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thesis into a real book by encouraging me in subtle ways to think about some of my ferle, British Student Activism in the Long Sixties (London, 2012) ; on research on 1968, see The Committee's membership file reads like a list of the

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e Oxford Historical Monographs series publishes some of the best Oxford University doctoral theses on historical topics, especially those likely to engage the interest of a broad academic readership.


p. clavin l. goldman

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Politics of Security

British and West German Protest

Movements and the Early Cold War,




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© Holger Nehring 2013

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For my parents, and for Julia

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is book has been long in the making, and its journey has been a trans- national one. Accordingly, I have accrued many debts over the last few years. My study of the protests against nuclear weapons originates in an Oxford D.Phil. thesis. For making my move to the UK possible, I would like to thank the Rhodes Trust for its generous nancial, but also moral and communal support during my time at Oxford. University College provided an ideal community of scholars, and its Old Members Travel Fund very generously supported many of my research trips to German and British archives. My D.Phil. supervisors, Martin Ceadel and Hart- mut Pogge von Strandmann, provided intellectual support as the project was taking shape: I have learned a great deal from Martins intellectual rigour and quest for analytical precision, and Hartmut has been a true Doktorvater , whose tolerance and openness for approaches other than his own are a model for scholarship. Ross McKibbins support for my work, his unrivalled knowledge of Labour Party politics, and his keen interest in comparative perspectives have also been an important in uence. My D.Phil. examiners, Jane Caplan and Pat ane, pushed me to turn the thesis into a real book by encouraging me in subtle ways to think about some of my original assumptions about the protests. Patrick Major, who subsequently outed himself as one of the anonymous reviewers for the Press, also made a number of very astute suggestions that were very help- ful in improving the text. Over the course of the gestation of this book, I have learned a great deal by presenting my work to a number of audiences at conferences and workshops and by discussing aspects of it with a number of scholars and friends: Julia Angster, Stefan Berger, Paul Betts, Frank Biess, Tom Bucha- nan, Jodi Burkett, Kathleen Canning, Rita Chin, Eckart Conze, Belinda Geyer, Jose Harris, Sir Brian Harrison, Corinna Hauswedell, Matthew Hilton, Jon Lawrence, Josie McLellan, Klaus Naumann, Molly Nolan, Andrew Oppenheimer, Ari Reimann, Dieter Rucht, Tony Shaw, George Steinmetz, Peggy Somers, the late Klaus Tenfelde, Nick omas, Stephen Tuck, Till van Rahden, Bernd Weisbrod, Marilyn Young, and Oliver Zimmer. Lawrence Goldman and Mark Whittow, with their legendary hospitality and generosity, were ideal colleagues when I held a junior research fellowship at St Peters College. Carole Fink deserves special thanks because she made an extremely productive visit to the Mershon

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medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please

contact academic.permissions@oup.com viii Acknowledgements Center for International Security Studies possible. Likewise, I am extremely grateful to Bernd Greiner for arranging a stay at the Hamburg Institute of Social Research, the centre of cold war social history in


Geo Eley has taken an interest in my work from early on, and he has been a generous supporter and intellectual interlocutor ever since. For this"and for enabling me to spend two very productive months at the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Research at the University of Michigan during which I was able to put the nishing touches to this manuscript"I am very grateful. e Department of History at the University of She eld has provided an intellectual home since March 2006, and I would like to thank subsequent heads of Department, Bob Shoemaker, Mike Braddick, Bob Moore, and Mary Vincent for bearing with me during the long ges tation period of this book. My rst academic mentor, Anselm Doering- Manteu el, and the excellent atmosphere he created at his chair at Tübin- gen rst exposed me to the practice of contemporary history, and I am deeply grateful for the experience. I must also thank the editors of this series, in particular Joanna Innes, for their patience and support in seeing this manuscript to press, as well as the team at the Press"Stephanie Ireland, Cathryn Steele, Emma Barber, and my meticulous copy-editor Hilary Walford"for the excellent care they have provided. Historical research depends on the use of libraries and archives, and the commitment of the archivists, librarians, and their assistants: the Archiv der sozialen Demokratie, Bonn (and here especially Michael Schneider), Reinhart Schwarz and Wolfgang Hertle at the archives of the Hamburg Institute of Social Research, and Mieke Ijzermans at the archives of the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam deserve to be sin- gled out for special thanks for their generosity, as do the unrivalled librari- ans at the Bodleian Library. Some of the former activists generously gave up time to discuss their experiences with me: the late John Saville was espe- cially welcoming, and information from the late Dorothy ompson and from Peter Worsley was also very helpful. In Germany, Helga and Hans- Konrad Tempel and Klaus Vack in particular provided great assistance to a and Erdmann Linde also generously shared their experiences with me. Last, but not least, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the four people who have read all or some sections of the manuscript, some- times even in several incarnations: Christopher Dowe, Julia Moses, Nick Stargardt, and Benjamin Ziemann have generously shared their astute intellectual engagement and scholarly commitment with me ever since my days as a D.Phil. student. Julia has been with me almost as long as my work on this project and has reminded me of what really matters. Our dog Fritz contributed not only by giving some real bite to

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Acknowledgements ix

subsequent printouts of the typescript, but also by providing a loyal companion who listened to my rambling without caring to comment. My parents have been extremely supportive of my academic career, and they have taken a keen interest in my work that goes far beyond what I could expect. For all they have done, I could not be more grateful. is book is dedicated to them, and to Julia.

She eld

First Sunday of Advent

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List of Figures xii

Abbreviations xiii

Introduction 1

1. From War to Post-War: Security Lost and Found 16

2. Identifying the Protests and the Protest-Makers 63

3. Political Experiences and the Security of Community 87

4. Organizing the Extra-Parliamentary Politics of Security 127

6. Demonstrating Security 190

7. Openings: Politics, Culture, and Activism in the 1960s 230

8. Rede ning Solidarity 259

Epilogue: Rede ning Experiences 276

Conclusion 286

Bibliography 306

Index 335

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List of Figures

1 . Peace protest, demonstrating with cars 58

3. Aldermaston March, Easter 1958 193

4. CND symbol 209

5. Albert Schweitzer 210

Whilst every e ort has been made to secure permissions, we may have failed in a few cases to trace the copyright holders. We apologise for any apparent negli- gence. Should the copyright holders wish to contact us after publication, we would be happy to include an acknowledgement in subsequent reprints.

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AdsD Archiv der sozialen Demokratie, Bonn

AEU Amalgamated Engineering Union

APOA Archiv APO und soziale Bewegungen, Free University Archives, Berlin

BAK Bundesarchiv, Koblenz

BCPV British Council for Peace in Vietnam BJL Brynmor Jones Library, University of Hull BLPES British Library for Political and Economic Science, London

Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR

C100 Committee of 100

CARD Campaign against Racial Discrimination

CC Central Committee

CCND Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CDU Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (Christian Democratic Union)

CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

CPGB Communist Party of Great Britain

CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union

CSU Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (Christian Social Union)

DAC Direct Action Committee

DGB Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (German Trade Union Federation) DFG Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft (German Peace Society) EF European Federation against Nuclear Weapons

EKiD Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

EZA Evangelisches Zentralarchiv, Berlin

FDP Free Democratic Party

FDP Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party) FCGB Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (Free German Trade Union


FDJ Freie Deutsche Jugend (Free German Youth)

GDR German Democratic Republic

GVP Gesamtdeutsche Volkspartei (All-German Peoples Party) HIS Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

HStAD Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf

HWR Hans Werner Richter papers, Stiftung Archiv Akademie der

Künste, Berlin

ICDP International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace IdK Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner " Deutscher Zweig (War Resisters International, German branch)

IfZ Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich

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medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please

contact academic.permissions@oup.com xiv Abbreviations IISG Internationaal Instituut voor sociale Geschiedenis,


IMG International Marxist Group

KdA Kampagne Kampf dem Atomtod (Campaign against Atomic


KPD Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Communist Party of


LAB Landesarchiv Berlin

LHASC Labour History Archive and Study Centre, Manchester LSE London School of Economics and Political Science MALSU Manchester Archives and Local Studies Unitquotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13