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's discourse Translation of Fragments d'un discours amoureux I French language- Terms and 

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a lovers discourse: fragments - Monoskop

's discourse Translation of Fragments d'un discours amoureux I French language- Terms and 

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A Lover's



Translated by Richard Howard


A division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

New York


A Lover's



Translated by Richard Howard


A division of Farmr, Smllls ami Giroux

New York

Translation copyright © 1978 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc. Originally published in French as Fragments d'un discours amoureux,

© Editions du Seuil 1977

All rights reserved


in Canada by HarperCollinsCanadaLtd


in the United States of America


by Charles E. Skaggs

First published

in the United States in 1978 by Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Twenty-second printing, 2001

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Barthes, Roland.

A lover's discourse.

Translation of Fragments d'un discours amoureux.

I. French language-Terms and phrases.

2. Love-Terminology.

l. Title.

PC2440.B3613 1978 808 78-7794

TWlIs/wioll copyright C 1978 by Ftlmlr, Strarls /Imf Giroux, hrc, Origi-rolly published in French lIS Fmgments d'un discours amourcux,

C Editio,rs du Seuil 1977

All righls rtstn'ed


in Canada by HarfH',CoIlinsCanadaLtd

I'rilt/ed ill the United States

of Amfr/ca

Dtsigfll'd by Charles E. Skaggs

f"irst lIublisht'd in tht Unlltd Stales in 1978 by HiIIllltd Wang. (1 dil,jsiQlI of Fa"",, SlrallS and Giroux

TWl'1Ity-JUQnd printing, 2001

Library of Congress Cataloging in J'ublil;ation Data


e;;, Roland.

A lo\,er's

Translation of Fra8JTIents d'\ln diseours amOUreUll.

1. French language-Terms and Ilhl"ll5CS.

2. lo\·e-TuminoJoty.

L Title.

I·C2440.BJ61J 1918 808


The necessity ...

How this book is constructed 3

s'ab/mer / to be engulJed 10 absence / absence 13 adorable / adorable 18 affirmation / affirmation 22 alteration / alteration 25 angoisse / anxiety 29 annlllation / annulment 31 askesis 33 alOpos 34 alle nte / waiting 37 cacher / to hide 41 cases / pigeonholed 45 catastrophe 48 circonscrire / to circumscribe 50 coellr / heart 52 comblement / fulfillment 54 compassion / compassion 57 comprendre / to understand 59 condllite / behavior 62 conn;,'ence / connivance 65 contacts / contacts 67 contingences / contingencies 69 corps / body 71 declaration / declaration 73 dedicace / dedication 75 dhnons / demons 80 depl'ndance / dependency 82 depense / expenditure 84 ,dhhdite / disreality 87 drallle / drama 93 ecorche / flayed 95 ecrire / to write 97 errance / errantry 101 erreinte / embrace 104 exil / exile 106 jachclIx / irksome I 10 jading / fade-out 112 jalltes / faults 117 jhe / festivity I 19

JOIl / mad 120

gene / embarrassment 122

Gradiva 124

habit / habiliment 127 identification / identification 129 image / image 132 il1conl1aissable / unknowable 134 induction / induction 136 illjormat('ur / informer 138 insupportable / unbearable 140 issues / outcomes 142 jalousie / jealousy 144 je-t'-aime / I-love-you 147 langueur / languor 155

I,,/lre / letter 157

loquela 160 magie / magic 163

11/0nstreux / monstrous 165

mutisme / silence 167 nuages / clouds 169 nuit / night 171


The n("l;('ssily ...

How Ihis book is conSlrw;led 3

S'(lbimtr I to be cngul,fcd 10

IIbSf'''Ct, I absence lJ

oilorabl;' I adorable 18 flfJirll1(uiQII I affirmation 22 ai/ha/ion I allcralion 25 nngoiss(' I anllicl), 29 (1/1",,/(111011 I :Innulmcnt fll'J..csis 3J atopos " 11I1{'lIlr" I waiting 31 ("(le/UT I to hide 41 ('(lsi's / pigeonholed 45 cmas(rophr 48 31

6,("oll5('r;'I' I to circumscribe 50

cot'ur I heart 52 comb/rllll'lIl I fulfillmcnt S4 rompossiOIl / compassion 57 comprrllllrr / 10 un(ierstaml 59 ("Om/uitr. / behavior 62 ("OI"'i .... ,,("1' I connh'ance 6S

COIl/acts I contacts 67

,'olllirr;:I'IICf'S I conlinJ,!cncics 69 ('orps I body 7 J ,I.'clara/ioll I declaralion 73 dMican' / dedication 75 d"mOlu / d<'nlons 80 d"pt'IlI/mrcf' I dependency 82 dFpr'Uf" I (')l:penuilurc 84 dirill/ili I disrcalilY fi7 (Irall/(' I drama \J3 i.o,c},; I flared 9S cain-I to write 97 errllllC,' I errantry 101 rlrt'illf(' I cmbrIm/ill/: I fade-out 112 /UII/('S I faults 117

Nt(' I festh'ity Ill)

1011 I mad 120

J.:hll' I embarrassment 122

Gr(ltiiWl 12",

habil I habiliment 127 illt'llti{icUlioll I identification 129 ill/ag,· I image 132 ill{"oll,wi.<,mb/" I 13", imh,crioll I induction 136 '1IIOrll/(llllIr I informer 138 infllpporlllb/t' I unbe:rrablc 140 ;.1$111'.' I 142 jll/omil' I j..>alousy 144 jc-t'-aillll' I I-Iove-)oll 147

11II1)://{'IIf I l:tngu /,-//,." I kl1er I loq//"'a 160

11If1):i/' I magic 163

IIIOIU{f('//I" I 165

/11111;''''1' I \ilencc 161 !/IUH!/'S I clouds Ill'}

IIl1it I ni!!hl 171
