[PDF] [PDF] Context-Free Grammars

A language is context-free if it is generated by a CFG Goddard 6a: 4 Page 5 Example Continued S → 0S1

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Context-Free Grammars

A grammar is a set of rules for putting strings

together and so corresponds to a language.


Agrammarconsists of:

a set of variables(also called nonterminals), one of which is designated the start variable;

It is customary to use upper-case letters for

variables; a set of terminals(from the alphabet); and a list of productions(also called rules).

Goddard 6a: 2

Example:0n1nHere is a grammar:

S!0S1 S!"

Sis the only variable. The terminals are0and1.

There are two productions.

Goddard 6a: 3

Using a Grammar

A production allows one to take a string con-

taining a variable and replace the variable by the RHS of the production.

Stringwof terminals isgeneratedby the gram-

mar if, starting with the start variable, one can apply productions and end up withw. The se- quence of strings so obtained is aderivation ofw.

We focus on a special version of grammars called

acontext-free grammar(CFG). A language is context-freeif it is generated by a CFG.

Goddard 6a: 4

Example Continued

S!0S1 S!"

The string0011is in the language generated.

The derivation is:


For compactness, we write


where the vertical bar meansor.

Goddard 6a: 5

Example: Palindromes

LetPbe language of palindromes with alpha-

betfa;bg. One can determine a CFG forPby finding a recursive decomposition.

If we peel first and last symbols from a palin-

drome, what remains is a palindrome; and if we wrap a palindrome with the same symbol front and back, then it is still a palindrome.

CFG is


Actually, this generates only those of even length...

Goddard 6a: 6

Formal Definition

One can provide aformal definitionof a context-

free grammar. It is a 4-tuple(V;;S;P)where: •Vis a finite set of variables; •is a finite alphabet of terminals; •Sis the start variable; and •Pis the finite set of productions. Each production has the formV!(V[).

Goddard 6a: 7

Further Examples: Even0"sA CFG for all binary strings with an even num- ber of0"s.

Find the decomposition. If first symbol is1,

then even number of0"s remain. If first sym- bol is0, then go to next0; after that again an even number of0"s remain. This yields:



Goddard 6a: 8

Alternate CFG for Even0"sHere is another CFG for the same language.

Note that when first symbol is0, what remains

has odd number of0"s.

Goddard 6a: 9

Alternate CFG for Even0"sHere is another CFG for the same language.

Note that when first symbol is0, what remains

has odd number of0"s.



Goddard 6a: 10


A CFG for the regular language corresponding

to the RE0011.

Goddard 6a: 11


A CFG for the regular language corresponding

to the RE0011.

The language is the concatenation of two lan-

guages: all strings of zeroes with all strings of ones. S!CD



Goddard 6a: 12

Example Complement

A CFG for the complement of RE0011.

CFGs don"t do "and"s, but they do do "or"s". A

stringnotof the form0i1jwherei;j >0is one of the following: contains10; is only zeroes; or is only ones. This yields CFG:






Goddard 6a: 13

Consistency and Completeness

Note that to check a grammar and description

match, one must check two things: that every- thing the grammar generates fits the description (consistency), and everything in the description is generated by the grammar (completeness).

Goddard 6a: 14


Consider the CFG


The string011100is generated:



What does this language contain? Certainly ev-

ery string generated has equal0"s and1"s...

But can any string with equal0"s and1"s be


Goddard 6a: 15

Example Argument for Completeness

Yes. All strings with equal0"s &1"s are gener-


Well, at some point, equality between0"s and1"s

is reached. The key is that if string starts with0, then equality is first reached at a1. So the por- tion between first0and this1is itself an ex- ample of equality, as is the portion after this1.

That is, one can break up string as0w1xwith

bothwandxin the language.

The break-up of00101101:

0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

w xGoddard 6a: 16

A Silly Language CFG

This CFG generates sentences as composed of

noun- and verb-phrases:






This generates "the canary sings the song", but

also "the song eats the cat".

This CFG generates all "legal" sentences, not

just meaningful ones.

Goddard 6a: 17


Give grammars for the following two languages:


All binary strings with both an even number

of zeroes and an even number of ones. 2.

All strings of the for m0a1b0cwherea+c=b.

(Hint: it"s the concatenation of two simpler languages.)

Goddard 6a: 18

Practice Solutions



X!0Sj1Z(odd zeroes, even ones)

Y!1Sj0Z(odd ones, even zeroes)

Z!0Yj1X(odd ones, odd zeroes)

2) S!TU



Goddard 6a: 19


A context-free grammar (CFG) consists of a set

of productions that you use to replace a vari- able by a string of variables and terminals. The language of a grammar is the set of strings it generates. A language is context-free if there is a CFG for it.

Goddard 6a: 20
