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18 oct 2004 · Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 93 cal prey (e g , bats roosting in roof attics or tree- hollows during (BECHSTEIN, 1800) in a roof attic Chiro-

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18 oct 2004 · Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 93 cal prey (e g , bats roosting in roof attics or tree- hollows during (BECHSTEIN, 1800) in a roof attic Chiro-

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SHORT NOTEHERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005SHORT NOTE93 th e die t o f th e


n Snak e (se e i n


H e t al 198
3 an d VEIT H 1991)




O (1993 studie d th e foo d habit s o f 3 2 specimen s o f arborea l Aescu lapia n Snak e i n Italy an d di d no t find eithe r bird s o r egg s i n th e diet The y coul d no t answe r th e questio n whethe r thi s arborea l snak e eat s mor e bird s tha n d o terrestria l ones Suc h "flying foo d ca n onl y b e a n occasiona l sourc e fo r thi s opportunisti c specie s (cf BARU S OLIV A e t al 1992


E 1993)


on e ca n suppos e tha t sometime s i t ca n forag e als o non-typi ca l pre y (e.g. bat s roostin g i n roo f attic s o r tree-hollow s durin g summe r day s ca n pro vid e wel l concentrate d amount s o f food) Thi s hypothesi s ha s als o bee n corroborate d b y th e observatio n o f a n


n Snak e occurrin g unde r a nurser y colon y o f Lesse r


e Bat s


hipposideros (BECHSTEIN 1800
i n a roo f attic Chiro pterologist s caugh t th e snak e jus t creepin g alon g th e woo d fram e t o th e bat s (KOSEL J


R 2001)



n snake s d o no t hav e a significan t influenc e o n ba t populations


locally the y ma y b e specialize d fo r eatin g bats simila r t oquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23