[PDF] Mimèsis et catharsis - Érudit

views on contemporary theatre Their definitions are analyzed in the light of mimesis and catharsis, which are not taken here as separate notions, but rather as a 

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Lorsque, dans le chapitre 6, Aristote définit la tragédie, il assigne au théâtre un but, qui est la catharsis : «et, en repré- sentant la pitié et la frayeur, elle réalise une 

Mimèsis et catharsis - Érudit

views on contemporary theatre Their definitions are analyzed in the light of mimesis and catharsis, which are not taken here as separate notions, but rather as a 

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Tous droits r€serv€s Soci€t€ de philosophie du Qu€bec, 1988 This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of 'rudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. This article is disseminated and preserved by 'rudit. 'rudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Universit€ de Montr€al, promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/Document generated on 07/05/2023 10:45 p.m.Philosophiques

Alain Bernard Marchand

Volume 15, Number 1, printemps 1988URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/027038arDOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/027038arSee table of contentsPublisher(s)Soci€t€ de philosophie du Qu€becISSN0316-2923 (print)1492-1391 (digital)Explore this journalCite this article

d€n€gation du r€el chez Aristote, Artaud et Brecht.


15 (1),

108...127. https://doi.org/10.7202/027038ar

Article abstract

The author proposes a review of three major theoreticians whose works are considered to be the corner-stones of theatrical studies : Aristotle, whose Poetics, the first reflexion on Occidental theatre, also serve as the foundation of the aesthetics of drama, and, closer to us, Antonin Artaud and Bertolt Brecht who, although unanimous in rejecting the Aristotelian theory, have quite different views on contemporary theatre. Their definitions are analyzed in the light of mimesis and catharsis, which are not taken here as separate notions, but rather as a mean of grasping the fluctuant outlines of the concept of "reality", be it Aristotle's obedience to a strict narrative structure, Artaud's denial of culture or Brecht's political commitment. PHILOSOPHIQUES, Vol. XV5 Numéro 1, Printemps 1988














ARTAU D E T BRECH T pa r Alai n






L a présent e


e propos e un e relectur e d e troi s théoricien s dont les investigations continuent à servir de pierre angulaire à la théâtrologi e celle s d'Aristot e don t La


outr e l e fai t qu'ell e consacr e l e théâtr e occidental ser t d e fondemen t l'esthétiqu e dramatique et celles, plus récentes, d'Antonin Artaud et de Bertolt Brech t qui bie n qu'il s aien t réfut radicalemen t le s théorie s aristoté liciennes n e s e son t pa s moin s distingué s l'u n d e l'autr e pou r donne r le s deu x grande s voie s qu e l'o n sai t l a réflexio n dramaturgiqu e contemporaine. Ces spéculations seront envisagées sous l'éclairage décisi f d e la mimèsi s e t d e la catharsi s qu i n e s e posen t pa s che z eu x comm e de s notion s distinctes mai s comm e l'aver s e t l'enver s d'u n même travail sur un réel à chaque fois redéfini, qu'il s'agisse de l'obéissanc e aristotélicienn e un e strict e logiqu e narrative d e l'utopiqu e déculturatio n artaudienn e o u d e l'engagemen t brechtien


Th e autho r propose s a revie w o f thre e majo r theoretician s whose works are considered to be the corner-stones of theatrical studie s


whos e


th e firs t reflexio n o n


l theatre als o serv e a s th e foundatio n o f th e aesthetic s o f drama and close r t o us


n Artau d an d


t Brech t who althoug h unanimous in rejecting the Aristotelian theory, have quite different view s o n contemporar y theatre Thei r definition s ar e analyze d i n th e ligh t o f mimesi s an d catharsis whic h ar e no t take n her e a s separat e notions, but rather as a mean of grasping the fluctuant outlines of the concep t o f "reality" b e i tquotesdbs_dbs16.pdfusesText_22