22 mai 2020 · position possible to resume flying and be a successful survivor once the Covid- 19 14 November 2008 until the Covid-19 outbreak, including almost £1 8 billion of dividends Details of the fleet and changes to it have

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[PDF] “Returning to the skies again allows us to do what we - easyJet plc

4 août 2020 · A strong focus on cost and delivering profitable flying continue to be key priorities grounded on 30 March due to the Covid-19 pandemic to realign capacity to take advantage of these changes in the competitive landscape 

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19 déc 2020 · The 2020 financial year has been unprecedented with COVID-19 flying In some cases this has also meant changing payment terms

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28 jan 2021 · increased uncertainty due to the changing environment which saw strengthened travel restrictions climb speed on takeoff to get to a more fuel-efficient phase of flight sooner Capacity COVID has reached a high in Q1

[PDF] “At the beginning of this year, no one could have - easyJet plc

8 oct 2020 · security measures in place across its full flight schedule which, along with punctuality of 94 , led over £2 4 billion in cash since the beginning of the Covid-19 when customer demand was materially affected by changes in

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24 jui 2020 · flights were cancelled in the period due to Covid-19, resulting in lost As part of the response to Covid-19 we will look at potential changes to 

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16 avr 2020 · coronavirus-disrupted flights for later dates During the coronavirus pandemic we are providing customers with the options of changing


22 mai 2020 · position possible to resume flying and be a successful survivor once the Covid- 19 14 November 2008 until the Covid-19 outbreak, including almost £1 8 billion of dividends Details of the fleet and changes to it have


22 avr 2020 · the Covid-19 started to impact the global airline industry mainly from mid March with the closed its sky to flights from the EU from March 13 for 30 days ▻ Several EU easyJet decision to ground almost all a/c (24/03) follows The game changer will be the vaccine which could lead us waiting 12


How has Covid-19 socio-economically impacted the aviation and aerospace sector Such rapid changes have meant that 25,000 workers have been put at risk of long-haul flights once they are occurring more frequently, to compensate for the months of the responsible organisations being British Airways and EasyJet

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1. Why have I received a Notice of General Meeting?

FMÓMQ@O HMMSHÓŃ ¯FH') of the Company, has been convened for Friday, 22 May 2020 at

10.00 a.m. Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou ¯2G('), through nominee accounts controlled by

M@RXFQNTO GNOCHÓŃR +HLHSMC ¯M@RXFQNTO') has proposed resolutions to remove as directors of the Company:

The Chairman, John Barton

The Chief Executive Officer, Johan Lundgren

The Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Findlay

Independent Non-Executive Director, Andreas Bierwirth The Board strongly recommends that you should VOTE AGAINST all resolutions. SHI has made clear that these resolutions are designed to force the Board to cancel its long-term aircraft supply contract with Airbus. The Board believes cancelling the contract is not in the best interests of the Company or shareholders as a whole.

2. Why does the Board recommend I vote on the proposed resolutions?

The Board of easyJet encourages all shareholders to VOTE AGAINST the proposed resolutions.

Board to terminate the Airbus Contract.

Retaining the Airbus Contract allows the Board to ensure that easyJet is in the best position possible to resume flying and be a successful survivor once the Covid-19 pandemic is over. The four directors who SHI proposes to remove from the Board, play a vital role in managing and navigating your Company, including through the unique challenges posed by Covid-19. Removing four key members of the Board at this critical and unprecedented time is not in the best interest of the Company or its shareholders as a whole and would be highly damaging to the Company and its stability.


successful strategy. That strategy has delivered >640% in Total Shareholder Returns from

14 November 2008 until the Covid-19 outbreak, including almost £1.8 billion of dividends

since 2012. 2 (S G@R underpinned a modernised, cost-effective and flexible fleet, ensuring that easyJet is able to maintain its low operating costs and maintain a competitive advantage in fleet costs. easyJet selected Airbus as a preferred supplier in 2002 when SHI was Chairman. Operating a single aircraft type increases efficiency and is common across low cost airlines. It lowers both operating costs and supports scale efficiencies in procurement. The scale of the easyJet fleet also ensures that an in-depth partnership is maintained with Airbus, supporting order book flexibility, analytical support capability and access to technical knowledge. The Airbus Contract does not contain a clause allowing the Company to walk away from

its obligations or substantially amend its terms in light of the Covid-19 crisis, which is

standard for long-term aircraft purchase agreements of this type. Accordingly, the Company has no right to unilaterally terminate the Airbus Contract because of the Covid-

19 crisis.

The current Airbus Contract provides significant flexibility to enable easyJet to adjust its delivery profile, fleet size and capex spend. See also question 11 below.

4. Are you paying £4.5 billion to Airbus?

We are not paying Airbus £4.5bn over four years, as SHI suggests. The £4.6bn capex figure per our November 2019 presentation included capitalised maintenance costs, IT & other capex, lease payments (which are accounted for as capex under IFRS16), in addition to the amounts due to Airbus for new aircraft, and therefore represents the totality of capex planned for the next three years. Over the next 18 months, our capex will be considerably lower than the figure SHI has claimed, and will be around £950m (c.£350m remaining in H2 and c.£600m next year). The majority of the anticipated capital expenditure in aggregate across H2 2020 (£350m), FY2021 (£600m) and FY2022 (£1bn) relates to aircraft lease payments treated as capital cashflows under IFRS16; maintenance expenditure on existing aircraft and other IT related capital expenditure. Maintenance expenditure will be subject to restart phasing, the level of FY21 and FY22 flying and the quantity of operating lease redeliveries to lessors. A significant level of IT expenditure in FY21 and FY22 is discretionary and also subject to further review.


investigations into bribery? In his letter of 29 March 2020, SHI asked questions about what the Company has done since news of the investigations by international authorities into allegations that Airbus paid bribes to obtain certain high value contracts was published. The Company is aware of these investigations but has not been involved in them nor is the Board aware that any allegation The Board firmly rejects any insinuation that easyJet was involved in any impropriety. The Board is clear that it has maintained the highest standards of governance and scrutiny in respect of its aircraft procurement processes. Given the significance of the potential transaction, easyJet appointed external independent accountants BDO to carry out an on- going review of the controls surrounding the fleet selection process which culminated in 3 the 2013 Airbus Contract. The audit report confirmed that robust procurement, project management and governance processes were in place and had been followed.

6. Have you disclosed all aircraft purchases?

The Board firmly rejects any insinuation that easyJet was involved in any impropriety or secret dealings with respect to aircraft orders. Details of the fleet and changes to it have been publicly disclosed in the Annual Report and by RNS over the years.

7. Would Airbus not be required to service your aircraft even if you tried to cancel?

The Airbus contract entitles easyJet to warranties, required maintenance, avionics and other technical support which are critical to the operation of the easyJet fleet. It would be very difficult (and may well be impossible) to replicate that support on the open market. Even if that support could be replicated on the open market it would likely be at much less competitive rates. Termination would thus lead to a material increase in the operating cost of the fleet.

8. Have you created a false market in the stock?

The Board is fully aware of its disclosure obligations. In common with many listed companies, we have not provided earnings guidance for the remainder of 2020, due to the uncertain outlook caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

9. Why is it important to vote against the resolutions?

Removing four key members of the Board at this critical and unprecedented time is not in the best interest of the Company or its shareholders as a whole and would be extremely damaging and destabilising at this time.

10. Why should I support these board members?

The four directors who SHI proposes to remove from the Board, play a vital role in managing and navigating your Company, including through the unique challenges posed by Covid-19 and each of them have contributed to the formulation and implementation of its successful strategy:

1. John Barton, Chairman, brings a wealth of Plc Board experience and valuable

commercial expertise to easyJet and is providing consistent and stable leadership to the Board during this unprecedented time. He has chaired major quoted companies for over

23 years and has deep financial expertise and a strong understanding of competitive

consumer markets. He has a detailed knowledge and understanding of the easyJet business.

2. Johan Lundgren, CEO, brings a proven track record in European travel with more than

providing strong leadership to the business at this critical time. He is strategic yet strategic initiatives since appointment: delivers value for shareholders 4 Shaping the new sustainability strategy, which led to easyJet becoming the world's first major airline to operate net-zero carbon flights by offsetting the carbon emissions from the fuel used on all flights

The relaunch of easyJet Holidays

Innovating through data, with initiatives that have already delivered exceptional results within yield management and signification elimination of costs by reducing disruption preserving liquidity, leading on liaising with regulators and government on cost alleviation measures, delivering a successful negotiation with Airbus on the deferral of aircraft over the financial years 2020, 2021 and 2022, and securing required liquidity via the CCFF, term loans and RCF and liaising with rating agencies and other counterparties to ensure relationships continue to be well managed. He brings strong leadership, strategic thinking and communication skills and an in depth expertise in the structure and operation of easyJet as an airline, and commercial finance, strategy, finance and markets expertise. He has also played a critical role in a number of the key initiatives since appointment, including: Relaunching a cost reduction programme in 2015 and delivering c£100m in savings per annum residual value risk management via a programme of Sale and Leasebacks

Securing an industry leading credit rating

Launching an EMTN programme and delivered three benchmark sized bonds successfully issued securing low-cost access to funds Providing strong, consistent and stabilising leadership during the transition between

CEOs in 2017

4. Andreas Bierwirth, Independent Non-Executive Director, brings a valuable European

perspective to Board deliberations. This has included providing clear insight to the process for establishing a EuroOM@Ó @HQOHÓM @R O@QS NN SGM "NLO@ÓX²R OQMO@Q@SHNÓR NNQ Brexit. During his time at Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines he helped to manage the airline through the difficult financial crisis. This first-hand experience is extremely valuable to the Board discussion as the Company navigates the current crisis. Andreas is an active commercial pilot, and has brought his considerable airline experience to his Chairmanship of the Safety Committee, helping navigate complex issues such as the drone incidents in 2019. He has also provided valuable support to management in relation to operations in France, Germany, Switzerland and other broader pan-European issues.

11. How is easyJet getting through the COVID-19 pandemic?

The impact of Covid-19 on the airline sector has been unprecedented. The focus of the Board remains protecting the interest of shareholders by ensuring the Company has sufficient liquidity and access to funding to manage through this crisis. This has put the Company on a sound footing to endure a prolonged grounding and wider disruption from many months.

Actions taken to date include:

Significantly reducing capex by circa £1bn over three years, including through the agreement reached with Airbus to defer the delivery of 24 aircraft (announced on 9 5 April 2020). The updated gross capex spending expectations are now c.£900m (c.£350m remaining in H2) in 2020, c.£600m in 2021, c.£1,000m in 2022 (subject to auditor review). The majority of the anticipated capital expenditure in aggregate across H2 2020, FY2021 and FY2022 relates to aircraft lease payments treated as capital cashflows under IFRS16; maintenance expenditure on existing aircraft and other IT related capital expenditure. Maintenance expenditure will be subject to restart phasing, the level of FY21 and FY22 flying and the quantity of operating lease redeliveries to lessors. A significant level of IT expenditure in FY21 and FY22 is discretionary and also subject to further review. Making significant progress in reducing operating cash spend weekly operating costs have been reduced to between £30-40m, more than two thirds lower than the average of £125m per week during normal flying, Boosting liquidity through securing a £600m loan on commercial terms through the

4*²R "NUHC Corporate Financing Facility and by drawing down an existing Revolving

Credit Facility ($500m)

We are in a position where we would remain cash positive even if we were grounded for 9 months. We would of course take other actions to extend our liquidity, if necessary.

12. How do I vote?

Given the UK Government's current guidance on social distancing and prohibition on non- essential travel and public gatherings, attendance or voting at the GM in person will not be possible. You are strongly encouraged to vote on all resolutions in advance of the GM by completing an online proxy appointment form appointing the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy and not to attend the meeting in person. Your vote is vital, and every vote will count. PLEASE VOTE ONLINE by Wednesday, 20 May

2020 at www.sharevote.co.uk, or by completing the enclosed Form of Proxy and returning

to Equiniti, or through the CREST voting service. Further details are set out in the Notice of General Meeting available at http://corporate.easyjet.com/investors.

When is the meeting?

22 May 2020

When does voting close?

20 May 2020 (10.00am)

12. Can I ask questions at the GM?

Shareholders can submit questions to the Board in advance of the GM by emailing cosec@easyjet.com by no later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 20 May 2020. Please include your full name and shareholder reference number. We will consider all questions received and, if appropriate, provide a written response or publish answers on our website at corporate.easyjet.com. The Board will keep the situation under review and may need to make further changes to the arrangements relating to the GM, including how it is conducted and how to ask questions, and shareholders should therefore continue to monitor the Company's website and announcements for any updates. 6

13. If I want more information, where can I find it?

Please visit other sections of the microsite.

The Investor Relations section of our website (http://corporate.easyjet.com/investors) contains the latest announcements from easyJet about our financial performance and strategy.

14 May 2020
