[PDF] [PDF] Welcome to Part 1 in our series of Carbohydrate lectures In this

deoxyribose and ribose required for nucleic acid biosynthesis Fischer projections are a useful way to represent the 3-dimensional structure of sugars in only two So how do you convert the Fischer projection back into a line angle drawing, that you are Stereoisomers can be classified further as either diastereomers or 

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[PDF] Welcome to Part 1 in our series of Carbohydrate lectures In this

deoxyribose and ribose required for nucleic acid biosynthesis Fischer projections are a useful way to represent the 3-dimensional structure of sugars in only two So how do you convert the Fischer projection back into a line angle drawing, that you are Stereoisomers can be classified further as either diastereomers or 

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Structure of insect) are used to form larger molecules They : Building blocks antigens and and scell-self (DNA, RNA), like ribose and deoxyribose Diastereomers that differ in the orientation of one chiral carbon epimers Enantiomer Haworth representation: is a way to draw and represent sugars in a cyclic or a ring

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WelcometoPart 1inourseriesofCarbohydratelectures.Inthissection,youwilllearn 1 deoxyribose 2 Carbohydrates,astheir nameimplies,arewaterhydratesofcarbon,andtheyallhavethe samebasiccoreformula(CH 2 O) n andarealwaysfoundintheratioof1carbonto2 3 Carbohydratescanbedividedintosubcategoriesbasedontheircomplexity. Thesimplest bond.Oligosaccharidesarepolymers thousandsofmonosaccharideunitsalljoinedtogetherbyglycosidic bonds.Theremainder ofthislecturewillfocusonmonosaccharides 4 Monosaccharides containinganaldehydearecalledaldoses,whilemonosaccharides carbonsthattheycontain.3carbon hexosesandsoon. 5 Fischer projectionsareausefulwaytorepresentthe3Ͳdimensionalstructureofsugarsin (analdopentose - asugarcontaining5carbonsandanaldehydefunctionalgroup).Onthe lefthandsideistheFischerprojection.This representsthe3ͲDviewshownon


andhavethemolecularformulaC 5 H 10 O 5 6 SohowdoyouconverttheFischer projectionbackintoalineangledrawing,thatyouare ribbonview,youare bee?To


goesbackawayfrom sugars importantinsugarchemistry. 7 Hopefully nowyoucanrecognizeAldosesfromKetoses,andnamethemaccordingtohow manycarbonstheycontain.Thealdopentose ontheleftwithanaldehydeand5carbons 8 Recallthataldehydesand ketoneshavedifferentoxidativepotential.Aldehydescanbe monomers.Sugarswithaldehydescanactasreducingsugars(ie asthey areoxidized,they reduction(orviceversa). 9 10 notcontaindetectablequantitiesofglucoseorothersugar monomers.However,indisease testforaldosesugarscanbeusedclinically totestforaldosesinurine.Notethatthis 11 Due tothehighnumberofchiralcenterswithinthesugarstructures,theygeneratealotof molecularformula.Theseareknownasconstitutionalorstructuralisomers(ie theyhave theatoms). 12 Sugarscanalsoformmanystereoisomers,ie thesugarshavethesamemolecularformula howmanychiralcentersthesugarhas.Itisbest toevaluateeverypossiblecarbonfor isdoublebondedtothecarbon,thecarbonis foundtobeachiralanddoesnotgeneratea stereocenter. 13 Movingdown,letsexaminecarbonͲ2. Thistime,weseethatcarbontwohasfourdifferent anddoesgenerateastereocenter. 14 chiral centersinglucose.Todeterminethenumberofstereoisomersusetheformula,2 n isomers. 15 Tolookatallthestereoisomers, wewillsimplifytheFischerprojectionsfurthertoRosanoff projections.InRosanoff projectionsonlythedirectionoftheOHgroupisgivenbythe theright,theleft,and therightandtheright. 16 Thepositionofthe-OHgrouptotherightorto theleftdesignatesthestereochemistryof thesugar. 17 Hereare the16stereoisomersofglucoseormorebroadly,aldohexoses. 18 Stereoisomerscanbeclassifiedfurtheraseitherdiastereomers orenantiomers. thattheyarethemirrorimageofthemolecule,butthat theyarenotsuperimposable. Diastereomers differatoneormorestereocenters,buttheyarenotopticalisomers(ie. They arenotmirrorimages). 19 Interestingly,you maynoticethattheenantiomerpairsaregiventheSAMEname!They



willnotbindanenzymeofinterest. 20


Insummary,enantiomerpairshavethesamemolecular formula,aremirrorimagesofone 28
atthechiralcenterthefarthest awayfromthemajorfunctionalgroup(thealdehydeorthe side,it 29
Howaboutthediastereomers?Thesearethestereoisomers thatdifferinoneormore chiralcenters,butarenotmirrorimages. 31
Notethatdiastereomer pairsall havethesameformula,buttheydohavedifferentphysical 33
Somediastereomers differonlyatoneposition,whileothersdifferatmultiple stereocenters. 35
epimers.Enzymesintheclassofisomerasesthatalteracompoundintoitsepimer are calledEpimerases. 36
ComebacktothisslideandtrytofindalloftheEpimer pairsofDͲallose.Youshouldfind four(sincetherearefourchiralcenters). 37
Hereisaslideofsomecommonaldosesinnature.You willneedtobeabletosite


Youonlyneedtoknowtwoimportantketoses,dihydroxyacetone andDͲfructose. 39
Inthissection,youlearnedaboutimportant characteristicsofmonosaccharides.These drawing(althoughI 40