[PDF] [PDF] SERMON TITLE: “The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy” SERMON TEXT

Princess Cruise ship, and I read an explanation that the word “quarantine” comes from the Latin Today, though, I want us to look at the deadly sin of Envy

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1 7 CAPITAL SINS Sin Virtue against which it sins Description 1 Pride Humility Envy Love “love is patient, love is kind ” Love actively seeks the good of others for their sake Envy Kindness means taking the tender approach , with 

[PDF] SERMON TITLE: “The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy” SERMON TEXT

Princess Cruise ship, and I read an explanation that the word “quarantine” comes from the Latin Today, though, I want us to look at the deadly sin of Envy

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8 sept 2013 · Theme: The Seven Deadly Sins “Envy” Sermon preached by Jeff might mean for you and spend some time in prayer either individually or 

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Proverbs 23:17, “Do not let your heart envy sinners, but live in the fear of the LORD always ” Definitions Old Testament: Qana': verb meaning to be envious or  

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at the head of the line) or deadly sins pride or arrogance, avarice or greed, envy or jeal- “A greedy man's eye is not satisfied with a portion, and mean

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the sequence of Tales in the Handlyng Synne, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Avarice, Gluttony Here then were four of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lechery, Avarice, Gluttony gested, however, by his casual citation of Augustine's definition of Envy 

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SERMON TITLE͗ ͞The Seǀen Deadly Sins͗ Enǀy"

SNRÓON TNXTJ GeneViV 37J1-11H 26-28




Pelcome Wo WUe VeaVon of LenW. I know. TUoVe of you wUo were Uere on AVU PeTneVTay anT

laVW SunTay are alreaTy on boarT. No ToubWH Vome of you Uave alreaTy been faiWUfully pracWicing your

LenWen TiVciplineV of giving up Vome kinT of favoriWe fooT or oWUer baT UabiW, or maybe you'ǀe been

anT WUougUWVH anT maybe you are juVW now realiYing WUaW we are no longer in OanVaV or Oregon or any

kinT of orTinary Wime. InVWeaTH we Uave enWereT WUaW VacreT VeaVon of VpiriWual preparaWion in wUicU

CUriVWianV Uave WraTiWionally repenWeT of WUeir VinV anT purifieT WUeir UearWV before WUe Volemn remembrance of Jesus' crucifidžion and the victorious celebration of his resurrection. In laWe JanuaryH wUen I began WUinking abouW a Vermon VerieV for LenWH we were juVW beginning Wo confirmeT caVeV anT 563 TeaT. AbouW WUaW Vame WimeH we learneT of WUe quaranWine on WUe MiamonT

Tay LenW are really quiWe Vimilar. One iV Wo limiW anT Ueal VickneVV. TUe oWUer iV Wo limiW anT Ueal Vin. AnT

WUaW fligUW of WUougUW leT me Wo plan this year's Lenten focus on ͞The Seǀen Deadly Sins." AV of yeVWerTay afWernoonH WUe coronaviruV UaT infecWeT over 105H000 people arounT WUe our VaniWaWion anT Uygiene efforWV Wo keep WUe CoronaviruV from VpreaTing WUrougU WUe communiWy. 2

WUere UaV been a claVVical liVW of VinV WUaW Uave been conViTereT eVpecially TeWrimenWal Wo our Uuman

well-being. In my abVenceH Rev. Olga HarT covereT Wwo of WUem wiWU you alreaTyJ GluWWony on AVU

PeTneVTay anT SloWU laVW SunTay. In upcoming serǀices, we'll coǀer WraWUH GreeTH LuVWH anT PriTe.

ToTayH WUougUH I wanW uV Wo look aW WUe TeaTly Vin of Nnvy. JacobH WUe faWUer of many VonVH loveT UiV 11th Von JoVepU more WUan any of WUe 10 olTer oneV. TUiV

Vpecial affecWion waV VymboliYeT by WUe cloWUing WUaW Jacob gave Wo JoVepU. Some of you may recall WUiV

garmenWH in WUe language of WUe olT Oing JameV WranVlaWionH aV a ͞coat of many colorV." Some of you may

be familiar wiWU iW from WUe muVical comeTy JoVepU anT WUe AmaYing TecUnicolor MreamcoaW. TUe New TUe exacW meaning of WUe Hebrew worTV iV uncerWainH buW WUe concern of WUe broWUerV iV very

clear. TUey felW like WUeir faWUer's love was unfairly focused on their young broWUer JoVepUH anT WUey

were TeVperaWely jealouV anT enviouV of UiV place in WUeir faWUer's heart. IW TiTn't help, of course, that

JoVepU rubbeT UiV aTvanWage in WUeir faceVH Welling WUem all abouW UiV TreamV of greaWneVV anT Uow Ue

envyH we'll keep our focus WUere. ŃorWunaWelyH JuTaU waV effecWive in prevenWing UiV ViblingV from murTering JoVepUH buW WUe

broWUerV TefiniWely leW WUeir envy run amok wUen WUey VolT JoVepU Wo WUe IVUmaeliWe WraTerV aV a Vlave.

minTV. Nnvy iVn't a vicWimleVV crime. Nnvy iV a Vin of WUe UearW WUaW UaV VeriouV conVequenceV Wo oWUerV

anT Wo ourVelveV. 3 Probably WUe VimpleVW way Wo WUink of envy iV ͞Do noW coveW." PUen ÓoVeV came Town from WUe

mounWain carrying WUe VWone WableWVH one of WUoVe Ten CommanTmenWV VaiTH ͞You VUall noW coveW your

neigUbor's house; you shall not covet your neigUbor's wife, or male or female VlaveH or oxH or TonkeyH or

anyWUing WUaW belongV Wo your neigUbor" (NxoTuV 20J17). Nnvy focuVeV on wUaW oWUer people Uave. You've probably heard the expressionV ͞green with ourVelveV VicklyH like green molT or green puVH wUen we VpenT Woo mucU of our energy looking aW wUaW

oWUer people Uave WUaW we Ton't. TUoVe Vickly compariVonV can be abouW maWerial WUingV like UouVeV anT

carV anT boaWV. Or WUoVe unUealWUy faVcinaWionV can be abouW oWUer people's inUerenW WalenWVH WUeir powerH or WUeir acceVV Wo opporWuniWieV WUaW we are lacking. I'm not saying that we're wrong to wanW gooT WUingV for ourVelveV anT our familieV. IW's not wrong Wo wanW Wo Uave a TecenW UomeH qualiWy relaWionVUipVH a reVpecWable jobH anT Vome UealWUy

VUoulT Uave.

PUaW's wrong with envy is when we wanW WUingV for WUe wrong reaVonV or in WUe wrong wayV. If

envy iV TiVWorWing our viVionH we'll always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Pe'll

alwayV WUink WUaW WUe Teck iV VWackeT againVW uV. Pe'll always think that oWUer people came by WUeir

aVVeWV eaVilyH wUile we alone Uave Wo VWruggle conVWanWly. I'm not only talking about low-income people comparing WUemVelveV Wo UigU-income people

wUo UaV juVW a liWWle bigger UouVeH a liWWle newer carH a liWWle more-faVUionable warTrobeH anT a few leVV

wrinkleV anT rollV in WUeir boWoxeT anT cool-VculpWeT boTy. TUe Vin of envy UaV WUe power Wo make uV


VpiriWually Vick by cauVing uV exWra VWreVVH by TirecWing our focuV anT prioriWieV Wo maWWerV WUaW aren't

beneficialH anT by Wrapping uV in a never-enTing cycle of VpenTing money anT energy WUaW we Ton't have

on WUingV we Ton't need Wo impreVV people wUo don't even care. JuVW recenWly I've learned about a thing called ͞FOMO." Have you UearT of WUaW? TUe acronym

ŃOÓO VWanTV for Ńear of ÓiVVing OuW. PVycUological reVearcUerV Uave TiVcovereT WUaW even wUen

people are Toing VomeWUing really greaW like vacaWioning in Hawaii or on a priVWine Caribbean beacUH WUey

migUW noW enjoy iW very mucU if WUey VimulWaneouVly finT ouW WUaW WUeir family or frienTV back Uome are

geWWing WogeWUer for a barbeque. Nven wUen we are VpenTing a loW of money Wo To VomeWUing we WUink

will make uV feel really gooT abouW ourVelveVH our VenVe of well-being can be TeVWroyeT by our envy of

wUaW oWUer people are Toing anT Uow we migUW be miVVing ouW. TUe WruWU abouW envy iV WUaW iW can't cure the deficit we perceive beWween uV anT oWUerV. Nvery Wime we geW wUere we WUink we neeT Wo beH WUere will be VomeWUing elVe WUaW makeV uV feel like we're

beUinT or leVV WUan. TUere will alwayV be a new kinT of kiWcUen Técor or nexW generaWion I-pUone. Our

American conVumer culWure iV TeVigneT Wo promoWe anT feeT on our envy anxieWieV. ATverWiVing conVWanWly comeV aW uVH now TigiWally fine-WuneT Wo our moVW Vpecific inWereVWV anT WempWaWionV. VWreVV of envy UaV leT people Wo VomeWUing WUe GermanV call ScUaTenfreuTe, which means to rejoice wUen VomeWUing baT UappenV Wo Vomeone elVe. PUen we're caught in the envy trap and can't ever Veem Wo pull ourVelveV up UigU enougUH we geW a Vick pleaVure from Veeing oWUer people fall Town.

ATmiW iW. Pe all know wUaW WUaW feelV like. PUen we rejoice (VecreWly or oWUerwiVe) in oWUer people's

miVeryH WUaW's a symptom of envy's spiritual sickness. SomeWimeV WUaW VympWom iVn't merely a paVVive pleaVureH Uowever. SomeWimeV we allow our

Velling Uim off Wo WUe Vlave WraTerV. PerUapV we To a beWWer job of TiVguiVing our enviouV acWiviWy WUan


WUey TiT. PerUapV we Well oWUerV anT ourVelveV WUaW we are merely proWecWing ourVelveV or our family

VomeUow feel VuperiorH or aW leaVW leVV inferior.

SoH if we are afflicWeT by WUiV VpiriWual VickneVV of envyH wUaW can we To abouW iW? IV WUere a way

Wo keep iW from killing uV? IV WUere a vaccine or WreaWmenW? PUaW's the cure? Here are Vome iTeaV WUaW

migUW Uelp. Mo wUaW you can Wo limiW your negaWive Velf-compariVonV wiWU oWUer people. You really Ton't

Uave Wo live on Ńacebook or InVWagram. If all WUoVe Uappy picWureV of your co-worker's world travels or

your ViVWer's VucceVVful granTcUilTren cauVe you painH WUen limiW WUe Wime you VpenT looking aW all WUaW.

InVWeaTH puW yourVelf Wo Toing gooT Wo Uelp Vomeone wUo iV in worVe VWraiWV WUan you are.

VolunWeer wiWU WUe poor aW WUe LanWern HouVe or CaWUolic CommuniWy ServiceV. VolunWeer wiWU WUe Tying

WUrougU HoVpice. VolunWeer wiWU WUe lonely by viViWing Vome VUuW-inV. VolunWeer in a VcUool Wo Uelp

Vome kiTV learn Uow Wo reaT anT make a beWWer fuWure for WUemVelveV. If worry of VpreaTing WUe coronaviruV prevenWV uV from being able Wo volunWeer ouW in WUe communiWyH WUere are VWill poViWive WUingV we can ToH even aW Uome by ourVelveV. Pe coulT To Vome

Vpring cleaning or painW a room WUaW's long been neglected. SoonH we'll be able to plant some garden

VeeTV anT flowerV ouW in WUe yarT. OrH we coulT reaT a book Wo learn VomeWUing new. All WUeVe Velf-

improvemenWV will Uelp bolVWer our VenVe of well-being. Since WUe rooW of envy iV eVVenWially feeling Vorry for ourVelveVH WUen anoWUer gooT remeTy iV counWing our bleVVingV. PUen we WUink of all WUe amaYing WalenWVH opporWuniWieVH gooT luckH anT 6

amaYing love overcomeV a mulWiWuTe of WroubleV. TUrougU WUe increTible mercy of CUriVWH we know WUaW

we can be forgiven anT cleanVeT of WUe evilV of envy.


Narlier in WUe VerviceH we reaT a uniVon prayer. I'd like us to read it together again now. GraciouV GoTH make me VenViWive Wo all WUe eviTenceV of your kinT gooTneVV anT merciful bleVVingV in my life;

Vo WUaWH WruVWing in youH

I may feel free Wo live inWenVelyH purpoVefullyH anT Uappily WUe unique anT valuable life WUaW you Uave given me. Amen. Pe Ton't have to compare ourselves to anyone elVe. GoT UaV maTe eacU one of uV unique anT

valuable. Pe are loveT anT forgiven. AnT WUaW realiWy iV WUe meTicine WUaW will Ueal uV from WUe TeaTly

Vin of envy.
