[PDF] [PDF] The Hermetic Λόγος: Reading the Corpus Hermeticum as a - edoc

are made up of the seventeen treatises of the Corpus Hermeticum, the Latin treatise ad Asclepius, the Armenian Definitions of Hermes Trismegistos to Asclepios 

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[PDF] The Hermetic Λόγος: Reading the Corpus Hermeticum as a - edoc

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[PDF] The Hermetic Λόγος: Reading the Corpus Hermeticum as a  - edoc The Hermetic DžǵǜǨǫ: Reading the Corpus Hermeticum as a Reflection of Graeco-Egyptian Mentality Dissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Ägyptologie

Von Gurgel Pereira, Ronaldo Guilherme

Von Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasilien

Basel 2010

Antrag von

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel Zignani (Referentin)

Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno (Korreferent)

Basel, den 26. Oktober 2010. Die Dekanin

Prof. Dr. Claudia Opitz-Belakhal


To my wife Daniela.



Egyptology is not a subject traditionally taught at university in Brazil. Only few choose to study ancient Egypt and even fewer are actual Egyptologists. In most cases the enthusiasts for the land of the Nile are Historians, Anthropologists, journalists and alike. I have to admit that I was no

Classical/Hellenistic period.

The project of writing my dissertation began to take shape in 2005. I had only recently received my M.A. and commenced correspondence with Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno from the University of Basle. He later kindly introduced me to my advisor, Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel, who reviewed my project and interviewed me in August 2006. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Bickel for the guidance and advice she offered me at meetings and debates. I regard it as one of my greatest achievements of the past four years to have been able to win her favour for my project. I also wish to thank all my lecturers, in particular the people who taught me some ancient Egyptian languages. I received help with Demotic from Dr. Andreas Stauder and Dr. Jullie Porchet-Stauder. Prof. PD Dr. Hanna Jenni introduced me to Classic Middle Egyptian, Prof. Dr.

Matthias Müller taught me Coptic.

Thanks are also due to Dr. Undine Stabrey for her encouragement and support. From Berlin I thank Dr. Sybille Schmidt, Dr. Barbara Janisch and my colleagues of the colloquium. I am also grateful to my colleagues, who patiently supported me and helped me prepare for seminars and presentations. Learning Egyptian languages and having Egyptological debates was a unique experience I will not forget. By the same token I will always remember the struggles I went through while I tried to come to terms with the German language (I look back with a mix of joy and shame to the days I spent trying to figure out when exactly the obsc 3 I owe a special debt to the canton of Basel Stadt that supported me with a full scholarship. This dissertation would have never existed had it not been for the Stipendienkommission für I would like to take this opportunity to express the admiration and respect I have come to feel for Switzerland and its people during the four years of my stay. I grew up in a country where

human life is considered to be of little worth. Dignity and justice are treated as mere

commodities. Having this background and viewing Switzerland with my Brazilian eyes makes me realise how hard it would be to explain the respect people here have for another to my compatriots. Thus I would like t broadened my horizon. Basle and Switzerland have certainly taught me much more than just Egyptology. I will always carry these experiences with me. A special thank you goes to my German teacher Hellena Brinner, her mother Ekaterina, priest Dimitrios Korakas and the Hellenic-Swiss community of the Greek Orthodox Church at Münchenstein. I thank them for their hospitality and friendship. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank my friends Sabine and Sandro de Gruttola, who kindly welcomed me in Switzerland and helped me at the beginning of my stay. My gratitude also goes to my father Airton Pereira, who financially supported me. Furthermore, I would like to thank my wife, Daniela Gurgel, for her unrelenting support and encouragement whenever I needed it. I would like to thank God for helping me with my dissertation. He guided my hands and heart until the very end of this chapter of my life.

O God, thy arm was here;

And not to us, but to thy arm alone,

Ascribe we all!

(William Shakespeare, Henry V, act 4, scene viii) 4 If you desire to read writings, come to me and I will have you taken to the place where that book is that Thoth wrote with his own hand, when he came down following the other gods. quotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34