[PDF] Conception et interprétation en géographie humaine - Érudit

CONCEPTION ET INTERPRETATION EN GEOGRAPHIE HUMAINE 7 chose de La position même de la Géographie humaine est équivoque, certains

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Conception et interprétation en géographie humaine - Érudit

CONCEPTION ET INTERPRETATION EN GEOGRAPHIE HUMAINE 7 chose de La position même de la Géographie humaine est équivoque, certains


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Tous droits r€serv€s Cahiers de g€ographie du Qu€bec, 1961 Ce document est prot€g€ par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. l'Universit€ de Montr€al, l'Universit€ Laval et l'Universit€ du Qu€bec " Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche.

https://www.erudit.org/fr/Document g€n€r€ le 5 juil. 2023 22:48Cahiers de g€ographie du Qu€becConception et interpr€tation en g€ographie humaineOrlando Ribeiro

Ribeiro, O. (1961). Conception et interpr€tation en g€ographie humaine.

Cahiers de g€ographie du Qu€bec

6 (11), 5...37. https://doi.org/10.7202/020343ar

R€sum€ de l'article

Human geography is torn between two tendencies : the ecological tendency examines man in interrelation with the natural environment, the chorological tendency places the accent on the changes which man bas produced in the landscape. Man, in this sense, is a genuine geographic factor. There are two extreme positions : one tends to point out the role of determinism of the natural environment, the other seeks † the key to geographical explanation ‡ in the culture of man. By means of examples taken in part from his own research, the author, while according an essential place to culture in geographical interpretation, draws attention to the fact that culture itself is explained in large part by its genetic environment. For example, one could not imagine the peasant cultures of l'Asie verte and the ideal of nomad and urban life of l'Asie marked by the imprint of Islam being interchanged, the one for the other. The expansion of peoples of western civilization, first of all, and then the ubiquity of industrial civilization, appear to contradict an ecological conception of the relation between man and environment. But the industrial revolution it self was favored by a combination of conditions that man was able to exploit and that explains the rise of western and central Europe, just as the lack of the conditions explains the technological immobility of the


Research into ecological correlations is not the essence of human geography. Human geography ought to remain † the description and interpretation ‡of the human elements of the landscape, of regions, and of continents. Its fundamental method remains observation. Spiritual factor s, biological factors, superior forms of economic life, and social structures are not of interest to human geography except in so far as they are evident in the physiognomy of areas. The interpretation, with delicate gradations as in all the social sciences, ought to be based simultaneously on the † influences of the environment ‡and on the resources of the culture of a given people. It thereby reflects both determinism and the freedom of choice in all human behaviour.






E par




0 directeur du Centre d'Etudes géographiques, Université de Lisbonne, professeur invité, Institut de géographie, Université Laval, Québec.


T Human geography is torn between two tendencies the ecological tendency examines man in interrelalion with the natural environment, the chorological ten dency places the accent on the changes which man bas produced in the landscape. Man, in this sensé, is a genuine géographie factor. There are two extrême posi tions one tends to point out the rôle of determinis m of the natural environment, the other seeks the key to geographical explanation in the culture of man. By means of examples taken in part from his own research, the author, while according an essential place to culture in geographical interprétation, draws attention to the fact that culture itself is explained in large part by its genetic environment. For example, one could not imagine the peasant cultures of l'Asi e vert e and the idéal of nomad and urban life of l'Asi e fauv e marked by the imprint of Islam being interchanged, the one for the other. The expansion of peoples of western civilization, first of ail, and then the ubiquity of industriel civilization, appear to contradict an ecological conception of the relation between man and environment. But the industrial révolution itself was fa- vored by a combination of conditions that man was able to exploit and that explains the rise of western and central


just as the lack of the conditions explains the technological immobility of the



into ecological corrélations is not the essence of human geography. Human geography ought to remain the description and interprétation of the human


of the landscape, of régions, and of continents. Its fundamental method remains observation.


factor s, biological factors, superior forms of économie life, and social structures are not of interest to human geography except in so far as they are


in the physiognomy of areas. The interprétation, with délicate gradations as in ail the social sciences, ought to be based simultaneously on the in fluences of the environment and on the resources of the culture of a given people. It thereby reflects both determinism and the freedom of choice in ail human behaviour. I


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