


4.1 Newtonian Gravity 112

4.2 Source Options 114

4.3 Predictions: Non-relativistic 115

4.4 Predictions: Relativistic 123

4.5 Issues 129

AppendixA MathematicalMethods136

AppendixB NumericalMethods167

AppendixC E&MfromanAction187




This is a book on classical field theory, with a focus on the most studied one: electricity and magnetism (E&M). It was developed to “ll a gap in the current undergraduate physics curriculum - most departments teach classical mechanics and then quantum mechanics, the idea being that one informs the other and logically precedes it. The same is true for the pair "classical “eld theory" and "quantum “eld theory," except that there are almost no dedicated classical “eld theory classes. Instead, the subject is reviewed brie"y at the start of a quantum “eld theory course. There are a variety of reasons why this is so, most notably because quantum “eld theory is enormously successful and, as a language, can be used to describe three of the four forces of nature. The only classical “eld theory (of the four forces of nature) that requires the machinery developed in this book is general relativity, which is not typically taught at the undergraduate level. Other applications include "uid mechanics (also generally absent from the undergraduate course catalogue) and "continuum mechanics" applications, but these tend to be meant primarily for engineers. Yet classical “eld theory provides a good way to think about modern physical model building, in a time where such models are relevant. In this book, we take the "bottom up" view of physics, that there are certain rules for constructing physical theories. Knowing what those rules are and what happens to a physical model when you break or modify them is important in developing physical models beyond the ones that currently exist. One of the main points of the book is that if you ask for a "natural" vector “eld theory, one that is linear (so superposition holds) and is already "relativistic," you get Maxwell"s E&M almost uniquely. This idea is echoed in other areas of physics, notably in gravity, where if you similarly start with a second rank symmetric “eld that is linear and relativistic, and further require the universal coupling that is the hallmark of gravity, you get general relativity (almost uniquely). So for these two prime examples of classical “eld theories, the model building paradigm works beautifully, and you would naturally develop this pair even absent any sort of experimental observation (as indeed was done in the case of general relativity, and even Maxwell"s correction to Faraday"s law represents a similar brute force theoretical approach). But we should also be able to go beyond E&M and gravity. Using the same guidelines, we can develop a theory of E&M in which the photon has mass, for example, and probe the physics implied by that change. Lagrangians and actions are a structure-revealing way to explore a physical theory, but they do not lend themselves to speci“c solutions. That"s why E&M is the primary theory discussed in this book. By the time a student encounters the material presented here, they will have seen numerous examples of solutions to the Maxwell “eld equations, so that they know what statements like2·E=2/3 0 ,2×B=0, mean physically, having introduced ix xPreface various types of charge sources and solved the field equations. What is less clear from Maxwell"s equations are notions of gauge freedom and relativistic covariance. Moving the familiarEandB(or perhaps more appropriately,VandA) into a revealing scalar structure, like the E&M action, allows for a discussion beyond the speci“c solutions that are studied in most introductory E&M courses. As an example, one can easily develop the notion of a conserved stress tensor from the E&M action. Doing that without the action is much harder and less clear (in terms of conservation laws and symmetries). complementing a semester of E&M at the level of reference [19]. In such a course, the physical focus is on the acceleration “elds that are necessary to describe radiation. 1 Those “elds come directly from the Green"s function for the wave equation in four-dimensional space-time, so a discussion of Green"s functions is reasonable and also represents the beginning and end of the integral solution for “eld theories that are linear. The goal, in general, is to use advanced elements of E&M to motivate techniques that are useful for all “eld theories. But it is also possible to teach a dedicated classical “eld theory course from the book, without over-dependence on E&M as the primary example. There are plenty of additional physical ideas present in the book, including the action and conserved quantities for both Schr¨odinger"s equation and the Klein-Gordon equation, in addition to the latter"s interpretation as the scalar relativistic analogue to Schr¨odinger"s equation. The text is organized into four chapters and three appendixes. Chapter 1 is a relatively standard review of special relativity, with some in-depth discussion of transformation and invariants and a focus on the modi“ed dynamics that comes from using Newton"s second law with relativistic momentum rather than the pre-relativistic momentum. In Chapter 2, the focus is on Green"s functions, with the main examples being “rst static problems in electricity, and then the full wave equation of E&M. The role of the Green"s function as an integral building block is the focus, and the new radiation “elds the physical bene“ciary. Chapter 3 reviews Lagrangian mechanics and then introduces the notion of a “eld Lagrangian and action whose minimization yields familiar “eld equations (just as the extremization of classical actions yields familiar equations of motion, i.e., the Newtonian ones). The free particle “eld equations (and associated actions) for scalars, vectors, and tensors are developed, and then the free “elds are coupled to both “eld sources and particle sources. One of the advantages of the scalar action is the automatic conservation of a stress tensor, a good example of the utility of Noether"s theorem. The end of the chapter has a discussion of physical model building and introduces Born-Infeld E&M and Chern-Simons E&M. Finally, Chapter 4 is on gravity, another classical “eld theory. We establish that Newtonian gravity is insuf“cient (because it is not relativistically covariant) and explore the implications of universal coupling on gravity as a “eld theory (basically requiring gravity to be represented by a second rank symmetric tensor “eld to couple to the full stress tensor, with nonlinear “eld equations, to couple to itself). 1

Those fields are sufficiently complicated as to be avoided in most undergraduate courses, except in passing.

They are dif“cult for a number of reasons. First, structurally, since they bear little resemblance to the familiar

Coulomb “eld that starts off all E&M investigation. Second, the acceleration “elds are analytically intractable

except for trivial cases. Even the “rst step in their evaluation, calculating the retarded time at a “eld point,

requires numerical solution in general. xiPreface The appendixes are side notes, and fill in the details for some techniques that are useful for “eld theories (both classical and quantum). There is an appendix on mathematical methods (particularly complex contour integration, which is good for evaluating Green"s functions) and one on numerical methods (that can be used to solve the actual “eld equations of E&M in the general setting, for example). Finally, there is a short essay that makes up the third appendix and is meant to demonstrate how you can take a compact action and develop from it all the physics that you know from E&M. When I teach the class, I ask the students to perform a similar analysis for a modi“ed action (typically Proca, but one could use any of a number of interesting current ones). There exist many excellent texts on classical “eld theory, classics such as [21] and [25], and the more modern [15]. I recommend them to the interested reader. I hope that my current contribution might complement these and perhaps extend some of the ideas in them. Thefocus on E&M as amodel theory for thinking about specialrelativity(relativistic covariance) and “eld theoretic manifestations of it is common at the graduate level, in books such as [26] and [20]. What I have tried to do is split off that discussion from the rest of the E&M problem-solving found in those books and amplify the structural elements. This book could be used alongside [19] for a second, advanced semester of E&M or as a standalone text for a course on classical “eld theory, one that might precede a quantum “eld theory course and whose techniques could be used fairly quickly in the quantum setting

(much of the “eld-“eld interaction that quantum “eld theory is built to handle has classical

analogues that bene“t from many of the same techniques, including both perturbative ones and ones having to do with “nding Green"s functions).


My own view of field theories in physics was developed under the mentorship of Stanley Deser, and much of the motivation for exploring more complicated “eld theories by comparison/contrast with E&M comes directly from his approach to physics. My students and colleagues at Reed have been wonderful sounding boards for this material. In particular, I"d like to thank Owen Gross and David Latimer for commentary on drafts of this book; they have helped improve the text immensely. Irena Swanson in the math department gave excellent technical suggestions for the bits of complex analysis needed in the “rst appendix, and I thank her for her notes. Finally, David Grif“ths has given numerous suggestions, in his inimitable manner, since I started the project - my thanks to him, as always, for helping me clarify, expand, and contract the text.


2.2 Geometry

Special relativity focuses our attention on the geometry of space-time, rather than the usual Euclidean geometry of space by itself. We"ll start by reviewing the role of rotations as a transformation that preserves a speci“c de“nition of length, then introduce Lorentz boosts as the analogous transformation that preserves a new de“nition of length.

2.2.2 Rotations

In two dimensions, we know it makes little difference (physicallyhow we orient the 32x and32yaxes - the laws of physics do not depend on the axis orientation. The description of those laws changes a little (what is "straight down" for one set of axes might be "off to the side" for another, as in Figure 1.1), but their fundamental predictions are independent of the details of these basis vectors. A point in one coordinate system can be described in terms of a rotated coordinate system. For a vector that points from the origin to the point labeled byxandyin the32x,

32ybasis vectors:r=x32x+y32y, we want a description of the same point in the coordinate

system with basis vectors 32



¯y- i.e., what are¯xand¯yin¯r=¯x




¯y? Referring

to Figure 1.2, we can use the fact that the length of the vectorris the same as the length of the vector¯r- lengths are invariant under rotation. If we call the lengthr, then: (1.1 So we know how to go back and forth between the barred coordinates and the unbarred ones. The connection between the two is provided by the invariant 1 length of the vector. In fact, the very de“nition of a rotation "transformation" between two coordinate systems is tied to length invariance. We could start with the idea that two coordinate systems agree on the length of a vector and use that to generate the transformation (1.1). Let"s see how that goes: the most general linear transformation connecting¯xand¯ytoxandyis



(1.2 1 Invariant here means "the same in all coordinate systems related by some transformation." 2


ˆx ˆy ˆx ˆy (e.g.,F=maholdsinboth). ˆy ˆx ¯x ¯y x y ¯x ¯y anglemadebythevectorwiththe32x-axis. for constantsA,B,C,andD.Now,ifwedemandthat¯x 2 +¯y 2 =x 2 +y 2 , we have: 2 A 2 +C 2 3 x 2 2 B 2 +D 2 3 y 2 +2(AB+CD)xy=x 2 +y 2 ,(1.3 and then the requirement is:A 2 +C 2 =1,B 2 +D 2 =1,andAB+CD=0. We can satisfy these with a one-parameter family of solutions by lettingA=cos5,B=sin5, C=-sin5,andD=cos5for arbitrary parameter5. These choices reproduce (1.1) (other choices give back clockwise rotation).

2.2.3 Boosts

There is a fundamental invariant in special relativity, a quantity like length for rotations, that serves to de“ne the transformation of interest. We"ll start with the invariant and then build the transformation that preserves it. The length invariant used above for rotations comes from the Pythagorean notion of length. The invariant "length" in special relativity comes from the “rst postulate of the theory: The speed of light is the same in all frames of reference traveling at constant velocity with respect to one another.


The idea, experimentally verified, is that no matter what you are doing, light has speedc. If you are at rest in a laboratory, and you measure the speed of light, you will getc. If you are running alongside a light beam in your laboratory, you will measure its speed to bec. If you are running toward a light beam in your laboratory, you will measure speedc.Ifthe light is not traveling in some medium (like water), its speed will bec. This observation is very different from our everyday experience measuring relative speeds. If you are traveling at25mph to the right, and I am traveling next to you at25mph, then our relative speed is

0mph. Not so with light.

What does the constancy of the speed of light tell us about lengths? Well, suppose I measure the position of light in my (one-dimensionallaboratory a sa function o ftime: I "ash a light on and off at timet=0at the origin of my coordinate system. Then the position of the light "ash at timetis given byx=ct. Your laboratory, moving at constant speed with respect to mine, would call the position of the "ash:¯x=c¯t(assuming your lab lined up with mine att=¯t=0andx=¯x=0) at your time¯t. We can make this look a lot like the Pythagorean length by squaring - our two coordinate systems must agree that: -c 2 ¯t 2 +¯x 2 =-c 2 t 2 +x 2 =0.(1.4

Instead ofx

2 +y 2 , the new invariant is-c 2 t 2 +x 2 . There are two new elements here: (1 ctis playing the role of a coordinate likex(the fact thatcis the same for everyone makes it a safe quantity for setting units), and (2) the sign of the temporal portion is negative. Those aside, we have our invariant. While it was motivated by the constancy of the speed of light and applied in that setting, we"ll now promote the invariant to a general rule (see Section

1.2.3 if this bothers you), and “nd the transformation that leaves the value-c

2 t 2 +x 2 unchanged. Working from the most general linear transformation relatingc¯tand¯xtoct andx: c¯t=A(ct)+Bx


(1.5 and evaluating-c 2 ¯t 2 +¯x 2 -(c¯t) 2 +¯x 2 2 A 2 -C 2 3 (ct) 2 +2x(ct)(CD-AB)+ 2 D 2 -B 2 3 x 2 ,(1.6 we can see that to make this equal to-c 2 t 2 +x 2 ,wemusthaveA 2 -C 2 =1,D 2 -B 2 =1, andCD-AB=0. This is a lot like the requirements for length invariance above, but with funny signs. Noting that the hyperbolic version ofcos 2 5+sin 2 5=1is cosh 2




we can writeA=cosh6,C=sinh6,D=cosh6,andB=sinh6. The transformation analogous to (1.1i st hen: c¯t=(ct)cosh6+xsinh6


(1.8 That"s the form of the so-called Lorentz transformation. The parameter6, playing the role of5for rotations, is called the "rapidity" of the transformation.


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