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S Paper s Presented at the Thirty-third Annual Meeting o f the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works


, Minnesota Jun e 8-13,2005


d by Helen Mar Parkin Volum e 18 200
6 Th e American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works This publication entitled 2006 AIC Paintings Specialty Group Postprints is produced by the


s Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works (AIC). © 2006 The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works


n of this serial began in 1988. Except for Volume 3 (1990) all issues until Volume 16 are unnumbered.


N 1548-7814


e papers presented in publication have been edited for clarity and content but have not undergone a formal


s of peer review. This publication is primarily intended for the members of the Paintings Specialty Group of


e American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works. The Paintings Specialty Group is an approved


n of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works, but does not necessarily represent


C policies or opinions. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and not official


s of either the Paintings Specialty Group or the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic


. Responsibility for the materials/methods described herein rests solely with the contributors. Additional


s of this publication are available for purchase by contacting the Publications Manager at the American


e for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Th

e paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for


n Sciences - Permanence of Paper for Publication and Documents in Libraries and Archives, ANSI/NISO



e American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works, 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington,

D.C . 20036-5346 http://aic.stanford.edu


e Book Manufacturer, Dexter, Michigan; Prepress by Chris Stavroudis; Judy Mahan, Consultant





S Volum e 18 200


Paintings Sessions:

Digital Images in Conservation Documentation: Quality, Accuracy and Potential 1

David Saunders

The ImageArchiver: Image Annotation and Metatag Manipulation Software for Conservation 16

Oliver Stahlmann

Your Paintings Exposed: Negatives in the Kress Collection Archive at the National Gallery of Art 23

Joanna Dunn and Elizabeth Walmsley

A Translation of the Byzantine into the Northern Renaissance: 29

Hayne de Bruxelles 'Madonna and Child, 1455

Scott A. Heffley

Francois Clouet and the French Renaissance: Investigating A Lady in Her Bath 35

Pamela Betts

Variants of Titian s Virgin and Child in a Landscape, A Comparative Study 43

Adelaide Izat

Painting with Wax in Britain and America during the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries 53

Lance Mayer and Gay Myers

Seurat and the Making o/La Grande Jatte 67

Allison Langley and Frank Zuccari

A Rubens Portrait Re-examined:

How Contemporary Copies and Historical Documentation Aided in Interpretating a Reworked Portrait 76

Linnaea E. Saunders

Contemporary Encaustic Techniques - Johns, Marden, Thek 84

Michael Duffy

Selected Paper from General Session:

The History of Conservation Documentation at Worcester Art Museum 94


a Blewett

5 slides/3 minutes: Artists'Idiosyncrasies and Treatment Peculiarities

Where's the Beef? A Study of Extensive Overpaint to a Nineteenth Century Painting 108

Stephanie Grant

A Note on a Discolored Oil Coating on a Nineteenth-Century German Painting 111

Elise Effmann

Kees van Dongen's Reclining Nude: Preliminary Notes on the Artist's Varnish 113 and an Unrelated Surface Phenomenon

Morwenna Blewett and Philip Klausmeyer

Paintings without Grounds 116

Mar k Lewis The Use of a New Product to Treat Canvas Irregularities: Tight-n-Up, Its Effects on One Painting and the Treatment of Those Effects


o Caldararo 11 7





T - The paper defines the attributes of quality and accuracy for digital images and assesses the need


r these in conservation documentation. A survey of digital imaging technologies for examining and recording


s is illustrated with examples of infrared, X-ray, visible and raking light imaging drawn largely from


s and practice at the National Gallery, London. The advantages of digital techniques over the analogue


s they often replace are examined, and the new possibilities opened by the manipulation and interactive

presentatio n of images are discussed. 1 . INTRODUCTION Twent

y years ago, a handful of conservators were using computers and no-one outside the science departments of


e largest museums and galleries was using digital imaging techniques. These two decades have, therefore, seen an


e change in this pattern of use; for better or worse, computers and digital cameras have become as much a


t of the conservation studio as easels and pigments. This is an interesting point at which to survey the advances in


e field, as something of a watershed has been reached with relatively inexpensive amateur digital cameras - these

ar e no w capabl e o f recordin g a s muc h detai l a s th e bes t 3 5 m m slid e film s use d routinel y t o documen t treatment s i n th e past Thi s doe s no t mea n tha t n o furthe r improvement s ar e possible fa r fro m it a s th e purpos e o f thi s revie w i s t o asses s th e requirement s fo r conservatio n documentation loo k a t ho w fa r curren t technique s fulfi l thes e needs an d wha t futur e development s migh t b e desirabl e t o mee t conservators expectations Th e example s dra w heavil y fro m th e author' s experienc e a t th e





bu t man y hav e parallel s i n othe r museum s an d gallerie s worldwide


befor e detailin g th e practica l applicatio n o f imagin g techniques i t i s wort h lookin g a t th e issue s o f qualit y an d accurac y i n image squotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20