[PDF] [PDF] CVs and Cover Letters - Harvard Web Publishing - Harvard University

permission of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts Sciences Office of Career Services Unlike a resume, there is no page limit, but most graduate students' CVs are two to Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University

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Harvard University • Harvard College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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Telephone: (617) 495-2595 • www.ocs.fas.harvard.edu

GSAS: CVs and Cover Letters

CVs and

Cover Letters

GSAS: Graduate Student Informationwww.ocs.fas.harvard.edu

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O?ce of Career Services

Harvard University

Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone: (617) 495-2595

www.ocs.fas.harvard.edu Every graduate student needs a curriculum vitae, or CV Your 1V represents your accomplishments and experience as an academic and helps to establish your

professional image• Well before you apply for faculty positionst you will use your 1V to apply for

fellowships and grantst to accompany submissions for publications or conference paperst when being

considered for leadership roles or consulting projectst and more• 1V"s are also used when applying for

some positions outside academiat such as in think tanks or research institutest or for research positions in industry•

As you progress through graduate

school, you will, of course, add to your CV, but the basic areas to include are your contact information, education, research experience, teaching experience, publications,

presentations, honors and awards, and contact information for your references, or those people willing to

speak or write on your behalf. Some formatting pointers:

ƒThere is no single best format• Refer to samples for ideast but craft your 1V to best reflect you

and your unique accomplishments•

ƒUnlike a resumet there is no page limitt but most graduate students" 1Vs are two to five pages in

length• Your 1V may get no more than thirty seconds of the reader"s attentiont so ensure the most important information stands out• 7eep it concise and relevantH ƒ2e strategic in how you order and entitle your categories• The most important information should be on the first page•

Within each categoryt

list items in reverse chronological order•

1ategory headings influence how readers perceive you• Tor examplet the same experience could

belong in a category entitled5 “Service to the Tieldt" “1onferences wrganizedt" or “Relevant .rofessional 8xperience•"

ƒUse active verbs and sentence fragments nnot full sentencesi to describe your experiences• 0void

pronouns ne•g• (t meit and minimize articles nat andt thei• Use a level of jargon most appropriate

for your audience• 7eep locationst dates and less important information on the right side of the

page - the left side should have important details like universityt degreet job titlet etc• ƒStick to a common fontt such as Times -ew Romant using a font size of lo to lg point• Use highlighting judiciouslyt favoring boldt 0)) 10.St and white space to create a crisp professional style• 0void text boxest underliningt and shading4 italics may be used in moderation• 9argins should be equal on all four sidest and be ¾ to l inch in size• ƒ0nd most importantly...Follow the conventions of your fieldO 3ifferent academic disciplines

have different standards and expectationst especially in the order of categories• 1heck out 1Vs

from recent graduates of your departmentt and others in your fieldt to ensure you are following your field"s norms• Tai lor your CV to the position, purpose, or audience

“Why should we select YwU,"

- That is the question on the top of your reader"s mindt so craft your 1V

to convince the reader that you have the skillst experiencet and knowledge they seek• 3epending on the

purposet you might place more or less emphasis on your teaching experiencet for example• 0lsot keep an archival 1V nfor your eyes onlyHi that lists all the details of everything you"ve done - tailor from there

Getting Started with CVs and Cover Letters

Ach ievement Administrative Communication Creative Financial accelerated arranged addressed authored allocated accomplished channeled arbitrated changed analyzed achieved charted articulated conceived appraised activated collated briefed constructed audited attained collected communicated created balanced competed coordinated conducted developed budgeted earned dispensed contacted devised calculated effected distributed conveyed drafted compiled elicited established corresponded established computed executed executed delivered formulated controlled exercised implemented demonstrated founded disbursed expanded installed edited illustrated estimated expedited maintained entertained influenced figured generated offered interviewed introduced financed improved ordered informed invented forecasted increased outlined lectured launched projected insured performed mediated originated reconciled marketed prepared negotiated revamped tabulated mastered processed persuaded revised obtained provided presented staged Technical produced purchased promoted updated adapted reduced recorded proposed visualized adjusted reorganized rendered publicized applied reproduced served reported built restructured serviced represented computed simplified sourced responded Research/Analytical constructed sold supported suggested assessed designed solicited translated compared diagnosed streamlined Lead/Manage wrote critiqued engineered succeeded acquired defined experimented upgraded administered derived maintained approved Plan/Organize detected modified assigned allocated determined operated Help/Teach chaired anticipated discovered prescribed advised contracted arranged evaluated programmed clarified controlled catalogued examined proved coached decided categorized explored reinforced collaborated delegated classified found repaired consulted directed collected inspected resolved counseled enlisted consolidated interpreted restored educated governed convened investigated solved explained handled edited located specified facilitated initiated eliminated measured systematized guided instilled employed observed tested helped instituted gathered predicted united instructed managed grouped rated modeled motivated monitored recommended participated presided organized researched taught recruited planned reviewed trained retained regulated searched tutored reviewed scheduled studied selected structured surveyed shaped summarized verified supervised targeted Describe Your Experiences with these Action Verbs


clhyAfhyoooo bgoldfarbMfas•harvard•edu http5CCscholar•harvard•eduCbgoldfarb

EDUCATION Harvard Universityt 1ambridget 90

PhD t 0rchitecturet )andscape 0rchitecturet and Urban .lanningt expected 9ay gol•

3issertation5 “0 1ity Withi

n a 1ity5 1ommunity 3evelopment and the Struggle wver :arlemt lAclygool•"

1ommittee5 .rofs• .riya 7apoort 0lexi 7ovalevt Sunan 3emirt and )eVaughn 7ing• Harvard Colleget 1ambridget 90

BAt summa cum laudet Visual and 8nvironmental Studiest .hi 2eta 7appat 6une go•

Thesis5 “)

earning from )aurel :omes5 The Social Role of 0rchitectural 9eaning in 0merican .ublic :ousing•"

0dvisor5 .rofessor

8ricka .opescu•


Socialt culturalt and p

olitical history of the 0merican built environment

Twentiethycentury United States history

:istory and theory of modern architecture and planning :istory of 0fricany0merican urbanization

Race and the design professions

0merican urban policy

Social movements

1ommunityybased organizations

PUBLICATIONS “poverning at the Tipping .oint5 8conomic 3evelopment" nwith 9ichael w"-eilit John Lindsay"s New Yorkt ed•

1arla 2ianchi n6ohns :opkins University .ressit under contract•

“.aul Rudolph and the Rise and Tall of Urban Renewal" nwith .riya 7apoorit edited volume on architect .aul

Rudolpht ed• 2irgit Rasmussen nYale University .ressit forthcoming•

“.lanning"s 8nd, Urban Renewal in -ew :avent the Yale School of 0rt and 0rchitecturet and the Tall of the

-ew 3eal Spatial wrdert" Journal of Urban History Ght no• G n9ay goli5 uooyugg• FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS Warren 1enter 3issertation 1ompletion Tellowshipt :arvard Universityt gol praduate School of 0rts and Sciences 9eritCTermyTime Tellowshipt :arvard

Universityt gol

Rockefeller 0rchive 1enter prantyiny0idt golyl

Taubman 1enter for State )ocal povernment Research 0wardt :arvard 7ennedy Schoolt golylt golyl

1enter for 0merican .olitical Studies praduate Research Seed prantt :arvard Universityt gol

Warren 1enter for Studies in 0merican :istory 3issertation Research prantt :arvard Universityt gol Real 8state 0cademic (nitiative Research prantt :arvard Universityt golyl praduate Student 1ouncil Summer Research prantt :arvard Universityt gol Warren 1enter for Studies in 0merican :istory Summer Research prantt :arvard Universityt gol

:arvard University 1ertificate of 3istinction in Teaching nfor “3esigning the 0merican 1ity"it gol

Scholars whose work relates to art, music, architecture, etc. often have experience with museum exhibitions, musical

performances, etc. Benjamin, as a graduate student studying the built environment, included exhibitions that he

contributed to, as well as professional architectural and curatorial experience, as they are relevant to his field.

Benjamin presents his research and teaching interests in one category. He could have chosen to use two categories:

RESEARCH INTERESTS, listing specific areas of his scholarly expertise, and TEACHING INTERESTS, with relevant

general topics, to show the breadth of teaching areas. Benjamin landed a tenure-track position at a research university. ,GHQWLI\LQJLQIRUPDWLRQKDVEHHQFKDQJHG

Jefferson Scholars Graduate Fellowship, University of Virginia RdeclinedS, 201

Rudolf Arnheim Prize Rfor senior thesisS, Dept of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University, 200

Creativity Foundation Legacy Prize, 200 PRESENTATIONS “New Pragmatism Uptown," Urban History Association Sixth Biennial

Conference, New York, New York,

October 201.

“The Urban Homestead in the Age of Fiscal Crisis: Self-Help Housing in Harlem, 1974-82," Fourteenth

National Conference on Planning History, Society for American City and Regional Planning History,

Baltimore, Maryland, November 201.

“Constructing Community Control: African American Design Activism in Harlem, c. 1968," 201 Buell Dissertation Colloquium, Columbia University, New York, April 201.

“‘Building Unity to Control the Turf": African American Design Activism, c. 1968," Urban History

Association Fifth Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 201.

“Restricting Greenwood: Urban Planning,

Race, and Space in Wyoming, Ohio, 1860-1950," The 3iverse Suburb5 :istoryt .oliticst and .rospects RconferenceS, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, October 201.

“Urban Planning in the Aftermath of Newark, New JerseyAs ‘Long Hot Summer" of 1967," New England

Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians Graduate Student Symposium, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 201.

“Paul Rudolph and the Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal" Rwith Priya KapoorS, Reassessing Rudolph5 0rchitecture

and Reputation RsymposiumS, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, January 201.


Historical Consultant, “Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream," Museum of Modern Art, New York,

FebruaryAugust 201. Research Assistant, “Beyond the Harvard Box: The Early Works of Edward L. Barnes, Ulrich Franzen,

John Johansen, Victor Lundy, I.M. Pei, and Paul Rudolph,"

Harvard Graduate School of Design, Fall 201.


, “VAC BOS: The Carpenter Center and Le Corbusier"s Synthesis of the Arts" RCarpenter Center for the Visual Arts 40 th Anniversary ExhibitionS, Harvard University, March and April 20 0. TEACHING AND ADVISING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate Senior Thesis Advisor, Harvard College

Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, 201

Department of History, 201

Head Teaching Fellow

Harvard University

History and Theory of Urban Interventions RProfessor Priya KapoorS, Spring 201 Critical Memory and the Experience of History RProfs. Alexi Kovalev and LeVaughn KingS, Fall 201 Conservation Canons and Institutions RProfs. Alexi Kovalev and LeVaughn KingS, Fall 201

Teaching Fellow

, Harvard University Ecology as Urbanism; Urbanism as Ecology RProfessor Priya KapoorS, Spring 201 Discourses and Practices of Postwar Architecture RProfessor Adam MazurS, Fall 201 Buildings, Texts, and Contexts: 1970 to the Present RProfessor Hinata S atoS, Fall 201



, Harvard University Graduate School of Design

Master of Urban Planning/Master of Architecture in Urban Design Thesis Reviews, 201 ,GHQWLI\LQJLQIRUPDWLRQKDVEHHQFKDQJHG, pg. 2

Master of Landscape Architecture Thesis Reviews, 201, 201

Master of Architecture First Year Final Review, Spring 201 R8S80R1: 8X.8R(8-18 .rofessor )eVaughn 7ing, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Research 0ssistant, May 201 to September 201

Performed archival resear

ch on public official Edward J. Logue for forthcoming book..rofessor 0lexi 7ovalev, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Research 0ssistant, September 200 to June 200

Literature review for There Goes the Neighborhood RKnopf, 201S.

010389(1 S8RV(18

Member, Harvard Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility, Spring 201
Member, Harvard Common Spaces Steering Committee, May 201 to February 201 Member, Harvard Common Spaces Lead Consultant Selection Subcommittee, August to September 201

.RwT8SS(w-0) 8X.8R(8-18 wffice of the 1hief 0rchitectt U•S• peneral Services 0dministration, Washington,

DC 1oordinatort Tirst (mpressions .rogram, December 20 to August 201

Managed nationwide progr

am overseeing renovations of interior and exterior public spaces in existing federal buildings, courthouses, and border stations.quotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30