[PDF] [PDF] Shortest Paths

otherwise • A shortest path from vertex u to vertex v is then defined as any path p with weight w(p) = δ(u, v) Page 2 Example s a b c f t 3 4 6 2 5 7 1 8 4 Correctness of Dijkstra's algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm, run on a weighted, directed 

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[PDF] Shortest Paths

otherwise • A shortest path from vertex u to vertex v is then defined as any path p with weight w(p) = δ(u, v) Page 2 Example s a b c f t 3 4 6 2 5 7 1 8 4 Correctness of Dijkstra's algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm, run on a weighted, directed 

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Shortest Paths

Input: weighted, directed graphG= (V;E), with weight functionw: E!R. Thew eightof path p=< v0;v1;:::;vk>is the sum of the weights of its constituent edges: w(p) =k X i=1w(vi1;vi):

Theshortest-path w eightfrom utovis

(u;v) =fminfw(p)gif there is a pathpfromutov ;


Ashortest path from v ertexuto vertexvis then dened as any path pwith weightw(p) =(u;v).


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Shortest Paths

Shortest Path Variants

Single Source-Single Sink

Single Source (all destinations from a sources)

All Pairs


Let(v)be the real shortest path distance fromstov

Letd(v)be a value computed by an algorithm

Edge Weights

All non-negative



Must ha veno negativ ecost cycles

Single Source Shortest Paths

Key Property: Subpaths of shortest paths are shortest paths

Giv ena

weighted, directed graphG= (V;E)with weight functionw:E!R, let p=< v1;v2;:::;vk>be a shortest path from vertexv1to vertexvkand, for anyiandjsuch that1ijk, letpij=< vi;vi+1;:::;vj>be the subpath ofpfrom vertexvito vertexvj. Then,pijis a shortest path fromvitovj.

Note: this is optimal substructure

Corollary 1

F orall edges (u;v)2E,

(v)(u) +w(u;v)

Corollary 2

Shortest paths follo wa tree of edges for whic h

(v) =(u) +w(u;v) More precisely, any edge in a shortest path must satisfy (v) =(u) +w(u;v)



1 ifd[v]> d[u] +w(u;v)

2 thend[v] d[u] +w(u;v)

3[v] u(keep track of actual path)


Assume that w einitialize all d(v)to1,d(s) = 0and execute a series of Relax operations. Then for allv,d(v)(v).


Let P=e1;:::;ekbe a shortest path fromstov. After initial- ization, suppose that we relax the edges ofPin order (but not necessarily consecutively). Thend(v) =(v).


b c d 26
-83 5 5 6 4 e -1


Goal of an algorithm:

Relax the edges in a shortest path in order (but

not necessarily consecutively).


Goal of an algorithm:

Relax the edges in a shortest path in order (but

not necessarily consecutively).



2 fori 1tojV[G]j 1

3 do for each edge(u;v)2E[G]

4 doRelax(u;v;w)

5 for each edge(u;v)2E[G]

6 do ifd[v]> d[u] +w(u;v)

7 then returnfalse

8 returntrue


1 for each vertexv2V[G]

2 dod[v] 1

3[v] nil

4d[s] 0


b c d 26
-83 5 5 6 4 e -1

Correctness of Bellman Ford

Every shortest path must be relaxed in order

If there are negative weight cycles, the algorithm will return false

Running TimeO(V E)

All edges non-negative

Dijkstra's algorithm, a greedy algorithm

Similar in spirit to Prim's algorithm

Idea: Run a discrete event simulation of breadth-rst-search. Figure out how to implement it eciently

Can relax edges out of each vertex exactly once.



2S ;

3Q V[G]

4 whileQ6=;

5 dou Extract-Min(Q)

6S S[ fug

7 for each vertexv2Adj[u]

8 doRelax(u;v;w)


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Running Time and Correctness

Correctness of Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm, run on a w eighted,

directed graphG= (V;E)with nonnegative weight functionwand source s, terminates withd[u] =(s;u)for all verticesu2V.

Edecrease keys andVdelete-min's

O(ElogV)using a heap

O(E+VlogV)using a Fibonacci heap

We will see algorithm using a Relaxed Heap

Shortest Path in a DAG


1 topologically sort the vertices ofG


3 for eachutaken in topological order

4 do for eachv2Adj[u]

5 doRelax(u;v;w)


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Correctness and Running Time


If a w eighted,directed graph G= (V;E)has source vertexsand no cycles, then at the termination of theDag-Shortest-Pathsprocedure, d[v] =(s;v)for all verticesv2V, and the predecessor subgraphGis a shortest-paths tree.

Running Time

Topological sort is linear time

Each edge is relaxed once

No additional data structure overhead

