[PDF] [PDF] Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu

Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu-240 evaluations 27 Sept 2012 Wonder 2012 G Noguere, O Bouland, D Bernard, P

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Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu

Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu-240 evaluations G Noguere1, O Bouland1, D Bernard1, P Leconte1, P Blaise1, 

[PDF] Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu

Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239, Am-241 and Pu-240 evaluations 27 Sept 2012 Wonder 2012 G Noguere, O Bouland, D Bernard, P

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