[PDF] [PDF] Allergy to local anesthetics of the amide group with - CORE

Then, we performed skin tests (prick and TD test- ing) with procaine (Labesfal, Portugal), the LA belonging to the ester group, which were negative On the next day 

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[PDF] Cross-Reactivity Among Amide-Type Local Anesthetics in a - JIACI

Although some reports have documented immediate type I hypersensitivity reactions to amide-type local anesthetics [8-10], little is known about cross-reactivity among these drugs In some rare cases of allergic reaction to lidocaine mepivacaine and ropivacaine were nevertheless tolerated [2]

IgE-mediated allergy to local anaesthetics - Oxford Academic Journals

† amino-ester compounds: benzocaine, procaine, and butacaine; † amide compounds: lidocaine, bupivacaine, and prilocaine Theoretically, adverse reactions to 

[PDF] Allergy to local anesthetics of the amide group with - CORE

Then, we performed skin tests (prick and TD test- ing) with procaine (Labesfal, Portugal), the LA belonging to the ester group, which were negative On the next day 

[PDF] and delayed-type allergic reactions to amide local anesthetics

28 avr 2009 · Purpose Amide type local anesthetic agents are among the most commonly used drugs in medicine Several adverse drug True allergic reactions to local anesthetics (LAs) are very described with ester type LAs However 


are no longer any injectable ester-type local anesthetic products available in Canada If a patient reports an allergy to an amide-type local anesthetic, then a 

Allergies to local anesthetics —

Sulphites invoke allergic reactions in susceptible individuals Ironically paraben and sulphite preservatives are added to both ester and amide local anesthetics 

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a fterthesurgicalwoundwastreatedwith asmallquantityofbetadine®thepatient p r ese n tedwithgrade4anaphylactic s h oc kwithacuterespiratorydistress sy nd romerequiringintensiveresuscita- t i onfor24h.Samplingperformed im med i a te lyaftertheincidentshowedthe tryp t aseleveltobe39llg/Iandserum h i s t aminelevel22.4nmol/1. Pe r so n a lhistoryincludedaprevious s u rgeryforperipheralneurolysisin2000, d urin gwhichacuteurticariaoftheleft armspreadingtotheneckandfacewas o b served20minafterswabbingwith betadine


theanaphylacticshockonskinreactiveto codeine(4mm)werenegativeforall c u rarizingagents.Pricktesttobetadine® waspositive:5mm,intradermaltest (IDT)waspositiveat10-4(10llg/ml); 7


tes ttopovidone;3mm,IDTtopovidone waspositiveat10-4;7mm(injection papu l a:2.5mm).


res u ltsoftheleukocytehistaminerelease testcouldnotbeinterpretedbecause ce llu la rhistaminewaslowerthannormal (280nmolinsteadof600).Also,the i od i natedpovidoneinterferedwiththe h istamineassay.Thebasophilactiva- t i ontest(BAT)waspositivetobetadine® 1



andapositiveanti-IgEcontrolat 23%)
.Theleukotrienereleasetestwas posit i vetobetadine®andtopovidone:


:S100pg/ml).Bothtestswerenegativeto at r acu riu m.


t ernaryammoniumionswaspositiveat


riu mwasnegative.RIAtopenthotalwas pos i t i ve .Serumtryptasevalueswere no rm a l ,thuseliminatingtheacceptable c l in i ca lexplanationthattheseverity oftheshockmayberelatedtolatent mastocytos i s. A n ap h y l axisinducedbyiodinated pov i doneisanaphylaxistopovidone,the carr i ermoleculeforiodineatoms.Ana- ph ylaxisisdocumentedbypositiveskin t ests,BATandcysteinyl-Ieukotriene re leasetest(CAST),(I,2).PositiveRIA t a tr ac u r iumandtheskinteststocurares ar enegative.Only89%specificityhas b ee ndocumented(3-5).Similarly,RIA t openthotalmayproducefalsepositive res u l ts(6). Pov i do n ewaspreviouslyusedviathe


asolubilizingagentforinjectables. Doxy c yc lin eIVthatcontainedpovidone waswithdrawnfromthePharmacopoeiaquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6