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Abteilung für Theoretische Biologie Kirschallee 1–3 Glückwunsch zu 25 Jahren Theoretischer Biologie ein Blatt für sechs Treffen ausreicht? Erster Aus-

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[PDF] Untitled - European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Abteilung für Theoretische Biologie Kirschallee 1–3 Glückwunsch zu 25 Jahren Theoretischer Biologie ein Blatt für sechs Treffen ausreicht? Erster Aus-

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Inhalt { Contents

Gruworte { Greetings....................................... 3 Aus unserer Abteilung { From our department........... 13 Der neue Prof ................................................. 13

1989 { The early days ......................................... 14

Professores Alt { From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....... 16 A fairy tale ....................................................27 Danksagung an die Theoretische Biologie ...................... 29

22 Jahre wissenschaftlicher Austausch zwischen Zellbiologie

und Theoretischer Biologe ................................ 30

Wandernde Zellen { Als Diplomand in der

Theoretischen Biologie ....................................31

Ein interdisziplin

arer Bruckenschlag: Arbeitskreis Wissenschaftstheorie der Biologie und Bionik ............. 33 Eine kurze Geschichte der Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Geschichte der Theoretischen Biologie ................................41 Aus der Forschung { Past and current research......... 43

Some stochastic dynamical models in neurobiology:

recent developments ...................................... 44 How do biological cells move? ..................................54 Cytoskeletal mechanics: an essay in honor of Wolfgang Alt ..... 70 Nonlocal models for the orientation of laments ................73 Die Natur organisiert sich selbst: Zellbiologie der molekularen Selbstorganisation ........................... 79 Dem Wolle ze Ihre { Origins of Theoretical Biology ............ 94

Das Interdisziplin

are Zentrum fur Komplexe Systeme in Bonn { R uckblick und Ausblick .......................103 On some stochastic dierential equation models with applications to biological problems .......................106 Geschichte und Philosophie { History and Philosophy.. 118 Do animals possess concepts? .................................119

Innen-Auen-Welten { zum Konzept der Neuronalen

Asthetik .128

Vito Volterra und die Didaktik der Theoretischen

Okologie ....133

Zum Informationsbegri in der Biologie {

Grundlagen, Probleme und L

osungsansatze ..............141 Parsimony for Systems Biology: shaving Occam's Razor away .149 About theory and models in biology .......................... 152


on { Thanks to .....................................156Title portrait: Dagmar B ar


The idea to this festschrift came up in early sum- mer 2010, during a hike in the mountains. Our group was on the way back to Bonn from the traditional three-day Pngstseminar in the lone- liness of the Rothaargebirge. Having fostered sci- entic thoughts depart from modern communica- tion channels (like internet, mobile phones), we were in a relaxed mood, when Wolfgang Alt told us about his soon to be accomplished 25th an- niversary as head of the Theoretical Biology de- partment. Spontaneously, somebody suggested to publish a festschrift on this occasion. While by now we are no longer sure whom to attribute this initial idea, it was an exciting task for us to collect the contributions in this issue and assemble them to what we hope makes a decent \special issue" of the European Communications in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB). Indeed, after the initial mentioning of a festschrift during the hike in 2010, we tried hard to hide our activity regarding the present issue from Wolf- gang. It took us quite a while to identify former members of our group and other people sharing the common interest to surprise Wolfgang. We must admit that our eorts were somewhat bi- ased to persons actually having a virtual identitywhich one would nd in the highly crosslinked realms of the internet. Our apology to all of you whom we have missed!

Then, in spring 2011, the board of the European

Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biol-

ogy gave permission to publish our festschrift as special issue of the society's ocial communica- tion bulletin, the ECMTB. This format makes an extraordinary match with the boundary con- ditions set by our anniversary: rst and foremost, the Communications provide for an international reach, so that can one share this happy news with all of you, but also to make contributions attrac- tive from a scientic view. Next, the Commu- nications allow us to have a wide variety of con- tent, at least partly resembling the broad interests of Wolfgang. Finally, the Communications have long been promoted, distributed and edited by

Wolfgang. Even before the advent of the Society

20 years ago, he already was among the editors of

the Biomathematics newsletter. A special issue in this bulletin is therefore also a special homage to Wolfgang Alt.

With this ample scope in mind, and to provide

our prospect contributors with the freedom to join in their special way, we did not install mutualBibliographische Informationen der

Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet die-

se Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbiblio- grae; detaillierte bibliograsche Daten sind im



Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


2011 Zusammenstellung: Editoren


2011 Text: Autoren


at Bonn

Abteilung f

ur Theoretische Biologie

Kirschallee 1{3

53115 Bonn, Germany

http://www.theobio.uni-bonn.deDas Werk einschlielich aller seiner Teile ist ur- heberrechtlich gesch utzt. Jede Verwertung auer- halb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgeset- zes ist ohne Zustimmung der Autoren unzul assig und strafbar. Dies gilt insbesondere f ur die Ver- vielf altigung,Ubersetzung, Mikroverlmung und

Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektroni-

schen Systemen.

Herstellung: Druckladen GbR, Bonn

Printed in Germany

Diese Festschrift ist aus s

aurefreiem Papier herge- stellt und entspricht den Frankfurter Forderungen zur Verwendung alterungsbest andiger Papiere fur die Buchherstellung.

ISBN 978-3-00-035628-5

1 peer review, for a festschrift is more about people and opinions rather than rigorous scientic de- tail. Initially we had planned to have three cate- gories of articles. However, soon the overwhelm- ing feedback of our no longer prospect contribu- tors lead us to adapt: having called for greetings, research articles and historic or philosophic es- says, we soon found that there somehow should be another category. In condence on adaptabil- ity and the principle of self-organization, we post- poned the question of categorization to the nal composition phase of this festschrift.

Several months passed, and so did deadline exten-

sions, meetings and lots of email communication. Meanwhile it was time to cast the festschrift into a printable representation. To this end we created a set of L

ATEX-macros, aiming to resemble the tra-

ditional layout of the Communications. We hope that both our readers and contributors nd the re- sult visually pleasant and unobtrusive. If there is some interest, we are willing to share these macros for further use.

During the last weeks, when we were busy with

typesetting and sending out correction samples, happy news arrived: thanks to support by the

SFB 611, we are able to signicantly increase the

number of hardcopies. Moreover, the Druckladen

GbR at Endenich, print shop in one of Bonn's

most-village like parts, is going to deliver thebooklets in special ne print, in tradition of their long-time service to the ECMTB. We are there- fore pleased to announce that attendants of our

25th anniversary celebration may take a free copy

of this festschrift, on a rst-come rst-served ba- sis. Naturally, all authors (and Wolfgang) will receive their copy as well. As turned out, the contributions to this festschrift nally arranged in four categories, including the intended greetings, research and history and phi- losophy groups. As a special highlight the fourth category \From our department" comprises var- ious contributions ranging from humoristic paro- dies to authentic reports of former and ongoing activities of our group. The special appeal of this category is due to its dierent perspectives, which jointly exhibit a detailed picture of the inner workings of the Theoretische Biologie in Bonn.

Dear Wolfgang!

In the name of all contributors and us, we dedicate this special issue to you. Let us celebrate the 25th anniversary of your group. May this festschrift help to make this a day to remember.

Dear celebration guests, dear readers ...

have a pleasant read!

Martin Bock and Markus P. Knappitsch

Bonn/Munster, September 2011


Greetings { Grussworte

Lisboa, August 2011

Dear Wolfgang,

Hearty congratulations for the rst 25 years of

the Theoretical Biology group you have founded in Bonn and very best wishes for the future, let it be worthy of a memorable trajectory of using mathematical tools to do biological research. The word \trajectory" is not here by chance. After all, we are talking about a very dynamical group and dynamical systems play a major role in your work, chance included by the way.

I had met you brie

y in several Mathematical Bi- ology meetings, but my closest contact with you developed in the Board of ESMTB. I vividly re- member the rst Board meeting I have attended, shortly after being elected. It was held in Febru- ary 2006 in Bonn and, as everything you do, it was very well organized. We did elect you as Pres- ident for the next 3 years at that Board meeting and I remember that you immediately organized the duties of everyone in the Board, mixing indi- vidual responsibility with the joint work of deci- sion making. The fulllment of each one's duties varied a bit, but, on the whole, the model was quite successful and the Society progressed con- siderably during your 3 year mandate as Presi- dent. I learned from the master and have basi- cally used the same model when I became Pres- ident for the following 3 year mandate and still the Society progressed, so I believe it is a quite successful model. Of course, although the model helps, the merit remains mostly on the wonder- ful Board members that we have had the good fortune of being aboard. And also from the Advi- sors to the Board and, in the current 3 year man- date of the Board, we had the great advantage of counting you as an Advisor, so that we could benet from your experience and also from your extremely valuable contribution as Editor of the

Communications (a project you have been tak-

ing care for many years) and President of the

Reinhardt Heinrich Ph. D. Thesis Award Com-

mittee. ESMTB owes you quite a lot. The commemora-tive plaque I handed to you in Krakow during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of ESMTB is a modest way of saying thank you for your very sig- nicant contributions and for having being so gen- erous and donate so much of your time and best eorts on behalf of the ESMTB since its founda- tion 20 years ago. And you were there, at the very beginning of ESMTB. You and the Bonn Theoret- ical Biology group contributed considerably to the progress of ESMTB. Besides being a good scientist, with extraordinary \enzymatic" skills in the development of a re- search and teaching group, you are also a person of many interests and, most of all, a gentleman and a very nice person. So, you and the Bonn group deserve the best and it is the very best that

I wish you, so that the scientic community can

continuing beneting from the group's work.

Let me end with a personal note. What I cherish

the most in the last years that I came to know you better personally is the friendship that has grown.

It has been a privilege and I hope to retain that

privilege for many years to come.

Carlos A. Braumann

President of the European Society for

Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Departamento de Matematica

Universidade deEvora

