[PDF] [PDF] Identités remarquables et factorisation - PAESTEL

Étant donnés des entiers a, b, c et d, développer puis factoriser l'expression E = ( ad + Dans cette question, on résout l'équation f(x)=0 en factorisant f(x) a

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[PDF] Identités remarquables et factorisation - PAESTEL

Étant donnés des entiers a, b, c et d, développer puis factoriser l'expression E = ( ad + Dans cette question, on résout l'équation f(x)=0 en factorisant f(x) a

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???? ???? ?????? ????x? ?? ????f(x) = (2x+ 5)(2x4)3x2+ 12? ??A?AC ?? ?????? ???? ???????a??b???? ???n=a2+b2?

E= (ad+bc)2+ (acbd)2:

(ab)3+ (bc)3+ (ca)3= 3(ab)(bc)(ca):

P(x) =x3+x25x+ 3:

2(x2+ 1)x

3+x25x+ 32x+ 1(x+ 1)24=1(x1)2:

?????? ??a4+ 4? BY: C BY: C BY: C f(x) = (2x+ 5)(2x4)3x2+ 12 = (2x+ 5)(2x4)3(x222) = 2(2x+ 5)(x2)3(x2)(x+ 2) = (x2)[2(2x+ 5)3(x+ 2)] = (x2)(x+ 4) f(x) = (2x+ 5)(2x4)3x2+ 12 = 4x28x+ 10x203x2+ 12 =x2+ 2x8 = 2

24(8) = 4 + 32 = 36 = 62:

=42 = 2??x2=262 =82 =4? (2x1)2= (x+ 5)2+ (x2)2? (2x1)2= (x+ 5)2+ (x2)2 ,4x24x+ 1 =x2+ 10x+ 25 +x24x+ 4 ,2x210x28 = 0 BY: C = 7??x2=592 =2?

E= (ad+bc)2+ (acbd)2

=a2d2+ 2abcd+b2c2+a2c22abcd+b2d2 =a2c2+a2d2+b2c2+b2d2?


=a2(c2+d2) +b2(c2+d2) = (a2+b2)(c2+d2)? nm= (a2+b2)(c2+d2) = (ad+bc)2+ (acbd)2? ?????? ?? ???????nm??????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ???????ad+bc??acbd ??????? ??? ???????a=4;b= 1;c= 5??d= 2? ?? ???? ??a= 4;b= 1;c= 5??d= 2? BY: C (ab)3= (ab)(ab)2= (ab)(a22ab+b2) =a32a2b+ab2ba22ab2b3 =a33a2b+ 3ab2b3 (ab)3+ (bc)3+ (ca)3 = (a33a2b+ 3ab2b3) + (b33b2c+ 3bc2c3) + (c33c2a+ 3ca2a3) = 3(ab2ba2+bc2cb2+ca2ac2) = 3(ab2+bc2+ca2ba2cb2ac2)?

3(ab)(bc)(ca) = 3(ab)(bcbac2+ac)

= 3(abcba2ac2+ca2cb2+ab2+bc2abc) = 3(ab2+bc2+ca2ba2cb2ac2)? (ab)3+ (bc)3+ (ca)3= 3(ab)(bc)(ca)? x ???? ?? ?????? ???P(x)??????? ???? ?? ?????P(x) = (x1)(ax2+bx+c)? ?? ??? ??????? ???x2+ 2x3 = (x1)(x+ 3)? BY: C

2(x2+ 1)x

3+x25x+ 32x+ 1(x+ 1)24=2(x2+ 1)(x1)2(x+ 3)2x+ 1(x+ 3)(x1)

2(x2+ 1)(2x+ 1)(x1)(x1)2(x+ 3)

x+ 3(x1)2(x+ 3) ??????a= 2? ?? ?a4+ 4 = 24+ 4 = 16 + 4 = 20 = 45? ???? ???? ?? ????a4+ 4????? a a

4+ 4 = (a2)2+ 4a2+ 224a2

= (a2+ 2)2(2a)2 = (a2+ 2 + 2a)(a2+ 22a) = ((a+ 1)2+ 1)((a1)2+ 1) ??????? ????? ?????a>2? ?? ? ?????((a1)2+ 1)>1? a ???????a??? ??? ?????? ??x3a3? ?? ???? ?????? ??? x

3a3= (xa)(x2+x+

a= 0??a =a3? ?? ??? ????? = 1?=a?? x BY: C n>2? x nan= (xa)xn1+axn2++an2x+an1 |{z} n??????= (xa)n1X i=0a ixn1i? i=0a ixn1i? ?? ??? ?? (xa)xn1+axn2++an2x+an1 =xn+axn1++an1xaxn1a2xn2 an1xan =xn+axn1axn1++an2x2an2x2+an1xan1xan =xnan? P? (xa)n1X i=0a ixn1i=n1X i=0a ixnin1X i=0a i+1xn1i n1X i=0a ixninX k=1a kxnk?? ??????k=i+ 1 n1X i=0a ixninX i=1a ixni =xnan? BY: Cquotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8