[PDF] [PDF] Make PeaceT

Don't lean out of this window; you could fall down 8 Write a poem to enter a UNESCO poetry competition against prejudice Down with Prejudices IDo you  

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Don't lean out of this window; you could fall down 8 Can I help you? Write a poem to enter a UNESCO poetry competition against prejudice Complete

[PDF] Make PeaceT

Don't lean out of this window; you could fall down 8 Write a poem to enter a UNESCO poetry competition against prejudice Down with Prejudices IDo you  

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10 nov 2018 · prejudice Complete the blanks in the poem below to denounce prejudice (false opinion about others) Down with Prejudices Do you think a 

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Rechercher sur l'internet des poèmes, textes lyriques en faveur de la paix, - write a poem/song about solidarity or hospitality recognise bias and prejudice

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So we used to go down the steep and narrow alleys of the Kasbah to spend Write a poem to enter a UNESCO poetry competition against prejudice Complete

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1 oct 1990 · co-operation/competition and discrimination/prejudice Each member, individually, writes down attitudes, skills and knowledge While reading Fernando Pessoa's poem, find references to diversity In micro-groups, based on Documents 1 and 2 (Task sheet/slide 2), as well as on-site self-guided online

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to percolate down to all towns and cities of the country Generally, after Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow : A STAR My child is How did Dr Sadao rise above narrow prejudices of race and country to help a  

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Unit 2: MAKE PEACE! 1

2nd Year Students

P h il o FL D I S C O V E R I N G L AN G U A G E B e f o re y o u re a d L ook a t t h e p i c t u r e a n d a n s w e r t h e f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s

1. What are the soldiers in the tanks called?

The soldiers in the tanks are called the blue helmets.U.N Task Force.

2. For which organization do they work?

They work for the United Nations.

3. Where are they from?

T h e y a r e f r o m d i ff e r e n t c o u n t r i e s w h i c h a r e m e m b e r s o f t h e U n it e d N a t i o n s.

4. Why are the buildings destroyed?

The buildings are destroyed because of wars and international conflicts.

5. What's the chief duty of these soldiers?

The chief duty of these soldiers is to keep peace in hot spots of the world.

6. Would you like to be one of the soldiers? Why or why not?

Y e s, I w ou l d I w ou l d l i k e t o b e o n e o f t h e s o l d i e r s b eca u s e I w a n t t o m a k e p eace i n t h e w o r l d. A s y o u re a d 1 . Read the text and check some of your answers to the questions above. The horrors of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. I n 1920
t h e L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s w a s f o r m e d t o k ee p i n t e r n a t i o n a l p eace a f t e r W o r l d W a r I T h e L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s w a s a b l e t o r e s o l v e s o m e c o n f l i c t s a r o und t h e w o r l d B u t it c o u l d no t oppo s e t h e r i s e o f t o t a lit a r i a n i s m i n G e r m a n y I t a l y a n d J a p an. Hitler and Mussolini were able to start W o r l d W a r I I b ec a u s e the League of Nations could do nothing about it for the simple reason t h a t i t h a d n o t e nquotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50