[PDF] Amharic romanization table

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Amharic romanization table

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The Birth of an African Literary Language: The Case of Amharic

1993 · Cité 4 fois — Amharic Jack Fellman A mharic, the African-Semitic tongue that is the national language of Ethiopia 

Amharic - National African Language Resource Center

is a Semitic language that is also know as Amarigna and it is one of the major languages in

Romanization of Amharic - Govuk

N 1967 System Amharic is the principal and official language of Ethiopia The BGN/PCGN 

Jewish Amharic - Brill

2017 · Cité 2 fois — Amharic language use in Israel varies according to age group Roughly 40 of Ethiopian Jews living in 

AMHARIC - Boston University

is a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti It is the second-most spoken 


2013 · Cité 5 fois — Further, with respect to Amharic and potentially other Semitic languages, the finding in this study has 

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