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Defined Vocabulary List and Restricted Vocabulary List Page 2 OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9–1) in Latin – Defined Vocabulary List © OCR 2015 a, ab + ablative 

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GCSE (9-1) in Latin

GCSE (9-1) Latin

J282/01 Language

Defined Vocabulary List and Restricted Vocabulary List OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Latin - Defined Vocabulary List© OCR 2015 a, ab + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs)prepositionfrom, away from, by (as prefix = away) absum abesse, afuiverb irregularbe absent, be away, be distant from ac, atque indeclinableconjunctionand accido accidere, accidiverb 3happen accipio accipere, accepi, acceptusverb 3accept, take in, receive ad + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs)prepositionto, towards, at adeo indeclinableadverbso much, so greatly, to such an extent adsum adesse, adfuiverb irregularbe here, be presentadvenio advenire, adveniverb 4arrive aedifico aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatusverb 1build ager agri, mnoun 2field ago agere, egi, actusverb 3do, act, drive alii ... alii some ... others alius alia, aliudpronoun/adjectiveother, another, else alter altera, alterumpronoun/adjectivethe other, another, one (of two), the second (of two) altus alta, altumadjectivehigh, deep ambulo ambulare, ambulaviverb 1walk amicus amici, mnoun 2friend amo amare, amavi, amatusverb 1 love, likeamor amoris, mnoun 3love ancillaancillae, fnoun 1slave-girl, slave-woman animus animi, mnoun 2spirit, soul, mind annus anni, mnoun 2year anteaindeclinableadverbbefore appropinquo appropinquare, appropinquavi + dativeverb 1approach, come near to aqua aquae, fnoun 1water arma armorum, n pluralnoun 2 pluralarms, weapons ars artis, fnoun 3art, skill ascendo ascendere, ascendi, ascensusverb 3climb audax audacisadjectivebold, daring audeoaudere, ausus sumverb 2dareaudio audire, audivi, auditusverb 4hear, listen to aufero auferre, abstuli, ablatusverb irregulartake away, carry off, steal auxilium auxilii, nnoun 2help bellum belli, nnoun 2war bene indeclinableadverbwell bibobibere, bibiverb 3drink bonus bona, bonumadjectivegood brevis breveadjectiveshort, brief cado cadere, cecidi, casusverb 3fall caelum caeli, nnoun 2sky, heaven

capio capere, cepi, captusverb 3take, catch, capture, make (a plan)captivuscaptivi, mnoun 2captive, prisoner

caput capitis, nnoun 3head castra castrorum, n pluralnoun 2camp celer celeris, celereadjectivequick, fast celo celare, celavi, celatusverb 1hide cena cenae, fnoun 1dinner, meal ceteri ceterae, ceteraadjectivethe rest, the others cibus cibi, mnoun 2food circum + accusativeprepositionaround civis civis, m and fnoun 3citizen clamo clamare, clamavi, clamatusverb 1shout clamor clamoris, mnoun 3shout, shouting, noiseclarusclara, clarumadjectivefamous, clear coepicoepisseverb irregularbegan cogito cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatusverb 1think, consider cognosco cognoscere, cognovi, cognitusverb 3get to know, find out cogo cogere, coegi, coactusverb 3force, compel comes comitis, m and fnoun 3comrade, companion conficio conficere, confeci, confectusverb 3finish, wear out conor conari, conatus sum verb 1 deponenttry consilium consilii, nnoun 2plan, idea, advice

conspicio conspicere, conspexi, conspectusverb 3catch sight of, noticeconstituo constituere, constitui, constitutusverb 3decide

consulconsulis, mnoun 3consul consumo consumere, consumpsi, consumptusverb 3eat OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Latin - Defined Vocabulary List

All other words in a passage will be glossed. When a listed word appears in a passage with a meaning that is not listed, it will be glossed.

This vocabulary list is required for the Latin-English sections of Latin GCSE (9-1), Component 01,


In addition to the words printed in the list, candidates will be expected to be familiar with the following forms:

• all regular adverbs formed from the listed adjectives; • comparative and superlative forms of all listed adjectives and corresponding adverbs;

• cardinal numbers 1 to 10, 100, 1000; • compound verbs which are formed by using the prefixes contained in the list (e.g. remitto, I send back).

OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Latin - Defined Vocabulary List© OCR 2015 contra+ accusativeprepositionagainst convenio convenire, conveniverb 4come together, gather, meet copiae copiarum, f pluralnoun 1 pluralforces, troops corpus corporis, nnoun 3body crasindeclinableadverbtomorrow credo credere, credidi, creditus + dativeverb 3believe, trust crudelis crudeleadjectivecruel cum + ablativeprepositionwith cum indeclinableconjunctionwhen, since cupio cupere, cupivi, cupitusverb 3want, desire cur?indeclinableadverbwhy? cura curae, fnoun 1care, worry curro currere, cucurri, cursusverb 3run custodiocustodire, custodivi, custoditusverb 4guard custos custodis, m and fnoun 3guard de + ablativeprepositionfrom, down from, about dea deae, fnoun 1goddess debeo debere, debui, debitusverb 2owe, ought, should, must defendo defendere, defendi, defensusverb 3defend deindeindeclinableadverbthen deleo delere, delevi, deletusverb 2destroy descendo descendere, descendi, descensusverb 3go down, come down deus dei, mnoun 2god dico dicere, dixi, dictusverb 3say, speak, tell dies diei, mnoun 5day difficilis difficileadjectivedifficult diligensdiligentisadjectivecareful dirus dira, dirumadjectivedreadful discedo discedere, discessiverb 3depart, leave diu indeclinableadverbfor a long time do dare, dedi, datusverb 1give doceodocere, docui, doctusverb 2teach domina dominae, fnoun 1mistress dominus domini, mnoun 2master domus domus, f (domi = at home)noun 4home donum doni, nnoun 2gift, present dormio dormire, dormiviverb 4sleep duco ducere, duxi, ductusverb 3lead, take dum indeclinableconjunctionwhile, until dux ducis, mnoun 3leader e, ex + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs)prepositionfrom, out of, out ecce!indeclinableadverblook! effugio effugere, effugiverb 3escape ego meipronounI, me egredior egredi, egressus sumverb 3 deponentgo out emo emere, emi, emptusverb 3buy enim indeclinableconjunctionfor eo ire, i(v)iverb irregulargo epistula epistulae, fnoun 1letter equus equi, mnoun 2horse et indeclinableconjunctionand, even et ... et indeclinableboth ... and etiam indeclinableadverbalso, even exercitus exercitus, mnoun 4army exspecto exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatusverb 1wait for, expect facilis facileadjectiveeasy facio facere, feci, factusverb 3make, do faveofavere, favi, fautus + dativeverb 2favour, support felix felicisadjectivefortunate, happy femina feminae, fnoun 1woman feroferre, tuli, latusverb irregularbring, carry, bear ferox ferocisadjectivefierce, ferocious festino festinare, festinaviverb 1hurry fidelis fideleadjectivefaithful, loyal filia filiae, fnoun 1daughter filius filii, mnoun 2son flumen fluminis, nnoun 3river forteindeclinableadverbby chance fortis forteadjectivebrave forum fori, nnoun 2forum, market place frater fratris, mnoun 3brother frustraindeclinableadverbin vain fugio fugere, fugiverb 3run away, flee gaudeo gaudere, gavisus sumverb 2be pleased, rejoice gaudiumgaudii, nnoun 2joy, pleasure gens gentis, fnoun 3family, tribe, race, people gerogerere, gessi, gestusverb 3wear (clothes), wage (war) gladius gladii, mnoun 2sword gravis graveadjectiveheavy, serious habeo habere, habui, habitusverb 2have, hold habito habitare, habitavi, habitatusverb 1live heriindeclinableadverbyesterday OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Latin - Defined Vocabulary List© OCR 2015 hic haec, hocpronounthis, he, she, it hodie indeclinableadverbtoday homo hominis, mnoun 3man, human being hora horae, fnoun 1hour hortor hortari, hortatus sumverb 1 deponentencourage, urge hortus horti, mnoun 2garden hostis hostis, mnoun 3enemy iaceo iacere, iacuiverb 2lie iacio iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio)verb 3throw iam indeclinableadverbnow, already ianua ianuae, fnoun 1door ibi indeclinableadverbthere idem eadem, idempronounthe same igiturindeclinableadverbtherefore, and so ille ilIa, illudpronounthat, he, she, it imperatorimperatoris, mnoun 3emperor, general, leader imperiumimperii, nnoun 2empire, power, command impero imperare, imperavi, imperatus + dativeverb 1order, command in + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs)prepositionin, on in + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs)prepositioninto, onto incendo incendere, incendi, incensusverb 3burn, set on fire infelix infelicisadjectiveunlucky, unhappy ingens ingentisadjectivehuge ingredior ingredi, ingressus sumverb 3 deponententer inimicus inimici, mnoun 2enemy inquit verb irregularhe/she says, he/she said insula insulae, fnoun 1island, block of flats intellego intellegere, intellexi, intellectusverb 3understand, realise inter + accusativeprepositionamong, between interea indeclinableadverbmeanwhile interficio interficere, interfeci, interfectusverb 3kill intro intrare, intravi, intratusverb 1enter invenio invenire, inveni, inventusverb 4find invitoinvitare, invitavi, invitatusverb 1invite ipse ipsa, ipsumpronounhimself, herself, itself, themselves ira irae, fnoun 1anger iratus irata, iratumadjectiveangry is ea, idpronounthis, that, he, she, it, them ita indeclinableadverbin this way, to such an extent, so itaque indeclinableadverband so, therefore iter itineris, nnoun 3journey iterum indeclinableadverbagain iubeo iubere, iussi, iussusverb 2order iuvenis iuvenis, mnoun 3young man labor laboris, mnoun 3 work, toil laboro laborare, laboraviverb 1work, toil lacrimolacrimare, lacrimaviverb 1weep, cry laetus laeta, laetumadjectivehappy laudo laudare, laudavi, laudatusverb 1praise legio legionis, fnoun 3legion lego legere, legi, lectusverb 3read, choose lentuslenta, lentumadjectiveslow libenter indeclinableadverbwillingly, gladly liber libri, mnoun 2book liberi liberorum, m pluralnoun 2children libero liberare, liberavi, liberatusverb 1set free libertus liberti, mnoun 2freedman, ex-slave locus loci, mnoun 2place longus longa, longumadjectivelong loquor loqui, locutus sumverb 3 deponentspeak, talk lux lucis, fnoun 3light, daylight magnus magna, magnumadjectivebig, large, great malo malle, maluiverb irregularprefer malus mala, malumadjectiveevil, bad maneo manere, mansiverb 2remain, stay manus manus, fnoun 4hand, group of people mare maris, nnoun 3sea maritusmariti, mnoun 2husband mater matris, fnoun 3mother maximeindeclinableadverbvery greatly medius media, mediumadjectivemiddle meus mea, meumpronounmy miles militis, mnoun 3soldier minime indeclinableadverbvery little, least, no miror mirari, miratus sumverb 1 deponentwonder at, admire miser misera, miserumadjectivemiserable, wretched, sad mitto mittere, misi, missusverb 3send modus modi, mnoun 2manner, way, kind moneo monere, monui, monitusverb 2warn, advise mons montis, mnoun 3mountain morior mori, mortuus sumverb 3 deponentdie OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Latin - Defined Vocabulary List© OCR 2015 mors mortis, fnoun 3death moveo movere, movi, motusverb 2move mox indeclinableadverbsoon multoindeclinableadverbmuch multus multa, multumadjectivemuch, many murus muri, mnoun 2wall nam indeclinableconjunctionfor narro narrare, narravi, narratusverb 1tell, relate nauta nautae, mnoun 1sailor navigo navigare, navigaviverb 1sail navis navis, fnoun 3ship -neindeclinableparticle(introduces question) ne indeclinable + subjunctiveconjunctionthat ... not, so that ... not, that, lest nec, nequeindeclinableconjunctionand not, nor, neither neco necare, necavi, necatusverb 1kill nemo nulliusnoun irregularno one, nobody nescio nescire, nesciviverb 4not know nihil indeclinablenoun irregularnothing nisi indeclinableconjunctionunless, except nolo nolle, noluiverb irregularnot want, refuse nomen nominis, nnoun 3name non indeclinableadverbnot nonne ...? indeclinableadverbsurely ... ? nonnullinonnullae, nonnullaadjectivesome, several nos nostrumpronounwe, us noster nostra, nostrumpronounour novus nova, novumadjectivenew nox noctis, fnoun 3night nullus nulla, nullumadjectivenot any, no num indeclinableparticlewhether num ... ? indeclinableparticlesurely ... not? numquam indeclinableadverbnever nunc indeclinableadverbnow nuntio nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatusverb 1announce, report nuntius nuntii, mnoun 2messenger, message, news occido occidere, occidi, occisusverb 3kill offero offerre, obtuli, oblatusverb irregularoffer olim indeclinableadverbonce, some time ago omnis omneadjectiveall, every opprimoopprimere, oppressi, oppressusverb 3crush, overwhelm oppugno oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatusverb 1attack oro orare, oravi, oratusverb 1beg ostendo ostendere, ostendi, ostentusverb 3show paene indeclinableadverbalmost, nearly paro parare, paravi, paratusverb 1prepare, provide pars partis, fnoun 3part parvus parva, parvumadjectivesmall pater patris, mnoun 3father patior pati, passus sumverb 3 deponentsuffer, endure patria patriae, fnoun 1country, homeland pauci paucae, paucaadjective pluralfew, a few pax pacis, fnoun 3peace pecunia pecuniae, fnoun 1money pellopellere, pepuli, pulsusverb 3drive per + accusativeprepositionthrough, along pereo perire, periiverb irregulardie, perish periculum periculi, nnoun 2danger persuadeo persuadere, persuasi + dativeverb 2persuade perterritus perterrita, perterritumadjectiveterrified pes pedis, mnoun 3foot peto petere, petivi, petitusverb 3make for, seek, beg/ask for poena poenae, fnoun 1punishment poenas do pay the penalty, be punished pono ponere, posui, positusverb 3put, place, set up porta portae, fnoun 1gate porto portare, portavi, portatusverb 1carry, bear, take possum posse, potuiverb irregularcan, be able post + accusativeprepositionafter, behind postea indeclinableadverbafterwards postquam indeclinableconjunctionafter, when postridie indeclinableadverbon the next day praemium praemii, nnoun 2prize, reward, profit primo indeclinableadverbat first primus prima, primumadjectivefirst princepsprincipis, mnoun 3chief, emperor pro + ablativeprepositionin front of, for, in return for procedo procedere, processiverb 3advance, proceed proelium proelii, nnoun 2battle proficiscor proficisci, profectus sumverb 3 deponentset out progredior progredi, progressus sumverb 3 deponentadvancequotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28