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Appendix C: Express js 4 Cheat Sheet □ Configure Express js app settings such as the template engine and its files' extensions 5 Define middleware such  

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Expressjs 4 Cheat Sheet

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Appendix C: Express js 4 Cheatsheet The PDF version of the book is suitable for printing on US Letter paper because all links are in the footnotes

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Appendix C: Express js 4 Cheat Sheet □ Configure Express js app settings such as the template engine and its files' extensions 5 Define middleware such  

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dan www.allitebooks.com For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them. www.allitebooks.com iii

Contents at a Glance

About the Author ................................................................................................................


About the Technical Reviewers ........................................................................................xvii

Foreword ...........................................................................................................................xix

Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................xxi

Introduction .....................................................................................................................xxiii

Part I: Getting Started ...................................................................................1

Chapter 1: Starting with Express.js ...................................................................................3

Chapter 2: Hello World Example ......................................................................................15

Part II: Deep API Reference ........................................................................31

Chapter 3: Configuration, Settings, and Environments ....................................................33

Chapter 4: Working with Middleware ..............................................................................51

Chapter 5: Template Engines and Consolidate.js .............................................................75

Chapter 6: Parameters and Routing ................................................................................87

Chapter 7: Express.js Request Object ............................................................................103

Chapter 8: Express.js Response Object .........................................................................119

Chapter 9: Error Handling and Running an App .............................................................141www.allitebooks.com


iv Part III: Solving Common and Abstract Problems ....................................153

Chapter 10: Abstraction .................................................................................................155

Chapter 11: Database, Keys and Stream Tips ................................................................161

Chapter 12: Redis and Authentication Patterns ............................................................171

Chapter 13: Multithreading with Clusters .....................................................................177

Chapter 14: Applying Stylus, Less, and Sass .................................................................181

Chapter 15: Security Tips ..............................................................................................185

Chapter 16: Socket.IO and Express.js ............................................................................193

Chapter 17: Domain and Express.js ...............................................................................199

Chapter 18: Sails.js, DerbyJS, LoopBack, and Other Frameworks ................................205 Part IV: Tutorials and Examples ................................................................215

Chapter 19: Instagram Gallery ......................................................................................217

Chapter 20: Todo App ....................................................................................................223

Chapter 21: REST API .....................................................................................................249

Chapter 22: HackHall .....................................................................................................263

Appendix A: Related Reading and Resources ................................................................317

Appendix B: Migrating Express.js 3.x to 4.x: Middleware, Route, and

Other Changes ...............................................................................................................321

Appendix C: Express.js 4 Cheat Sheet ...........................................................................329

Appendix D: ExpressWorks ............................................................................................335

Index .................................................................................................................................339www.allitebooks.com



If you are considering whether or not to buy this book, this Introduction will help you to make sure it perfectly suits

your level of expertise and needs. If you bought this book already, then congratulations! You are now well prepared to

dig deeper into the most popular web framework for the fastest-growing platform.

?e demand for skills in Node.js and Express.js is on the verge of rapid growth as both startups and big

corporations are gradually becoming aware of the bene?ts of adopting Node.js. ?ere's always a gap between early

adopters of new technology and mainstream adoption, and mainstream adoption of Node.js is rapidly approaching.

For you, as a developer, that means right now is the best time to become pro?cient with Node.js. Your skills will be in

high demand!

Why This Book Was Written

I started writing about Express.js a few years ago when I wrote Express.js Guide. Self-published in 2013, it was one of

the ?rst books solely dedicated to Express.js, which is the most popular Node.js web framework yet (as of this writing,

December 2014). At the time I wrote Express.js Guide, the Express.js o?cial web site ( http://expressjs.com) o?ered

only bits of insights, and those were intended for advanced Node.js programmers. I had encountered many people -

including through the Hack Reactor program and in my Node.js classes at General Assembly and pariSOMA - who

were interested in a de?nitive manual, one that would cover how all the di?erent components of Express.js work

together in real life. ?e goal of Express.js Guide was to be that resource.

After Express.js Guide became the Amazon.com #1 Best Seller in its category, Apress approached me to write this

book to expand upon the material and subject it to formal review by professional technical editors. Pro Express.js is

much more than a revision or an update of Express.js Guide. It's a complete remake, with the addition of comments,

descriptions, examples, and extras. Pro Express.js has better-reviewed code and text, and up-to-date versions of the

libraries (e.g., Express.js v4.8.1).

Many things have changed between writing the two books. Node.js was forked at io.js. TJ Holowaychuk, the

creator of Express.js, stopped being actively involved with Node.js, and now StrongLoop ( http:/strongloop.com)

maintains the framework's repository. ?e development on Express.js is as rapid as ever. It's more stable and more

secure. And I see nothing but a brighter future for Express.js and Node.js!

Who Should Own This Book

?is book is intended for software engineers and web developers who are already ?uent in programming and front-

end JavaScript. To get the most bene?t from Pro Express.js, you should be familiar with basic Node.js concepts, such as

process and global, and should also know core modules, including stream, cluster, and bu?er.

If you're thinking about starting a Node.js project or rewriting an existing one, and your weapon of choice is

Express.js, this guide is for you! It will answer most of your "how" and "why" questions. www.allitebooks.com



What This Book Is

Pro Express.js is an exhaustive book on one particular library. Unlike Practical Node.js (Apress, 2014) which covered many

libraries, Pro Express.js is focused on the single module Express.js. Of course, where it's necessary to cover other related

libraries, such as middleware, the book touches on those as well, but not as extensively as on the framework itself.

Pro Express.js covers middleware, the command-line interface and sca?olding, rendering templates, extracting

params from dynamic URLs, parsing payloads and cookies, managing authentication with sessions, error handling,

and prepping apps for production.

Pro Express.js is organized into four distinct parts, the individual chapters of which are set forth in the Table of


1. Getting Started: A hands-on, quick-start walkthrough to give you a taste of the framework

2. Deep API Reference: Serves as an Express.js v4.8.1 API reference that you can read in full or

skim through as you need information about certain methods

3. Solving Common and Abstract Problems: The best practices for code organization and

patterns - topics that are good to know when working with Express.js

4. Tutorials and Examples: Tutorials (meticulously depicted coding exercises) and examples

(less detailed explanations of more complex apps) for the real world

What This Book Is Not

?is book is not an introduction to Node.js, nor is it a book that covers all aspects of building a modern-day web

application in great detail, such as WebSockets, databases, and (of course) front-end development. You won't ?nd

aids for learning programming or JavaScript fundamentals here, because this is not a beginners' book.

For an introduction to Node.js, MongoDB, and front-end development with Backbone.js, you might want to take

a look at my book Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development ( http://rapidprototypingwithjs.com) or consider participating in the Node Program ( http://nodeprogram.com) either in person or online.

In the real world - and especially in Node.js development, due to its modularized philosophy - we seldom use

just a single framework. In this book, however, I have tried to stick to Express.js and leave everything else out as much

as possible, without compromising the usefulness of the examples. ?erefore, I intentionally left out some important

chunks of web development - for example, databases, authentication, and testing. Although these elements are

present in tutorials and examples, they're not explained in detail. If you want to learn more about these topics,

Appendix A lists some relevant books that you may want to consult.


Pro Express.js is full of code snippets and run-ready examples. Some of the examples are step-by-step, meticulously

explained tutorials, which you are encouraged to reproduce on your own as you read the book. Others are abridged

code examples that serve the purpose of illustrating a particular point. ?e bulk of the source code is available in the GitHub repository at https://github.com/azat-co/proexpressjs

under folders ch1 through ch18 (corresponding to Chapters 1-18). ?e examples in Part 4 are more extensive and live

in their own repositories. ?ey can be found at these URLs:

Instagram Gallery:


Todo App: https://github.com/azat-co/todo-express

REST API: https://github.com/azat-co/rest-api-express HackHall: https://github.com/azat-co/hackhall www.allitebooks.com



?e provided examples were written and tested only with the given, speci?c versions of dependencies. Because

Node.js and its ecosystem of modules are being developed rapidly, please pay attention to whether new versions have

breaking changes. Here is the list of versions that I've used:

Express.js v4.8.1

Node.js v0.10.12

NPM v1.2.32

MongoDB v2.6.3

Redis v2.6.7

Stylus v0.47.3

Jade v1.5.0

Foreman v0.75.0

Google Chrome Version 39.0.2171.7

Errata and Contacts

If you get stuck on an exercise, make sure to check the GitHub repository. It might have more recent code and answers

in the GitHub Issues section ( https://github.com/azat-co/proexpressjs/issues). Also, by submitting your own issues, you can help make the experience better for your fellow programmers.

As for pesky typos, a few of which I'm sure will still remain no matter how many times I review the manuscript,

submit them to Apress (via the Errata tab at www.apress.com/9781484200384) or to GitHub Issues.

Finally, let's be friends on the Internet! It's lonely to code in isolation. Here are some of the ways to reach me as

well as ways to communicate with other developers:

Write an Amazon.com review:

http://amzn.to/1D6qiqk Join HackHall.com, a community for programmers, hackers, and developers

Tweet your Node.js questions on Twitter: @azat_co

Follow me on Facebook:

http://facebook.com/1640484994 Visit the Pro Express.js web site: http://proexpressjs.com

Visit my web site: http://azat.co

Star the Pro Express.js GitHub repository: https://github.com/azat-co/proexpressjs

E-mail me directly: hi@azat.co

Sign up for the blog's newsletter: http://webapplog.com

Now that you've reached the end of the Introduction, let everyone on Twitter know that you're about to start
